The Codezwiz Graphics team is proud to announce the official opening of the Codezwiz Template Gallery!! The template gallery contains templates for Banners, Logos, Sigs, Avs and buttons to be used when making requests for free graphics.
Images will continually be added to the template gallery as time goes on. Members of the community are more than welcome (and are encouraged) to create graphics to go in the template gallery. Please contact a Staff member if you would like to contribute.
Effective immediately, the template gallery will be used for all requests for free graphics.
Here's how it works:
If you would like to request a free sig/av set, for example, simply look through the template gallery and select the template(s) you would like to have used for your request. Make a note of the reference number for the one(s) you want to use.
Post your request in the proper forum. Be sure to include the reference number for your selected template(s), along with the text you want displayed on your image(s).
It's that easy!
The Graphics team will continue to create custom graphics on a pay-per-image basis. If you are interested in having custom graphics created for your site, please contact feedback.html">Codewiz to make your custom request and receive a quote for your project.
We hope you enjoy the new template gallery and we look forward to continue bringing you high quality graphics in the future.
Note: All custom graphic requests currently marked "Pending" will be completed over the next few days and are exempt from this new policy.
Codezwiz Graphics Team
Article submitted by: Taut
Last Update: 04-30-2004
Category: Community
Images will continually be added to the template gallery as time goes on. Members of the community are more than welcome (and are encouraged) to create graphics to go in the template gallery. Please contact a Staff member if you would like to contribute.
Effective immediately, the template gallery will be used for all requests for free graphics.
Here's how it works:
If you would like to request a free sig/av set, for example, simply look through the template gallery and select the template(s) you would like to have used for your request. Make a note of the reference number for the one(s) you want to use.
Post your request in the proper forum. Be sure to include the reference number for your selected template(s), along with the text you want displayed on your image(s).
It's that easy!
The Graphics team will continue to create custom graphics on a pay-per-image basis. If you are interested in having custom graphics created for your site, please contact feedback.html">Codewiz to make your custom request and receive a quote for your project.
We hope you enjoy the new template gallery and we look forward to continue bringing you high quality graphics in the future.
Note: All custom graphic requests currently marked "Pending" will be completed over the next few days and are exempt from this new policy.
Codezwiz Graphics Team
Article submitted by: Taut
Last Update: 04-30-2004
Category: Community
Current rating: 5.42 by 59 users
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