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nukelite writes Hello Nukers! The new future server for has been acquired. The system is a Dell Dual Xeon 2.4Ghz with 2GB Ram and two 73GB SCSI hard disks. Pretty nice system. At this time I'm configuring all the services and securing some stuff. will move to the new server, there will be a public test period before the final move in order to analyze the overall system load. The idea is to launch the new News module at the same time with a new PHP-Nuke image/design. This is a big investment for me, but I'm sure that you'll notice the change and will enjoy the new site. In a few days, I'll publish the url for tests purpouses. Thank you for all your help.

Article submitted by: Telli
Last Update: 03-09-2004
Category: PHP Nuke News

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