Map Manager 2.0 Released  Digg  Google  Spurl  Blink  Furl  Y! MyWeb  

Map Manager 2.0 is a complete module for managing all your gaming maps, levels, demos, patches, ect. Here is a partial list of features:

New in 2.0:
+ Completely new layout
+ Additional fields for Author Name, Author Email, and Recommended Players
+ Complete Review System - Allows users to review each map only once. Administrator approval for each review helps curb spam and foul language
+ Thumbnail feature for gif images (Sorry, animated gif's probably won't work)
+ Allow/Disallow anonymous users from downloading - Increase your search engine traffic by allowing them to see your Map Manager module

You can view the Map Manager 2.0 demo HERE.

You can Download Map Manager 2.0 HERE (Registration NOT Required, but it would be appriciated if you do).

Please leave your feedback and suggestions in the Map Manager Forum on

Read More to see more featuresUser features
Easy navigation, with thumbnail images and page numbering
Submit maps with file uploading for images and files(administrator approved)
Rating system
Exclusive Group Download feature that allows users to download multiple maps in 1 file
Map Search Function
Additional Screenshots feature - lets admins and users add extra screenshots
Better thumbnail image quality

Administration features
Complete Administration Panel
Create unlimited map categories and sub-categories
Upload capability for category images, map images, and map files
Smart category/map editing has the option to delete the old image and/or file when updating
Smart category/map deleting has the option to delete the old image and/or file when deleting
Approve user submitted maps, with the ability copy external images/files to your own server
Automatic thumbnail generation on map add, update, and user submitted map approval

A special thanks goes out to Ghost and Colossus. Without you guys this module wouldn't have come as far as it has.

Article submitted by: Gotcha
Last Update: 04-22-2006
Category: PHP Nuke Modules

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