Google Maps guest map.....  Digg  Google  Spurl  Blink  Furl  Y! MyWeb  

Hi everyone haven't posted anything in a while. Just want to share a module for PHP-Nuke, it's a guest map by Google Maps, this type of map is nothing new Ihave seen it before with a regular map.

You can see it working here in PHP-Nuke, and you can creat your own here.

Now are a couple of ways to do this, once you register (it's totally free) you log in and determine the right settings for your site after this you can go ahead and copy and paste the html code directly provided to you by the site in your blocks section with no need to create a block. Note: Make sure you have "src" link complete otherwise it won't show...

Now to make a module is not that hard which is what i did and still have the same result, ok now i hope you guys like this have fun.

Article submitted by: Niro
Last Update: 07-30-2005
Category: PHP Nuke Modules

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