Q&A module, prize offered for development

I will be offering $80USD to whomever steps up to develop this module. (I am also inviting anybody else who is interested in having this module be created to pledge to the pot)The Q&A module is a repository for answers to questions (like a knowledge base) but with one major difference. The answers to the questions are pulled straight from the posts in your forum. Click read more to find out how the module will work!
Basically, in the Q&A module, questions can be added to parent categories, or sub-categories of the parent. Once the question has been created, you jump to your forums and select a post to use as an answer. (additional button has to be shown next to the quote button for each post, but visible only to members with editorial privileges on the Q&A module). Yes, members will need to be able to be selected by the administrator who have editing privileges to each category. Now here's where the real wizardry kicks in.After having selected a post, you should then be brought to a screen nearly identical to the forum posting screen (or the main reply screen) and are allowed to edit the post.Here's where the project can go two ways, eithe the post can be edited and saved in a different database table, or the editing is merely adding custom tags to the existing post. (that are only visible in the knowledge base) The first was is much easier, but it would keep the size of the database down to a much more manageble level. I think I've worked out how to do it the harder way, but I don't want to reveal that to everyone, please email me if you are interested: webmaster@controlbooth.comI know this is a far-reaching module that is really, really extensive, but I believe it will propel the usefulness of forums to the next level. Forums will no longer be limited to conversations with information that can be unweildly to find and use! The information can now be extracted and put into a concise and easy to navigate structure. I humbly submit this idea to the open-source community for everybody's benefit down the road.For more detailed specs or to accept the challenge, please email me at: webmaster@controlbooth.com.
Article submitted by: Dsnail2000
Last Update: 02-20-2005
Category: PHP Nuke Modules
Article submitted by: Dsnail2000
Last Update: 02-20-2005
Category: PHP Nuke Modules
Current rating: 5.5 by 30 users
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