Google Ranking of 3 or higher? Part One  Digg  Google  Spurl  Blink  Furl  Y! MyWeb  

Google ranking of 3 or Higher? Alexis ranking of less than 500,000?? 500 members? Has this happened to your site? Then you better read this:?
Have a Top web site in 90 Days or Less
by 14 year old Tag Craig tag @ am-nuke.netI see lots of PhpNuke, and other web sites go under in less than 90 days, so I thought it was time to help people by writing another series of articles, this time on your web site, and what to do with it. This formula works with any theme.

Lets start with the theme. Whether it is cats, dogs, snakes, recipes, just a forum, there is a formula for making it a great web site. The normal person puts up their web site, messes 4-8 hours a day changing all the graphics for at least a week. Or worse, messes with coding and hacks when a phpnuke web site works from day one.

When you decide to have a web site, you are excited and hope that thousands of people will come. Using the above method, you have worked over a month on getting it to look good, changing things and at the end of that month your friends have said how cool it is, but don't go back, and new people are not coming. Ouch!

That's because they don't even know about it. So lets go back to basics, let's create your first new web site with a bang, not spending a dime on advertising.

It does not matter what your theme is. I repeat it does NOT matter. Wether you have several things for people to see or just specialize in one, it does NOT matter.

So, what does matter? Content is what matters, not graphics or how many hacks you have. Why does content matter? Because this is what search engines pick up. How do search engines even know about you? They don't but we will find out how to get them to see you... and to get them to see you for free.

Now if you are getting your own domain, you will have better luck than you would with a sub domain, and those of you that are using a domain but putting your web site in a sub folder will hurt because of it, that is a sub domain whether you realize it or not... you don't have to admit to it, but it's in black and white. Search engines are indexing the main directory, they work on subdirectories later, and if your domain points to home and your site is in a sub directory, then guess what. Most search engines to not even list sub domains, and most will not index them entirely.

Now for content. Whatever your subject or field, you are not the only one interested in it. After your web site is up and running, you need to start adding content right away. From day one everyday for 90 days add one to 5 articles, ask others to use their articles, post them, get them ready. After 5 days you will only have 25 news articles, but you are not done. That takes about an hour a day if you are not writing them yourself and getting help from others.... now while you were out getting help from others, post your web site. Look for the sites Google ranking, if it is above one... you want on their site. Don't turn down one without a ranking, just make sure you get on the highest ones possible.

While you are getting on web sites and adding content, start writing your own content. Post this and your home page link always include story by: Your Name, Web Site: Your http addy, and your email for people to contact you. Uplaod it to as many sites.

Now don't expect them to do that if you are running a commercial site, and blatant advertising. I have about 10 professional phpnuke sites send articles each week, they never give anything away, and some are not even using phpnuke, but just write modules selling to phpnukers. Yet they promote their own CMS on their site.

Then you have other sites such as Nukescripts, Codezwiz, Ravens, NukeStyles, that may or may not sell things, but they consistently give to the community. Dealing with other sites is the same, For instance I deal with lots of photography sites. Some just sell things, some are there to help, some give their programs away and yet sell some. I support anyone who makes money and gives back to the community regardless of theme you can do that too.

How you deal with other sites is up to you, but I feel that if it is a commercial site, they need to pay for and or trade for positioning. Nothing like going to a Google commercial site and seeing a ranking of 7, but they only have 25 members... that is because they are using other sites for their bogus advertising. So don't be like them, if you are running commercial stuff for anything be sure you are giving back to the community if you want the support.

Expect the same from your site to theirs. If you are asking to use their articles also offer to give them some. If you can put your banner on their site, at least offer them the same service. This will help you in about 30 days.

In the meantime, spend no longer than an hour a day on your graphics. You will need the following banners: 88x31, 120x240, 120 x 360 and 120x600, and of course the 468x60 banner. Use photoshop or other graphics program, Gif Animator is also good for this as well as dozens of other programs, but don't spend more an hour a day on it, you have content you need, and contacts to make.

Article submitted by: SoftTag
Last Update: 11-02-2004
Category: Community

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