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The Commodore 64 was way ahead of its time in 1982. 16 colors, 320 x 200 pixels, and 64kb of RAM for under $600 made it the single best-selling computer of all time. Commodore is coming back to the US with three products that will be unveiled at CES in January: the Commodore Multimedia Tower, Commodore MediaBox and the Commodore Navigator. Unfortunately, the Multimedia Tower is for the B2B space and to be used at retail environments, but the other two will be for our enjoyment.The Mediabox is an 80GB hard disk recorder that can play videos, music and photos on your TV. It also lets you download music ringtones, games, video on demand and photo printing service, all from your television. The Navigator is, yes, that's right, a GPS device using Windows CE platform. It includes a 20GB HDD and lets you load, store and play a variety of audio and video files, all on its 3.6-inch touchscreen. Whether or not these devices live up to the legend of the 64 remains to be seen (let's face it, the 8-bit MOS Technology 6510 microprocessor made that box). In any case, it will be good to see an old friend back in stores next year.

Article submitted by: Webshark
Last Update: 12-21-2005
Category: Off Topic Info

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