3 New Xtrato Themes Wimpy Skins Introduced

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Weve just finished our third X-trato brand themes WIMPY SKINS for your Wimpy MP3 Player. Weve made skins for the X-trato "Plasma", "Nova", and "Andromeda" themes to match up perfectly. So not only is WimpyPlayer the easiest to install MP3 player in the world, but now you can get skins to match any theme out there.
You can see a demo version of each of these skins at this :WimpySkins Demo Page:
You can also ck out the 2 new BikiniBabes skins too. Thanks goes out to X-trato designs for allowing us permission to make skins of their themes. You can visit Xtrato Designs :HERE:

Or you can visit the WimpySkins home page :HERE:

Article submitted by: DAMIAN
Last Update: 02-24-2006
Category: News

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