W32/Mydoom@MM worm/virus

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W32/Mydoom@MM is a HIGH-OUTBREAK mass-mailing worm flooding email servers worldwide. When run, the worm steals email addresses from the infected machine and also automatically generates random email addresses for propagation. This email generation engine is similar to technologies spammers use to generate addresses for spam email campaigns.

W32/Mydoom@MM generates emails with a spoofed "From: field", so incoming messages may appear to be from people you know. Furthermore, the subject line and message body are both randomly generated by the worm.

Caution-- An infected email........ Caution�An infected email can come from addresses you recognize and may contain the following information:

From: randomly generated (spoofed)
Subject: randomly generated
Body: randomly generated�examples:
The message cannot be represented in 7-bit ASCII encoding and has been sent as a binary attachment.

The message contains Unicode characters and has been sent as a binary attachment.
Mail transaction failed. Partial message is available.

Attachment: randomly generated The icon used by the file tries to make it appear as if the attachment is a text file. The attachment type varies [.exe, .pif, .cmd, .scr]�often arrives in a ZIP archive. (filesize = 22,528 bytes)
Aliases: Novarg, W32.Novarg.A@mm, Win32/Shimg, WORM_MIMAIL.R


Article submitted by: Taut
Last Update: 01-27-2004
Category: Community

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