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We have over 8000 images to use for your next site,art, or graphics project for you to use in our :Graphics Galleries:

We also have online graphics tools,downloadable graphics programs, and tons of links to tutorials on the main page.

Weve got a custom :Custom Wimpy MP3 Player: that you can download over 600 MP3's off of for FREE. We can also customise you a Wimpy MP3 player. Special going on now if you purchase your Wimpy Player thru our site well give you your choice of a custom Wimpy Player Skin from our online store. We can also customise your Wimpy Player to match any site made and or have any specific overall theme to it.

We also have uploaders so you can add your custom art or graphics or you can join our Premium Members Group and get your own private album that you can advertise or put personal pics into.

Coming very soon will also be photo hosting and sig hosting. So if your tired of those other hosting places being down or too many limitations on your uploads then come ck out our sig and photo hosting.Our server company has not had a down site in over 4 years, now thats dependability.
So come on by and ck out :House of D:

Article submitted by: DAMIAN
Last Update: 01-06-2006
Category: Community

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