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PHPNUKE-CLAN is as designed to compliment online clan activitys, We are working hard to make this webportal user freindly and benifical to all online gaming clans . The designers are in the proccess of creating/modifing themes to better fit your clan . We would love to your comments on the current version of PHPNUKE-CLAN also if you have any suggestions on add-ons that would improve or project or better suit your clan website please feel free to stop by the forums and post your thoughts . Remember this is for your clan you have the right to have the best website around , but your input is need to achieve this. Thank you again , for using PHPNUKE-CLAN as your Clans Portal to the online Gamer!

Version 1.1 beta available for download WWW.PHPNUKE-CLAN.COM!

Article submitted by: Pratcom
Last Update: 02-11-2005
Category: News

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