On to 600 themes and Nuke Installations

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We at All-Themes are proud to announce that late last week we hit 400 themes. We are now on to our new goal of 600 themes that we plan on having by the end of March. If you are not familiar with All-Themes we are the largest supplier of public themes for PHP-Nuke, Nuke Platinum, and Nuke Evolution on the internet. Once we reach our goal of 600 we will be adding other resources such as downloads, splash pages, and Vbulletin skins. We are now offering PHP-Nuke, Platinum and Evolution installation services. We launched this service last week and we have had some very happy customers with our installation service. So if you are not sure how to install these scripts, let us do it for you. You can read a few of our customers testimonials here. See you soon at All-Themes.com

Article submitted by: X9master
Last Update: 03-23-2006
Category: PHP Nuke Themes

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