Avatar pack 1.0 - Commercial Pack - 2 usd.

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Here it is the first Commercial Pack of Maniaxdream, it's a collection of almost 400 hi-quality avatars.

Two series:

90 x 90px
120 x 120px

-Ranks match ava's for the forums, both series.
-Including examples and the source PSD's for both series, avatars and ranks, so you can easly add your own favorite image to the collection.
-Ranks are simple made with the included psd's.
-Installation is as easy as uploading the folder structure, how-to in the pack .txt file.

So what's in the pack?

-Animals *only 90px
-Funny *only 120px

-Font for the psd.

All avatars are up to date considering the content, exotic cars, running Tv-series, very nice comic work and of course gorgious women!

To get a slight idea what we are talking about you can either check out the forums or open the following image:


Best thing is, it's only $2. For that price you can't even bother to rip them out of my forum. icon_wink.gif

Here are two statements made by users who purchased the pack:

-You guys gotta see this pack, i already got it, best quality ava's i ever seen, excellent work Lqd...

-I just ordered this pack, can't wait to put it up on my site! The quality is awesome and the price cant be beat! If you are a site admin or webmaster, you need this pack!!

Take a look I hope I added something nice for a reasonable price... Need to feed my ISP too.. icon_sad.gif

Article submitted by: Mxdm
Last Update: 05-03-2005
Category: Extra Stuff

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