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Sony has released software for its new PlayStation Portable that allows users to transfer content between the handheld game console and their PCs.

Sony has launched new software called "PSP Media Media" for its Sony PlayStation Portable. The software allows gamers to transfer digital music, photos, and video through a USB cable connection.

The software is currently available to US consumers, and Sony has not indicated when a version will be released in the UK.

Players can download the software from the Sony web site for $20, or buy a version including the USB cable for $30.

Sony added that the media manager allows for a variety of different qualities of transfer for different types of data and enables the user to scroll through thumbnail previews of the users’ content.

The move represents Sony’s drive to market the PSP beyond a simple gaming system to becoming a portable media hub, incorporating music, videos, photo storage and the Internet.

John Koller, senior product manager, Sony Computer, said: "Whether it’s games, music, movies photos or Internet access, no other portable media device provides as much functionality and entertainment as the PSP system."

Article submitted by: Webshark
Last Update: 11-03-2005
Category: Off Topic Info

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