BBtoNuke 2.0.23 Full Package  Digg  Google  Spurl  Blink  Furl  Y! MyWeb  

phpBB 2.0.23 port for PHP-Nuke, this package includes all BBtoNuke files plus an upgrade file that will update your Forum database tables regardless of what version you are currently running. For the time being this upgrade file can handle and update BBtoNuke db tables ranging from 2.0.06 to 2.0.22, all you need to do is upload all files keeping the structure as packed (modules to modules, db to db, etc.) and run the included bbupgrade.php file, this file will detect your current BBtoNuke version and update the tables accordingly. If your version is older than those covered or if you already are up to date nothing will be changed and you will be notified. Read on...

IMPORTANT NOTE! You should not use this package if you have modified in any way your BBtoNuke files with mods of any kind as these changes will be dropped once you upload these files.

In essence before doing anything: Make a backup of your current files and database tables so that you can restore your site to its previous state in case anything goes wrong, this is a very important step you should always do whenever adding to or upgrading anything on your website. Also take into consideration that templates also require editing, double check with the author of your current template to see if they have released an updated copy that works with BBtoNuke 2.0.23

Available Packages:
For Core PHP-Nuke 7.X
For PHP-Nuke 7.X with Nuke Patched
For Core PHP-Nuke 8.X

Article submitted by: Chatserv
Last Update: 03-10-2008
Category: PHP Nuke Modules

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