Writers and Webmasters Together
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By Tag Craig
Bookwired.com now has features for authors and webmasters. Content is the key to success on your website, have the content, and the people will come - because you have what they want!! For example of topics for your website, or those that you can write and submit, read on...
Authors can submit articles free for: Beauty, Bodybuilding, Books, Business, Career, Cars and Trucks, Casinos, Celebrities, Children, CMS, Computers, Entertainment, Family, Finance, Fitness, Food and Drink, Games, Garden, Government, Health, History, Hobbies, Home, Humor, Internet, Legal, Love & Relationships, Marketing, Men Nature, Outdoors, Pets, Politics, Press Release, Science, Self-Improvement, Sports, Supernatural, Techology, Teens, Travel, Wildlife, Women, Writing
If your topic isn't listed you can go to Forums/Services and just ask for it will will put it online within hours, that is available to any member. Membership is not required at bookwired.com, bookwired.net or bookwired.org but there is much more that members benefit from, including many options non-members do not have. Bookwired now features Opt In-E-Zine listing, a Free one for Authors and Writers, and a Free One for Readers. We also have a Opt-In List for Webmasters seeking to be updated about our content for their sites.
Yes, bookwired is a place for authors and writers, and Bookwired is about books, who better to serve your needs for content specific articles that are timely and help your users? We can broadcast your messages to the hundreds of folks each day that read books, have websites, and are doing the same thing you are, trying to make the web the best it can be.
Join us now, Bookwired.com
Article submitted by: SoftTag
Last Update: 11-04-2005
Category: Community
Article submitted by: SoftTag
Last Update: 11-04-2005
Category: Community
Current rating: 5.57 by 61 users
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