Have a Top web site in 90 Days or Less Part Three

Google ranking of 3 or Higher? Alexis ranking of less than 500,000? 500 members? Has this happened to your site? Then you better read this: Have a Top web site in 90 Days or Less Part Three
by 14 year old Tag Craig am-nuke.net tag @ am-nuke.netThe forums are probably the hardest thing new and even experienced web masters deal with. They take time, and a lot of effort. This is just a guideline, but it will give you an example of how to start your forum and how to grow with it.
Most web masters will either put a single forum, or way too many to start their site off. Even if you only have forums, you take the same risk. Too many look empty, to few makes it look like you are not in business.
When you start try having three forums, ‘About This Site', gives your users a chance to talk about your site, let you know of things they want to see added, and tell you about errors they are receiving. This is ones your friends will use as you are building your site as well, lets people ask questions on how to use the site, and by the time your first real guests arrive you will have several message threads going.
A second good choice for a forum is about your theme. So if you have a Canine Forum, try using something like "About Your Dog' and have it as a place for your users to talk about their pets.
The third forum is ‘General Discussion' this is for politics, religion, and just about anything that comes up under the sun. You want to watch this forum closely, because it can tell you soon what forums you need to add, and at that time you can move older messages into the new forum so users can see that it is being used. Usually this will branch off your theme. If you have a collecting site for Trading cards, people will start asking questions. After you get several, start a new forum putting those questions about trading cards into it. ‘Beginners Trading Questions'
You may think right off that you need more than this, but if you think about it, most forums only receive one or two messages per day. If you have six forums and only two messages a day, your site looks dead.
Now your web site is set up, you have content, you have forums that your friends are helping to start. You have links on sites all over the world, but what about the search engines?
If you followed this plan precisely as outlined, within that first week, you link will be picked up by Google automatically, just because of the fact that you had links on major sites with link backs to their site. In two weeks you will show up on the Google engine. A few weeks after that you should start showing up on everything but Dmoz.org. That you will have to do by hand, and because most of their volunteers could care less about YOUR site, good luck with getting on it. Just trial and error with that one, and hopefully sooner or later you will get listed, but don't worry about it if you don't.
Your site will be picked up by all the majors in two to four weeks, and up to 90 days, without any further effort on your part. Do not pay anyone to get included. You are wasting your money, and immediate results to a page with no content is like hanging yourself.
Please see my other articles at am-nuke net, for better search engine results, RSS news feeds, and creating downloads.
Tag Craig
Article submitted by: SoftTag
Last Update: 11-09-2004
Category: Community
by 14 year old Tag Craig am-nuke.net tag @ am-nuke.netThe forums are probably the hardest thing new and even experienced web masters deal with. They take time, and a lot of effort. This is just a guideline, but it will give you an example of how to start your forum and how to grow with it.
Most web masters will either put a single forum, or way too many to start their site off. Even if you only have forums, you take the same risk. Too many look empty, to few makes it look like you are not in business.
When you start try having three forums, ‘About This Site', gives your users a chance to talk about your site, let you know of things they want to see added, and tell you about errors they are receiving. This is ones your friends will use as you are building your site as well, lets people ask questions on how to use the site, and by the time your first real guests arrive you will have several message threads going.
A second good choice for a forum is about your theme. So if you have a Canine Forum, try using something like "About Your Dog' and have it as a place for your users to talk about their pets.
The third forum is ‘General Discussion' this is for politics, religion, and just about anything that comes up under the sun. You want to watch this forum closely, because it can tell you soon what forums you need to add, and at that time you can move older messages into the new forum so users can see that it is being used. Usually this will branch off your theme. If you have a collecting site for Trading cards, people will start asking questions. After you get several, start a new forum putting those questions about trading cards into it. ‘Beginners Trading Questions'
You may think right off that you need more than this, but if you think about it, most forums only receive one or two messages per day. If you have six forums and only two messages a day, your site looks dead.
Now your web site is set up, you have content, you have forums that your friends are helping to start. You have links on sites all over the world, but what about the search engines?
If you followed this plan precisely as outlined, within that first week, you link will be picked up by Google automatically, just because of the fact that you had links on major sites with link backs to their site. In two weeks you will show up on the Google engine. A few weeks after that you should start showing up on everything but Dmoz.org. That you will have to do by hand, and because most of their volunteers could care less about YOUR site, good luck with getting on it. Just trial and error with that one, and hopefully sooner or later you will get listed, but don't worry about it if you don't.
Your site will be picked up by all the majors in two to four weeks, and up to 90 days, without any further effort on your part. Do not pay anyone to get included. You are wasting your money, and immediate results to a page with no content is like hanging yourself.
Please see my other articles at am-nuke net, for better search engine results, RSS news feeds, and creating downloads.
Tag Craig
Article submitted by: SoftTag
Last Update: 11-09-2004
Category: Community
Current rating: 5.68 by 54 users
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