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Hello Everyone,

iiPanel.NET has been in a very rapid growth since its intensive launch on Jan.2006. However, Due to the high demand on smaller reseller packages, iiPanel.NET launched a new, smaller reseller package to suit your smaller business and individual needs.

The new package is:

Little Reseller
* Webspace: 2000MB
* Bandwidth: 40GB
* cPanel/WHM/Fantastico
* Price: $7.95/mo OR $79.5/Yr (2-months Off)
(Instant Activation if paid by PayPal)

For full package features, Click here

PaymentWe accept PayPal, Money Orders and Western Union
All our hosting packages have 2-Months-OFF if paid yearly.
Our server is lightening speed INTEL P4 3.0 (HTT)
Supported with 2048MB (2GB) RAM, to exceed your satisfaction.
We provide Email support, phone support, ticket system support.
We are always here for you to help you.
Custom Packages
We provide custom packages for our clients, simply drop a line to our support with the hosting package you are after, and we will get your package at your fingertips.

Email us to: support @
Submit a ticket:

Thanks to you all and hope to see you around.


Article submitted by: Wassouf
Last Update: 03-31-2006
Category: Web Hosting

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