Writing to Market your Book or Business by Tag Craig
Y! MyWeb
Anyone can write... well if they are writers or authors. This issue we are talking about two new things at BookWired.
Writing to Market your Book or Business by Tag Craig
As authors sometimes we find it very hard to get publicity, or to get people to even see our work. Using the same system that we do at BookWired to get the attention of people, is now available to you as authors and writers.
As a writer you have much more experience than what is in your books. We have chosen forty-one subjects and more, if there is something we are not showing your interests, for you to write 700-5000 words about.
So why do we think you would be interested in writing articles about things other than your book? Because the articles you write will have your name, email address, your WEB SITE URL and a bit about you.
Well, why is this important to me so show my web site when all I know is skateboarding? Because web masters are coming to BookWired to get articles to use on their site. If they print your article, they are copying and pasting it from Bookwired and right there on their web site, is your article and URL ... to your business, your book, the smarter web masters will embed your url so yo can see where the hits are coming from (notice how I embed URLs at BookWired). This is so the site knows where the hits are coming from.
So you as an author now have the opportunity to post articles that you would love to write about (including articles on books and writing) so other sites will automatically pick them up for their site, or the RSS feeds from BookWired. Either way your article gets published on web sites talking about what you like to talk about. That leads them to the author information - YOU, when they get there, your link is present for them to go to! For more information on how to promote your book, business or website see the rest of this article at: http://bookwired.com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=103
Article submitted by: SoftTag
Last Update: 11-10-2005
Category: Community
Writing to Market your Book or Business by Tag Craig
As authors sometimes we find it very hard to get publicity, or to get people to even see our work. Using the same system that we do at BookWired to get the attention of people, is now available to you as authors and writers.
As a writer you have much more experience than what is in your books. We have chosen forty-one subjects and more, if there is something we are not showing your interests, for you to write 700-5000 words about.
So why do we think you would be interested in writing articles about things other than your book? Because the articles you write will have your name, email address, your WEB SITE URL and a bit about you.
Well, why is this important to me so show my web site when all I know is skateboarding? Because web masters are coming to BookWired to get articles to use on their site. If they print your article, they are copying and pasting it from Bookwired and right there on their web site, is your article and URL ... to your business, your book, the smarter web masters will embed your url so yo can see where the hits are coming from (notice how I embed URLs at BookWired). This is so the site knows where the hits are coming from.
So you as an author now have the opportunity to post articles that you would love to write about (including articles on books and writing) so other sites will automatically pick them up for their site, or the RSS feeds from BookWired. Either way your article gets published on web sites talking about what you like to talk about. That leads them to the author information - YOU, when they get there, your link is present for them to go to! For more information on how to promote your book, business or website see the rest of this article at: http://bookwired.com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=103
Article submitted by: SoftTag
Last Update: 11-10-2005
Category: Community
Current rating: 5.49 by 83 users
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