4images gallery mod. for phpnuke

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For the past few months I used 4images gallery (not as phpnuke module) and I'm very pleased that at last this gallery (in my opinion one of the best) can be included in phpnuke portals as module.
Webmasters that are interested to include the module, files+instructions can be downloaded from this link westernstudios.net, the file required is named - 4images helper mod. I take this opportunity to let you know that I have already installed the module and although the module is working fine for the public site (visitors/members), still there are some minor links problems in the 4images administration site. If some webmasters after installing the module, they are unable to login into the 4images admin control panel, please look into the westernstudios.net forum (or in our forum) where I posted a topic how to solve the problem, also I have included some tweaking notes in relation on which type of Your_Account module is used. In the next few days I will try to solve the remaining admin links problems, rectifications they will be posted in our forum. Demo from here

Article submitted by: Antonio
Last Update: 06-07-2005
Category: PHP Nuke Modules

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