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Category   phpBB Updates (5) 

Tweaks & Mods

Category stats: FILES: 88
HITS: 530,778
SIZE: 2.64 MB
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Word Wrap phpBB  Popular
Description: Mod Description: Word Wrapping is normally something that is transparant, and goes on, unnoticed,... [...]
Version: 1.0.0 Filesize: 1.50 Kb
Added on: 03-15-2004 Downloads: 5844
View Attachments  Popular
Description: This will add an extra page to your forums. The page will contain all attachments uploaded to the... [...]
Version: 1.0.0 Filesize: 8.20 Kb
Added on: 03-15-2004 Downloads: 5898
Vehicle Mod  Popular
Description: Member's favourite vehicle displayed in profile and viewtopic [...]
Version: 1.0.0 Filesize: 3.04 Kb
Added on: 07-10-2004 Downloads: 5852
VB Style Quoting  Popular
Description: This will turn your "Quote:" in the Forums into the style that VB Boards use. Two hr lines and... [...]
Version: 1 Filesize: 1.06 Kb
Added on: 03-15-2004 Downloads: 5780
User Word Count  Popular
Description: This MOD stores a users total words posted and can display the result on viewtopic or viewprofile.... [...]
Version: 1.0.6 Filesize: 7.25 Kb
Added on: 06-25-2004 Downloads: 5800
Topics Cost  Popular
Description: THis will allow you to charge for topics started and for forum posts. This is compatible with the... [...]
Version: 1.0.0 Filesize: 7.23 Kb
Added on: 03-15-2004 Downloads: 5738
Topic BookMarks  Popular
Description: This mod allows registered users to keep bookmarks of topics they are interested in. The bookmarks... [...]
Version: 1.10b Filesize: 15.32 Kb
Added on: 04-12-2004 Downloads: 5847
Title & Status Bar Message  Popular
Description: Adds it to your Forums Title bar and status bar scrolling message MOD [...]
Version: 1.0.0 Filesize: 1.56 Kb
Added on: 03-15-2004 Downloads: 5923
Team Logo Mod  Popular
Description: This mod will let your users select thier favorite Football team from the usercp. It also places... [...]
Version: 1.0 Filesize: 59.39 Kb
Added on: 03-27-2004 Downloads: 5867
Tavern Double Forums Mod  Popular
Description: This mod was designed so I could have two forums running on the same phpNuke website - one with... [...]
Version: 1.0.0 Filesize: 597.93 Kb
Added on: 06-25-2004 Downloads: 5777
State Flags Mod for phpBB to Nuke  Popular
Description: This mod allows your registered forum members to select their state flag if they live in the United... [...]
Version: 1.0.0 Filesize: 40.91 Kb
Added on: 04-28-2004 Downloads: 5941
Staff Page  Popular
Description: An external page to display who is Mod (or Super Mod) or Admin (or Junior Admin) at your board.... [...]
Version: 2.0.3 Filesize: 6.44 Kb
Added on: 01-13-2004 Downloads: 6265
Song Chart  Popular
Description: This mod will add a music chart to your forum. It's based on users votes. User can rate song using... [...]
Version: 0.7 (beta) Filesize: 16.78 Kb
Added on: 07-10-2004 Downloads: 5859
Slot Machine Mod  Popular
Description: This mod requires the points mod OR cash mod version 2.x if you dont have this then download it... [...]
Version: 1.1.4a Filesize: 31.66 Kb
Added on: 01-23-2004 Downloads: 6197
Signature_Line_PHPNuke  Popular
Description: Displays an animated line to replace the normal Signature line > "___________" Originally... [...]
Version: 1.0 Filesize: 2.77 Kb
Added on: 07-22-2004 Downloads: 5912
Signatures Appear Once Per Page  Popular
Description: This mod is updated for phpNuke. It makes a users signature only appear once per topic page. The... [...]
Version: 1 Filesize: 1.18 Kb
Added on: 07-20-2004 Downloads: 5799
Shop Mod 2.6.0  Popular
Description: This mod requires the points mod OR cash mod version 2.x if you dont have this then download it... [...]
Version: 2.6.0 Filesize: 51.39 Kb
Added on: 01-23-2004 Downloads: 6589
Select Expand BBcode Mod  Popular
Description: MOD Description: This MOD is a DHTML add-on for the Code and Quote BBCodes. It adds a couple of... [...]
Version: 1.0.2 Filesize: 8.79 Kb
Added on: 10-02-2004 Downloads: 5845
Second Rank  Popular
Description: This mod will add a new user rank , the new rank will be shown in each topic and in the memberlist... [...]
Version: 1.1 Filesize: 3.13 Kb
Added on: 04-28-2004 Downloads: 5892
Roulette Mod  Popular
Description: This is another Forum add-on compatible with the Cash Mod or Points system from... [...]
Version: 1.4 Filesize: 34.92 Kb
Added on: 03-15-2004 Downloads: 5993

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