Looking for a anti-flood progam, :-)

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#1   Looking for a anti-flood progam, :-)
CZ Super Newbie
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Hey Guys,

Got A question for you. If you ever visited or played at any of these game sites, you would know there is a problem there with hackers and fllooders. Does any one here know of a solution to this? The flooders are terrible, they come in with their little programmable bots and flood the lobby until everyone turns red and freezes.

I overseen a chat that 2 hacks were discussing an anti-flooding progam. Does such a program exist? And if it does, how would it be utilized within the lobby of the game site such as the zone?

Any idea or help would be appreciated on this subject.


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#2   re: Looking for a anti-flood progam, :-)
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If your talking about Yahoo I could make one of those do you mean when they bring IDs in the room and flood it with text messages?

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#3   re: Looking for a anti-flood progam, :-)
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He's talking about the scrollers that these jerks are using to scroll the lobbys that makes it impossible for anyone in the room to chat. I've never seen people in the room frozen by them but I've only played in Yahoo so I wouldn't know about Pogo or any of the other games sites.

If someone could come up with a way to stop the scrollers, boot the boosters, and stop the use of auto-aim type programs, I know lots and lots of people who would be extremely grateful. There have been lots of rumors going around that people have created programs to combat these game room plagues, but I've yet to see one that actually works.

BTW....be careful of downloading files from someone who says they've got a program to boot people or stop scrolling or whatever. Lots of people have been tricked into downloading trojans and viruses and key loggers by falling for these claims lately.


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#4   re: Looking for a anti-flood progam, :-)
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I could write one for Yahoo but I dont know about pogo as i've never been there. I dont think it would be hard to make one for Yahoo as if it detects a mass message it would auto ingore people using a java applet so its not to hard.

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#5   re: Looking for a anti-flood progam, :-)
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Cool! Let me know when you're finished with it!


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#6   re: Looking for a anti-flood progam, :-)
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OK but it wont be for a few weeks as i'm getting a new website this week and need to upload my new portal. Soon as its done i'll post it on my site or i'll post it here if its OK with the owner.

I better ask first else he may get pissed. icon_biggrin.gif

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#7   re: Looking for a anti-flood progam, :-)
CZ Super Newbie
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Thanks for all the input. I play at the zone though not yahoo or pogo. I play those other sites for other games besides spades.

I did a little researech on this matter. And it sounds to me like they are using bots, to run tasks for them, in this case, to post a string of smileys in the lobby every millisecond. They flood the room with them and in a matter of seconds the room turns red and everyone is frozen and have to exit the room. This causes all games in progress to be void.

It is very frustrating to play almost a whole game then they attack and the game doesn't count cause everyone boots.

I am a plus member on the zone and I have read their forums, seems they always say they are working on it but the solution never comes.

If someone can make a program and solve this please oh please try to format it for the zone too , I would be eternally gratful.

Thanks again guys....

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#8   re: Looking for a anti-flood progam, :-)
CZ Super Newbie
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Ooops, forgot to mention the silent flooders. I don't know if it matters, but their are flooders that can't be seen in the room and even the top plus go2mplus can't do a thing about them.

The only evidence that you have that the room is being flooded, is when you start to lag and the room turns red.

Could you do something about that too if you made this anti-flooding program??

I am asking for a miracle, but I have seen some here, lol. so I am very hopeful.

Thanks again...

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#9   re: Looking for a anti-flood progam, :-)
CZ Super Newbie
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Oh Dave, I just seen the part of your comment about making a program, you said it wouldn't be too hard because yahoo uses a program to ignoree flooders.

The only problem here in the msn gaming zone is, the zone has initiated an auto gag to stop macro users. If someone post in lobby something more than 3 lines long, they are auto gagged for an alloted amount of time, I think anywhere for 2-5 minutes.

The problem is the flooders aren't posting more than 3 lines, they are posting 1 line at a time at highly rapid speed. They will not be auto gagged.

I know thisa sounds like it is impossible to solve, especially for the zone. They even have a program that locks the room capacity at a low level, making it impossible to enter the room. Our league shares a room with another large league , we are 2 of the largest in the msn gaming zone. Combined we have over 3000 members, what a nightmare it is when the hackers lock the room capacity at 50 :O

Anyhow, I just wanted to let you know about the auto gag at the zone and why the flooders are not effected by it.

Thanks again. I will have my fingers crossed and will be praying, lol. Anything for a miracle. icon_smile.gif

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#10   re: Looking for a anti-flood progam, :-)
CZ Active Member
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I could still make one for Yahoo but I don't know about the zone as i'm not fermiliar with the zones applications or what software they use like java or flash or what ever they use.

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