New Wimpy RAVE-Video & Audio Player  Digg  Google  Spurl  Blink  Furl  Y! MyWeb  

Brand new from the makers of Wimpy MP3 player comes the RAVE. The rave isnt your ordinary audio/video player either.
Its the ONLY website Video & Audio player that can be fully and completely customised to match your website and be fully intergrated with it.
Any look, any style, any color or size- Now you can have a video player and an MP3 player in one, and have it customised the way you like.

Over at WimpySkins we have the FIRST completely customised skin available for the New RAVE player.

You can see a demo of the new player using the below link..............
WimpySkins RAVE Demo

Or if your already familiar with it you can purchase the new RAVE player using the following link........................
Click Here to Go Directly to Site and Purchase Your Copy of RAVE now!

Article submitted by: DAMIAN
Last Update: 09-10-2007
Category: Announcements

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