promoting PHPNuke at the high school and college levels  Digg  Google  Spurl  Blink  Furl  Y! MyWeb  

We,ve got serveral modules for educational use: some of them are designed for academic environments,

more and more shools are getting Started with PHPNuke:
Let us promote PHPNuke in educational institutions - as a powerful new tool to promote open source.
The usage of PHPNuke in educational environment covers many good modules for Shools - eg the survey engines.

The phpESP-as a phpnuke-module - good news: the versatile phpESP Survey script (demo) a great and featurerich Survey-script [ phpESP = easy Survey & Poll] developed at SourceForge now is portet to PHPNuke.

eric from did a port: First see some demos of the module.

- vietnam campus-site
- hebrew science-site
- educational site
- educational site [portugal]
- swedish site
- Educational site

eric from did a port of the module. The enhanced and improoved phpESP-Version [easy Survey & Poll] now is included as a PHP-Nuke-module.
please travel over and download it here :: Authorcontact: Eric Esselink NetTrade BV mailto eric @

Article submitted by: Telli
Last Update: 06-14-2005
Category: News

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