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Released Athlantides Flash Manager Module for PHP-Nuke.
As a result of multiple help requestes from customers of nuke portals, the Athlantides ( and Sorrento Chat Portal ( Staff have developed a module that concurs to manage, in a simply way, all flash movies published on our own Nuke portals.
With the Athlantides Flash Manager Module users can, in few clicks, publish and modify every SWF movie used in the pages or blocks of the web site.
The management of the SWF files has not been never so simply!
The module concurs to have the complete control of ALL flash movies in one page only; it also concurs to modify them without change the php code of the pages or blocks in which they are shown.
Athlantides Flash Manager allows users to publish, in an easy way, the SWF files. The Module generates the php codes to insert in the pages.
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Article submitted by: CicoS
Last Update: 03-14-2007
Category: PHP Nuke Modules

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