Have a Top web site in 90 Days or Less Part Two

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Google ranking of 3 or Higher? Alexis ranking of less than 500,000? 500 members? Has this happened to your site?
Then you better read this: Have a Top web site in 90 Days or Less Part Two
by 14 year old Tag Craig am-nuke.net tag @ am-nuke.netHaving links does not mean you will get a top ranking, and it sure doesn't mean you are going to keep it, to get that ranking and keep it you need content as we discussed in part one. There are things other than links and content to be looking for as well.

In phpnuke in the includes directory there is meta.php. Meta tags... Tags named after me I might add, are all important on how your site is looked at by search engines. The one that comes with phpnuke is set up for phpnuke, you will have to change it for your site and your theme almost immediately for good results.

Were you aware that most people use a string of words to search the major engines? Let's face it a one word search does work, but gives you hundreds of thousands of entries. The majority of people want to limit their search by using a string of words. So instead of say ‘ice cream', they will put in ‘homemade ice cream' or ‘homemade chocolate ice cream'.

Search words are important and download centers have trial ware you can use to find out what people are searching for. If you have many web sites you may want to purchase it, but most of the time if you are just planing one major site, then using the trial software is all you need. Besides your single entry words, but those phrases in as well, it will help your ranking tremendously. Go to your competitors and see what phrases and search words they are using by looking at the sites source code. Use your meta tags to promote your site.

Not all search engines use meta tags, so it is important to have that list of words at the very beginning of your source code. So under your meta tags try this: some will use /* — / or other means but the idea is the same, now your search words are listed 2 times instead of one and work lots better on any type of search engine.

Most of the link exchange and web ring programs benefit only a few members, but they are still links to your site, so use them if the program looks like it will benefit you. The chances of them ever helping your site is not very good, but any link is better than none. Instead use Supporter links, Web links, classified ads and sites that use those. You want to start getting those links immediately. Exchange links with sites similar to yours the first couple of weeks. This is something you need to do each week. I spend at least an hour a week locating and exchanging links. Before long your links will be showing up in the least expected places, but to get there you must promote it on your own at least an hour a week, and this part never stops. Why? Because many of those sites wont make it - they will disappear, and that means you lost a link, so never stop trying to get new links.

When you do this keep in mind without a link back to their site, it does no good. Link-backs are very important, if you do not have web links listed on your site, or such things as classified ads or supporter block areas, those links you have made are going to die, and search engines will actually pick up who you linked to more than who is linked to you! So when you are going around doing this, make sure you offer those sites the same respect and have similar software programs on your site for them to use.

Your downloads area is very important. Most of us can not write programs so we believe we don't need them, but we do, and we need them for the theme we are promoting. There is a way to use the downloads area of your site to benefit you and others. First give others the ability to upload to your site. Now make some downloads. Using software for things like art photos, music or combinations of them, you can make small little programs such as movies, screen savers, custom music examples, photo montages, backgrounds etc, some of these things can be used with Paint, the program that came with your computer on Windows machines. Don't just have giant files, make them relatively small, less than 250K most sites will only allow 244K upload tho, so keep that in mind. Now that you have your new product, and your name and home page are on it, upload it to similar sites... yes upload it! Those are links!

If a site, such as am-nuke net does not have a category for your things, leave feedback to the web master, he or she will probably make an area for your things, or at least a temporary one until you have several things available, just one new thing a month could possibly give you thousands of links over a year, but in those first thirty days shoot for at least 4 new items and upload them everywhere you can think of. If you can make programs, do the same, free ware never hurt anyone, your link appears and makes you a site worth seeing!

The last article (Part 3) will be about forums. See you then!

Tag Craig

Article submitted by: SoftTag
Last Update: 11-05-2004
Category: Community

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