Fix For ThemeSave Function in PHP-Nuke 8.1

"FB writes:" Hi all after someone mentioned this to me and me taking a look at the code i noticed something was wrong.
To fix the problem with the themesave function that prevents users from changing themes in nuke 8.1 simply change one line of code.
Open modules/Your_Account/index.php
on line 1480 look for
$overwrite_theme != 1
To fix the problem with the themesave function that prevents users from changing themes in nuke 8.1 simply change one line of code.
Open modules/Your_Account/index.php
on line 1480 look for
$overwrite_theme != 1
(note this line is longer)
change to
$overwrite_theme != 0
and all will be well and users can now change the theme on your site.
Article submitted by: Telli
Last Update: 01-26-2008
Category: PHP Nuke Themes
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