Cz trademark and asking for help

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#1   Cz trademark and asking for help
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I don't claim to be any kind of expert or anything but if people IM me through codezwiz asking for a little extra help I try and do my best and I have NEVER asked them to give me any personal credit of such help.

BUT at same time when someone IM's me asking for my help then a day later I see Telli having to tell that person to put the Cz trade mark back on something that was made for them by a member of codezwiz "MY HELP WILL STOP".

Even though I am not part of the codezwiz team I respect and appreciate everything they do for me AND others.

I have been apart of this community for almost a year now and have watched as this teams try's to fill every request that comes through these forums. And all they ask is that you give credit to Cz for what they have done for you (and some times they don't even ask for that).

So if you can't do that much then don't even think IM'ing me for the time of day let alone any help!!!

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#2   re: Cz trademark and asking for help
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I agree totally with you bud. While my knowledge is limited with graphics, I still try to help here. That is the great thing about this site. It is not only a place to come to for help, yet also help the staff with assisting others when you can. I feel Gods-Ego's pain when stuff like that happens, I think everybody here that is decent does in some way or another.


P.S. Telli, We are behind you in protecting your rights with this. Would you mind that with any graphics I make to help the members out that I place a small "CZ" in a corner of it? I hope that it is okay with you since we are helping others within your site.

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im back after some comp serious comp probs, i checked my e-mail and i had a few requests for help on graphics aswell, while i love to help ppl a) My knowledge on graphics and flash is still quite limited b) What GoddsEgo said i am going to stand by aswell. I hope to have all my proggys up and running by tomorrow evening as im still kinda busy tweaking stuff. Neways im off to go drool over the av and banner forums i see alot of posts since i was last here icon_biggrin.gif

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#4   re: Cz trademark and asking for help
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icon_evil.gif I am always amazed at the people here and the awesome things that they accomplish with graphics. I love to see what they create even with some of the limited information that is supplied to them. It is always a pleasure to be able to view what is made; and then try to be able to figure out how they were created (that's the really tough part - a good mental challenge)!

Anyone who has something done for them here whether it be by the staff or not should be able to display it proudly with the trademark "CZ" on it. I myself would consider it an honor and a privilege to have something created for me here by the very talented and selfless time-giving people that make Codezwiz what it is. icon_wink.gif

To all the people that claim the work as their own or remove the now necessary trademark - they should be ashamed of themselves. icon_twisted.gif

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#5   re: Cz trademark and asking for help
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I think this thread is a very good example of why we still do what we do - most members understand and support what we do, and we are happy to do it for them. As usual in most situations, there are a few who don't seem able or willing to be fair, and risk spoiling it for the rest.

It does seem clear that some move will have to be made in order to keep things as they should be. I for one an getting fed up with this kind of stuff floating around.

Oh, by the way, for the 9954874th time, I don't answer pm's icon_rolleyes.gif

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#6   re: Cz trademark and asking for help
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the saddest part of this whole thing is...these people really don't care who they rip or steal from. they simply don't have a clue or don't have the morals to do the right thing icon_rolleyes.gif

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#7   re: Cz trademark and asking for help
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The thing is......

None of the Staff ever wanted to have to put the "CZ" mark on our graphics. When it was first discussed months ago, we were for the most part against it. None of us here volunteer because we want or need credit for anything we do, whether it's graphics, or coding, or whatever. We simply do it because we enjoy helping others and giving back some of what we've all learned and gained because of the Internet community.

Having to put up with this kind of BS takes alot of the joy out of what we do. It makes you a little more hesitant everytime someone makes a request because you wonder if this person is gonna rip you off too. But, we hang in there.

Face it, there are more "Help" sites out there than you can shake a stick at. But there are very few who revolve around a community such as this one. If for some reason, the Staff and members of this community were to suddenly stop giving, and Codezwiz were to vanish off the face of the Internet, it won't be the people ripping us off that get hurt, it will be the people who come here because they genuinely need help. The users and abusers will find someone else to use up and throw away.

That, in my opinion is a very sad fact. icon_sad.gif


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#8   re: Cz trademark and asking for help
CZ Wiz
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I agree to all that has been said thus far and support the Codezwiz staff and their decisions. I joined here in like Oct. 2003 as a result of a post on Nukecops, the post mentioned a new theme made by Codezwiz, a Halloween theme, I grabbed it and asked for a logo to go along with it, and I think Kelly is the one who filled my request for the logo. Since that first visit here I knew I was going to like it here, from the helpful and friendly staff, to the awesome members! I tend to blab, so I will stop myself before I get started. icon_mrgreen.gif

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