Modules Testing & translators required  Digg  Google  Spurl  Blink  Furl  Y! MyWeb  

We now urgently require some people to test and translate for some various modules which we are due to release shortly. The modules include Nukequiz version 3.0.0, Nukedownloads which is a revamped version of the NSN downloads module, Nukedatabase tools, which is a simple version to export database tables and save them individually or to backup your sites entire database, but through admin rather than phpmyadmin.

all these modules will be released shortly and we are working on the online help module, that will be avaibale for those having problems with installation and various questions related to each.

Visit us @ kissoftware

Article submitted by: Lippylion
Last Update: 02-20-2008
Category: PHP Nuke Modules

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