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By Mobile Pipeline Staff

ncluded in the new offerings are broad search capabilities as well as shopping information and local Yellow Pages information, AOL said.AOL Thursday launched its AOL Mobile Search Services, which it said will provide both search capabilities and local information to mobile users.

The service includes broad search capabilities as well as shopping information and local Yellow Pages information, the company said in a statement.

"AOL Mobile Search services give consumers the power to search or shop for anything they need via Web-enabled cell phone, Smartphone or PDA," Jim Riesenbach, a senior vice president for AOL, said in a statement. Previous search capabilities were more limited and were limited to WAP-enabled sites, the company noted.

AOL's new search capabilities not only searches the entire Web but also formats found pages so they are easily viewable on the mobile device's display, the company said.

The shopping service available on mobile devices compares prices for items from online merchants and the Yellow Pages capabilities enable searches for local businesses. The new mobile services are available now.

Article submitted by: Webshark
Last Update: 12-01-2005
Category: Off Topic Info

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