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American Nuke net, operated by 14 year old Tag Craig, who is hardly a novice at phpnuke, has spent his summers and school time the last two years develping sites for friends and his uncle such as aicim, rwpbooks, carlsbad NM, and has opened a new site in Southeast New Mexico In the USA naming it American Nuke Net - He has created several themes and is working on a new group based on the names of cities in the USA, his first new one will be called New York New York (Tags-NYNY) due out August 8th. Tag has worked on learning php the last two years under Dan Austin at, one of the leading bandwidth providers in the UK as well as many of his phpnuke buddies around the world. He names Telli and Mikey as two of his favorites but there are many that have helped the youngster over the last two years "Just too many to remember how much they have really helped."
"I am not really into making programs as yet even though Dan helped me with - my own version of a CMS, it was put together with raw materials from many phpers and Dan and I put it together. I learned a lot about php in that 4 month period working on it almost everday. I won't be going off on my own thats for sure. I love phpnuke and I love to be creative with themes, I am now turning theme html into pure php for some of the theme workings, but there are people being paid to do the same thing, my code will be copyrighted but under gnu/gpl and I want a lot of people to use it to have fun and be creative like Francisco allowed me to be. I just don't want others making money off what I have done, I want them to have fun like I do."
"Everyone should be able to make something off this but that means Francisco Burzi and the others too, but really they should use their own code, I have seen themes origianlly by mikey and others that are now being used for profit, and just changing a few names and calling it their own isn't right. Least they should give credit where it is due, I dont think anyone would have a problen with that in the past, but now we have others going off on their own thinking it is ok. Well maybe it is ok with some people, just doesn't seem right to me."
Tag has been one to find out answers for users of from other boards, and print the answers with the authors replies so they have proper credit, when he himself couldn't answer a question. The youngster has promoted phpnuke in newspaper ads and all of his sites, runs active newsfeeds on several service boards, and has done countless of free installations for those not aware of mysql and phpnuke... most were not even aware of basic html principles.
"We have seen thousands of sites come and go over the last couple of years, some were even mine - I figure if it dont get up in the high end in the first year it aint worth keeping, my uncle has taught me that. What I am getting at is a lot fo the top phpnuke sites we see now, will not be around in a few years, and it will be the kids, along with helping adults that keep it alive. The net is a hard place to live, and phpnukers gotta stay together and promote each other - to promote the software we love. It don't matter what your theme is, gaming, love, persona, support l... what does matter, is that you keep it for everyone to enjoy.

By Ryan Orr
copyright 2004 Ryan Orr RWPBOOkS
release: Wide
Author Ryan Orr has written several Novels

Article submitted by: SoftTag
Last Update: 08-04-2004
Category: News

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