PHP-Nuke 7.6 available for Download  Digg  Google  Spurl  Blink  Furl  Y! MyWeb  

Hello Nuke Community, PHP-Nuke 7.6 is now available for Download. Please be aware that this version is NOT patched and therefore less secure then 7.5 patched 2.6 .Read for the Change Log.

PHP-Nuke: Advanced Content Management System

November 2004: Version 7.6
- According with the email number 213080 to Dave Turner (GPL Compliance Engineer) from the Free Software Foundation, the copyright notices of PHP-Nuke has been changed in order to be 100% compliant with the GPL license section 2(c). This copyright notices can't be removed and the Commercial License becomes 100% compliant with the GPL license. Hope this is the end of the story for the people that doesn't understand a bit of the GPL. Again, if you want to legaly remove the copyright notices from PHP-Nuke generated pages you must purchase the Commercial License, see for more details and stop complaining about this issue, the Commercial License is legal, GPL compliant and approved by the Free Software Foundation. End of story.
- Fixed administrator edit function that didn't show the authorized modules to administer. (Thanks to jaggura from
- Added FireFox ( browser support for site's counter that will show in Statistics module.
- Added RSS feed support for FireFox browser's Live Bookmarks.
- By popular demand and to avoid some administration system non-authorized entries attempts, now you can just rename the file admin.php to whatever_you_want.php and set the name in config.php file. Doing this nobody knows what's your administration filename. Additionaly a new method of URL redirection has been added to hide the referer when you click on a link inside administration system. If you have old administration modules not compatible with this new system you'll get "Access Denied" message. If this is the case, leave the admin.php file with its original name while you modify the modules or get a new compatible version of it.
- Added a new folder called /includes/custom_files where, if exists the files custom_mainfile.php, custom_header.php and custom_footer.php they will be included from mainfile.php, header.php and/or footer.php respectively. Also the file /includes/my_header.php has been removed and added the new /includes/custom_files/custom_head.php for anything that should be between and html tags in the code. With this feature will be more easy to update a site without lost your custom changes. These files will not be shipped with PHP-Nuke to avoid possible overwritting when updating the code. (Thanks to André V. Escudero for the tip)
- Moved Forums administration to the module's folder (Thanks to Chatserv from
- Added an extra check to administrators/authors adition functions to grant access to the superuser only (Thanks to Chatserv from
- Fixed a search results bug in Forums module (Thanks to Chatserv from
- Fixed a bug in the 7.3 to 7.4 upgrade file for Sections module migration (Thanks to Chatserv from
- Changed the password generator in Your Account module. System generated passwords now are 3 letters, 2 numbers and 3 letters.
- Fixed update_points() function call to clickbanner() function on banners.php
- Changed anonymous permissions for broken link report and modification requests in Downloads and Web Links modules.

Download phpNuke v7.6

best regards

Admin Note: 7.6 Patched is available in the Downloads.

Article submitted by: Nobbi
Last Update: 11-18-2004
Category: PHP Nuke News

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