Function list suggestions available  Digg  Google  Spurl  Blink  Furl  Y! MyWeb  

Surely, some of our visitors are back at work for a few days between holidays, and hopefully they will find our post-christmas gift useful. The function list suggestions we started to test a year ago seemed to be working better as some bugs were found and fixed, so it was time to make the result available on all pages. Whenever you type something into the search field, while having the function list search option selected, you will get a list of suggested functions starting with the letters you typed in. You can browse the list with the up/down keys, and you will be able to autocomplete the function name with the spacebar. If you are not interested in this feature, you can turn it off for yourself on the My page. More information about is available on the search page.

Article submitted by: Telli
Last Update: 01-28-2005
Category: News

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