EBay helps close web on illegal Microsoft sales

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THOUSANDS of suspected illegal sales of Microsoft software have been halted on auction website eBay in a major clampdown.

The American software giant said that with eBay's assistance it had removed more than 21,000 software sales items in the UK since the beginning of August.

Sales of Microsoft's Windows operating system and Office software suite accounted for the bulk of suspected infringements.

Michala Alexander, Microsoft UK head of anti-piracy, said: "Microsoft takes very seriously its responsibility to protect the public from illegal and counterfeit software. Our work with eBay has potentially protected more than 21,000 purchasers from the risks inherent in such software."

In August eBay removed 11,535 suspected counterfeit sales from the site, with the number falling to 4460 in September and 5423 in October. Microsoft said a band of around 100 suspected illegal traders accounted for more than 3000 of the sales items.

Article submitted by: Webshark
Last Update: 12-07-2005
Category: Technology

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