Arcade V2 help with fresh install

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#1   re: Arcade V2 help with fresh install
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Hey Telli, here's the SQL file you requested to build the arcade v2 database from a fresh install...

#--[ SQL ]

# Table structure for table `nuke_bbgamehash`

CREATE TABLE nuke_bbgamehash (
  gamehash_id char(32) NOT NULL default '',
  game_id mediumint(8) NOT NULL default '0',
  user_id mediumint(8) NOT NULL default '0',
  hash_date int(11) NOT NULL default '0'

# Dumping data for table `nuke_bbgamehash`

CREATE TABLE nuke_bbarcade_categories (
  arcade_catid mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
  arcade_cattitle varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
  arcade_nbelmt mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  arcade_catorder mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  KEY arcade_catid (arcade_catid)

CREATE TABLE nuke_bbarcade (
  arcade_name varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
  arcade_value varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
  PRIMARY KEY  (arcade_name)

INSERT INTO nuke_bbarcade (arcade_name, arcade_value) VALUES('use_category_mod','1');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbarcade (arcade_name, arcade_value) VALUES('category_preview_games','2');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbarcade (arcade_name, arcade_value) VALUES('games_par_page','10');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbarcade (arcade_name, arcade_value) VALUES('game_order','Fixed');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbarcade (arcade_name, arcade_value) VALUES('display_winner_avatar','1');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbarcade (arcade_name, arcade_value) VALUES('stat_par_page','10');

# Table structure for table `nuke_bbgames`

CREATE TABLE nuke_bbgames (
  game_id mediumint(8) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  game_pic varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
  game_desc varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
  game_highscore mediumint(8) NOT NULL default '0',
  game_highdate int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
  game_highuser mediumint(8) NOT NULL default '0',
  game_name varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
  game_swf varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
  game_scorevar varchar(20) NOT NULL default '',
  game_type tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0',
  game_order mediumint(8) NOT NULL default '0',
  game_set mediumint(8) NOT NULL default '0',
  arcade_catid mediumint(8) NOT NULL default '1',
  game_width mediumint(5) NOT NULL default '550',
  game_height varchar(5) NOT NULL default '380',
  KEY game_id (game_id)

INSERT INTO nuke_bbarcade_categories VALUES (1, 'Games Of The Forums', 39, 1);
INSERT INTO nuke_bbarcade_categories VALUES (2, 'Classic Arcade Games', 14, 11);
INSERT INTO nuke_bbarcade_categories VALUES (3, 'Yeti Sports Games', 6, 21);
INSERT INTO nuke_bbarcade_categories VALUES (4, 'First Person Shooters', 8, 31);
INSERT INTO nuke_bbarcade_categories VALUES (5, 'Racing Games', 6, 41);
INSERT INTO nuke_bbarcade_categories VALUES (6, 'Shoot-Em Ups', 11, 51);
INSERT INTO nuke_bbarcade_categories VALUES (7, 'Ball/Sports Games', 19, 61);
INSERT INTO nuke_bbarcade_categories VALUES (8, 'Strategy/Puzzle Games', 15, 71);
INSERT INTO nuke_bbarcade_categories VALUES (9, 'Gambling/Card Games', 5, 81);
INSERT INTO nuke_bbarcade_categories VALUES (10, 'Whack em Games', 4, 91);
INSERT INTO nuke_bbarcade_categories VALUES (11, 'Snake Snake and More Snake', 3, 101);

INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (1, '3dball.jpg', 'It\'s Pong in 3D', 25370, 1079108252, 17, '3D

Ball', '3dball.swf', 'scorevariable', 0, 1, 0, 7, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (2, '3dsuperball.gif', 'Rebound the football off the wall and see how

many goals you can score in 1 minute.', 4, 1078767902, 13, '3D Superball', '3dsuperball.swf',

'scorevariable', 0, 2, 0, 7, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (3, 'alien.gif', 'Shoot the spaceships as they rotate around your

base faster and faster. Timing is what this game is all about.', 24, 1078767999, 13, 'Aliens

invasion', 'alien.swf', 'scorevariable', 0, 3, 0, 6, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (4, 'amira.gif', 'Use your spider to collect the bonus points whilst

avoiding the butterflies. Watch out as the grass will slow you down.', 45, 1086213907, 27, 'Amira',

'amira.swf', 'scorevariable', 0, 4, 1, 1, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (5, 'asteroids.gif', 'This games needs no introduction a classic of

the eighties. Shoot the asteroids and watch out as they break into smaller pieces. If this wasn\'t

enough you need to eatch out for other space ships shooting you.', 7510, 1078797529, 17, 'Asteroids',

'asteroids.swf', 'score', 0, 5, 0, 2, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (6, 'bots.gif', 'Shoot the advancing bots before the get close enough

to drain your batteries.', 220, 1079118692, 17, 'Walking bots', 'bots.swf', 'botscore', 0, 6, 0, 6,

550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (7, 'eat.gif', 'Use your spaceship to \'eat\' the globes whilst

avoiding other ships. If they do get in the way give them a blast with your laser.', 168, 1078957007,

17, 'Eat', 'eat.swf', 'eatscore', 0, 7, 0, 1, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (8, 'friki.gif', 'Take penalty shots at a goal and earn points based

on the accuracy of your kicks.', 170, 1079113658, 17, 'Frikigoal', 'friki.swf', 'scorevariable', 0,

8, 0, 7, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (9, 'frog.gif', 'Use the cursor keys to move your frog across the

roads without getting squished! Then move him across the pond using the lillies, logs and the

beavers. Finally make sure you pop him on the bank to eat one of the flies.', 245, 1080209686, 12,

'Frogger', 'frogger.swf', 'scorevariable', 0, 9, 1, 2, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (10, 'hamster.gif', 'We hate Hamsters! What with their cute faces and

the way they nibble things. Get 1 point for each hamster bashed, 5 points for a brown hamster and a

mystery value for the ? hamsters. Take care not to hit a grey hamster otherwise you\'ll lose 3

points.  \r\n', 67, 1078776091, 15, 'Hamster', 'hamster.swf', 'scorevariable', 0, 10, 0, 10, 550,

INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (11, 'helicopter.gif', 'Avoid the obsticles using your mouse clicks

to keep the helicopter in the air.', 713, 1079101965, 17, 'Helicopter', 'helicopter.swf',

'helicopterscore', 0, 11, 0, 1, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (12, 'hexxagon.gif', 'THE classic strategy game. You have played it

on MEGATOUCH now play it online.', 33, 1078762502, 5, 'Hexxagon', 'hexxagon.swf', 'hexxagonscore', 0,

12, 0, 8, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (13, 'hockey.gif', 'Shoot the puck into the goal to score points.

Sounds simple but it\'s not as easy as you would think.', 15, 1078956462, 17, 'Hockey', 'hockey.swf',

'scorevariable', 0, 13, 0, 7, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (14, 'jewels.gif', 'Swap jewls around to make lines of 3 or more.

Clear enough and proceed to the next level.', 54050, 1083543284, 15, 'Jewels', 'jewels.swf',

'jewelsscore', 0, 14, 0, 8, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (15, 'jonglette.gif', 'Jonglez le plus longtemps possible sans

laisser tomber le ballon.', 0, 0, 0, 'Jonglette', 'jonglette.swf', 'scorevariable', 0, 15, 0, 7, 550,

INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (16, 'kaos.gif', 'Ramassez un maximum de bouteilles à travers les

différents niveaux.', 13, 1079103773, 17, 'Kaos', 'kaos.swf', 'kaosscore', 0, 16, 0, 1, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (17, 'kart_race.gif', 'Un petit jeu de voiture, il suffit d\'éviter

les autres voitures.', 150000, 1078838292, 12, 'Kart Race', 'kart_race.swf', 'kartscore', 2, 17, 0,

5, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (18, 'lastman.gif', 'Jugez de la force et de l\'angle nécessaire pour

ecraser votre adversaire.', 544, 1079215133, 12, 'Last man', 'lastman.swf', 'lmscore', 1, 18, 0, 1,

550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (19, 'mario.gif', 'Un petit jeu tout simple, il suffit de rattrapper

un max de pièces en évitant les projectiles.', 1, 1079214052, 12, 'Mario', 'mario.swf',

'scorevariable', 0, 19, 0, 1, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (20, 'molehunt.gif', 'As well as hating hamsters, we also hate moles.

Make sure to smash each mole with the sledgehammer as he pokes his head out of his hiding hole.

That\'ll teach them to dig up my garden!', 0, 0, 0, 'Molehunt', 'molehunt.swf', 'punkte', 1, 20, 0,

10, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (21, 'pacman.gif', 'Une parfaite recréation du classique Pacman!Use

pacman to eat up the dots whilst avoiding the ghosts. Eat a power pill and then take revenge on the

ghost and eat them. Pick up fruit for an extra bonus. Extra lives are awarded for each 10,000

points.', 49660, 1079111737, 17, 'Pacman', 'pacman.swf', 'pacmanscore', 0, 21, 0, 2, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (22, 'perfectmaze.gif', 'Trouvez la sortie en un minimum de temps.',

1572, 1078867093, 16, 'Perfect maze', 'perfectmaze.swf', 'mazescore', 1, 22, 0, 1, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (23, 'pinball.gif', 'Un jeu de flipper', 81800, 1078799129, 17,

'Pinball', 'pinball.swf', 'scorevariable', 0, 23, 0, 1, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (24, 'pingpong.gif', 'Bounce the ping pong ball on your paddle

without letting it go outside of the circle. It\'s harder than it looks!', 9, 1077793035, 4, 'Ping

pong', 'pingpong.swf', 'pingpongscore', 0, 24, 0, 7, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (25, 'plasma2.gif', 'Un petit shoot dans l\'espace', 77, 1080182350,

17, 'Plasmanaut', 'plasmanaut_2.swf', 'treffer', 0, 25, 0, 1, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (26, 'quikshot.gif', 'Réalisez un maximum de paniers pour pouvoir

passer les stages et faire le plus haut score. Le jeu se joue à l\'aide d\'un glisser\\déplacer avec

la souris.', 34, 1079103985, 17, 'Quikshot', 'quikshot.swf', 'totalscore', 1, 26, 0, 7, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (27, 'rocketgame.gif', 'Jeu de tir et d\'adresse, il s\'agit de

toucher son adversaire un maximum de fois avec un nombre limité de missiles.', 39, 1079104203, 17,

'Rocketgame', 'rocketgame.swf', 'sscore', 1, 27, 0, 6, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (28, 'roguesgallery.gif', 'Shoot the moving targets before they shoot

you.', 925, 1078833119, 17, 'Rogues gallery', 'roguesgallery.swf', 'roguescore', 1, 28, 0, 4, 550,

INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (29, 'rshot.gif', 'Un jeu de tir.', 20, 1078770932, 5, 'rshot',

'rshot.swf', 'scorevariable', 0, 29, 0, 4, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (30, 'simon.gif', 'Follow the coloured lights by clicking each one

with your mouse. Each round adds an extra light. How many can you remember?', 12, 1079213723, 12,

'Simple Simon', 'simon.swf', 'simonscore', 0, 30, 0, 8, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (31, 'snake.gif', 'Mangez autant que vous pouvez sans toucher un mur

ou vous même!', 136, 1080181745, 17, 'Snake', 'snake.swf', 'snakescore', 0, 31, 0, 11, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (32, 'space.gif', 'Un Shoot\'em Up dans l\'espace !', 1120,

1080176550, 17, 'Space Hunter', 'spacehunter.swf', 'scorevariable', 0, 32, 0, 6, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (33, 'spaceinvaders.gif', 'Un classique des premières borne

d\'arcade.', 19580, 1078958086, 17, 'Space invaders', 'invaders.swf', 'invadersscore', 0, 33, 0, 6,

550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (34, 'stabthepumpkin.gif', 'Un jeu où il faut tuer des citrouilles.',

18, 1080173014, 17, 'Stabthepumpkin', 'stabthepumpkin.swf', 'scorevariable', 0, 34, 0, 1, 550,

INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (35, 'submarine.gif', 'Ne bombardez que les vaisseaux de guerre si

vous voulez obtenir un bon score.', 0, 0, 0, 'Submarine', 'submarine.swf', 'score', 1, 35, 0, 1, 550,

INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (36, 'surf.gif', 'Use your surfer dude to collect coins whilst

avoiding sea debris and sharks. Click \'submit\' when you\'ve finished to store your score.', 100,

1079290410, 17, 'surf', 'surf.swf', 'scorevariable', 0, 36, 0, 1, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (37, 'tetris.gif', 'Est-il encore besoin de le présenter ? c\'est le

plus connu des jeux de réflexion.', 78748, 1079017897, 5, 'Tetris', 'tetris.swf', 'tetrisscore', 0,

37, 0, 8, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (38, 'tetris2.gif', 'Une version un peu plus classique du Tetris.',

8270, 1080207721, 12, 'Tetris classique', 'tetris2.swf', 'scorevariable', 0, 38, 0, 8, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (39, 'tictactoe.jpg', 'Le célèbre jeu du morpion. Remportez un

maximum de victoires avant que l\'adversaire n\'en obtienne 5.', 0, 0, 0, 'TicTacToe',

'tictactoe.swf', 'tictacscore', 0, 39, 0, 8, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (40, 'ufogame.gif', 'Détruisez tout ce qui se présente, mais faites

attention à ne pas rester dans l\'onde de choc.', 0, 0, 0, 'Ufo', 'ufogame.swf', 'ufogamescore', 0,

40, 0, 6, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (41, 'ufo.gif', 'L\'invasion à commencé saurez vous l\'arrêter ?',

5630, 1079291169, 17, 'Ufo invasion', 'ufo.swf', 'ufoscore', 0, 41, 0, 6, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (42, 'webpong.gif', 'Classique jeu de pong, à la seule différence que

vous jouez pour les 2 joueurs.', 25, 1079291002, 17, 'Web pong', 'webpong.swf', 'webpongscore', 0,

42, 0, 2, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (43, 'xbreakout.gif', 'Traditionnel casse-brique, avec cependant une

particularité : deux raquettes superposées.', 0, 0, 0, 'X-breakout', 'xbreakout.swf',

'breakoutscore', 0, 43, 0, 2, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (44, 'xc.gif', 'Petit jeu de plateforme sans prétention.', 8,

1081974968, 23, 'XC', 'xc.swf', 'scorevariable', 0, 44, 0, 1, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (45, 'blackjack.gif', 'The traditional game of blackjack', 0, 0, 0,

'Blackjack', 'blackjack.swf', 'scorevarible', 0, 45, 0, 9, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (46, 'course.gif', 'Complete 3 Laps as fast as you can.', 20689,

1086224286, 32, 'Rally Car', 'course.swf', 'scorevariable', 0, 46, 1, 5, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (47, 'shootem.gif', 'Shoot the targets as they appear, you have

20seconds to get as many as possible.', 912, 1079015271, 5, 'Target Practice', 'shootemup.swf',

'shootscore', 0, 47, 0, 4, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (48, 'pinguin.gif', 'Using the yeti fire the penguin as far as you

can. The original...', 3234, 1079088074, 5, 'Yeti 1 Penguin Smack', 'pinguin.swf', 'scorevariable',

0, 48, 0, 3, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (49, 'snake2.gif', 'Like snake with better graphics and gameplay.',

0, 0, 0, 'Snake 2', 'snake2.swf', 'scorevariable', 0, 49, 0, 11, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (50, 'orca.jpg', 'Use the snowball to fire penguins at the target.',

534, 1079102133, 17, 'Yeti 2 Orca slap', 'pinguin2.swf', 'scorevariable', 0, 50, 0, 3, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (51, 'poker.gif', '', 2200, 1086226010, 32, 'Poker', 'poker.swf',

'scorevariable', 0, 51, 2, 9, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (52, 'neige.gif', '', 35, 1079830172, 12, 'Snowball Fight',

'neige.swf', 'scorevariable', 0, 52, 0, 4, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (53, 'peche.gif', '', 1463, 1079829906, 12, 'Sea Fishing',

'peche.swf', 'scorevariable', 0, 53, 0, 1, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (54, 'tir.gif', '', 67, 1081339348, 5, 'Doom Trooper', 'tir.swf',

'scorevariable', 0, 54, 0, 4, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (55, 'foot.gif', '', 0, 0, 0, 'Foot', 'foot.swf', 'scorevariable', 0,

55, 0, 7, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (56, 'golf.gif', '', 53, 1080484712, 5, 'Mini Golf', 'golf.swf',

'scorevariable', 0, 56, 0, 7, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (57, 'pingus.gif', 'Get 5 shots and your score is totalled.', 1239,

1086215174, 28, 'Yeti 1 Penguin Smack (Modified)', 'pingus15.swf', 'scorevariable', 0, 57, 4, 3, 550,

INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (58, 'samsite.gif', '', 16, 1080484828, 5, 'Samsite', 'samsite.swf',

'scorevariable', 0, 58, 0, 6, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (59, 'fleche.gif', '', 87, 1081339229, 5, 'fleche', 'fleche.swf',

'scorevariable', 0, 59, 0, 7, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (60, 'tirballon.gif', 'Ballons.', 0, 0, 0, 'Tri Balloon',

'tirballon.swf', 'scorevariable', 0, 60, 0, 1, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (61, 'circuit1.gif', 'Circuit', 0, 0, 0, 'circuit 1', 'circuit1.swf',

'scorevariable', 0, 61, 0, 5, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (62, 'course.gif', 'Circuit 2', 0, 0, 0, 'Circuit 2', 'circuit2.swf',

'scorevariable', 0, 62, 0, 5, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (63, 'course.gif', 'Circuit 3', 0, 0, 0, 'Circuit 3', 'circuit3.swf',

'scorevariable', 0, 63, 0, 5, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (64, 'course.gif', '', 0, 0, 0, 'Course 1', 'course1.swf',

'scorevariable', 0, 64, 0, 5, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (65, 'gauntlet.gif', 'The classic arcade game re-made in flash',

4430, 1083446846, 5, 'Gauntlet', 'gauntlet.swf', 'scorevariable', 0, 65, 0, 2, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (66, 'poisson.gif', '', 0, 0, 0, 'poisson', 'poisson.swf',

'scorevariable', 0, 66, 0, 1, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (67, 'roulette.gif', 'Roulette', 0, 0, 0, 'Roulette', 'roulette.swf',

'scorevariable', 0, 67, 0, 9, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (68, 'singe.gif', 'Singe?', 0, 0, 0, 'Singe', 'singe.swf',

'scorevariable', 0, 68, 0, 1, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (69, 'solitaire.gif', '', 0, 0, 0, 'Solitaire', 'solitaire.swf',

'scorevariable', 0, 69, 0, 8, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (70, 'bombjack.gif', 'Jump around and collect the bombs...', 8000,

1086208146, 5, 'Bombjack', 'bombjack.swf', 'bombjack', 3, 79, 1, 2, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (71, 'moonpatrol.gif', 'It\'s the classic MOON PATROL. Jump the

craters and shoot the aliens..', 5500, 1086217267, 29, 'Moon Patrol', 'moonpatrol.swf', 'moonpatrol',

3, 89, 5, 2, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (72, 'yeti4.gif', 'It\'s another crazy Yeti Game..', 0, 0, 0, 'Yeti 4

Albertross Overload', 'yeti4.swf', 'yeti4', 3, 99, 0, 3, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (73, 'alienterminator.gif', 'Shoot Nukes at the oversized insects to

save the world...', 0, 0, 0, 'Insect Invasion', 'alienterminator.swf', 'alienterminator', 3, 109, 0,

6, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (74, 'arkanoid.gif', 'Bound the ball into the blocks using the bat.',

6250, 1086210907, 5, 'Arkanoid', 'arkanoid.swf', 'arkanoid', 3, 119, 1, 2, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (75, 'ablast.gif', '', 0, 0, 0, 'ablast', 'ablast.swf', 'ablast', 3,

129, 0, 6, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (76, 'bowling.gif', 'Bowling...', 107, 1086217516, 29, 'Bowling',

'bowling_tgfg.swf', 'bowling_tgfg', 3, 139, 1, 7, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (77, 'batandmouse2.gif', '', 0, 0, 0, 'Bat and Mouse 2',

'batandmouse2.swf', 'batandmouse2', 3, 149, 0, 1, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (78, 'bubbletrouble.gif', 'Just Like Puzzle Bobble, match the colours

to remove the bubbles.', 30, 1086211585, 5, 'Bubble Trouble', 'bubbletrouble.swf', 'bubbletrouble',

3, 159, 1, 8, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (79, 'virus2.gif', '', 0, 0, 0, 'Virus 2', 'virus2.swf', 'virus2', 3,

169, 0, 8, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (80, 'towerball.gif', '3D Version of Puzzle Bobble with a twist...',

100, 1086211823, 5, 'Tower Ball', 'towerball.swf', 'towerball', 3, 179, 1, 8, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (81, 'snipers.gif', '', 1090, 1086212032, 5, 'Snipers',

'snipers.swf', 'snipers', 3, 189, 1, 4, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (82, 'sealbounce.gif', '', 0, 0, 0, 'Yeti 3 Seal Bounce',

'sealbounce.swf', 'sealbounce', 3, 199, 0, 3, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (83, 'kickups.gif', '', 23, 1086215406, 5, 'Kick Ups', 'kickups.swf',

'kickups', 3, 209, 1, 7, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (84, 'minikickups.gif', '', 0, 0, 0, 'Mini Kick Ups',

'minikickups.swf', 'minikickups', 3, 219, 0, 7, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (85, 'pooljam.gif', '', 3520, 1086215418, 28, 'Pool Jam',

'pooljam.swf', 'pooljam', 3, 229, 2, 7, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (86, 'tontie.gif', '', 100, 1086212980, 5, 'Tonight', 'tontie.swf',

'tontie', 3, 239, 1, 10, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (87, 'eggs.gif', '', 20, 1086213373, 5, 'Eggs', 'eggs.swf', 'eggs',

3, 249, 1, 1, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (88, 'chopper.gif', '', 474, 1086214935, 28, 'Chopper',

'chopper.swf', 'chopper', 3, 259, 2, 1, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (89, 'goldminer.gif', '', 251, 1086213661, 5, 'Goldminer',

'goldminer.swf', 'goldminer', 3, 269, 1, 1, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (90, 'killkenny.gif', '', 1300, 1086218148, 5, 'Kill Kenny',

'killkenny.swf', 'killkenny', 3, 279, 1, 1, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (91, 'monkeylander.gif', '', 0, 0, 0, 'Monkey Lander',

'monkeylander.swf', 'monkeylander', 3, 289, 0, 1, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (92, 'monkeydiving.gif', '', 0, 0, 0, 'Monkey Diver',

'monkeydiving.swf', 'monkeydiving', 3, 299, 0, 1, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (93, 'ninjakid.gif', '', 0, 0, 0, 'Ninja Kid', 'ninjakid.swf',

'ninjakid', 3, 309, 0, 1, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (94, 'moonlander.gif', '', 0, 0, 0, 'Moon Lander', 'moonlander.swf',

'moonscore', 1, 319, 0, 1, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (95, 'smacktherabbit.gif', '', 11, 1086215313, 5, 'Smack The Rabit',

'smacktherabbit.swf', 'smacktherabbit', 3, 329, 1, 10, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (96, 'tieshooter.gif', 'Shoot The Tie Fighters', 0, 0, 0, 'Tie

Shooter', 'tieshooter_creepy.swf', 'tieshooter', 3, 339, 0, 6, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (97, 'pinballv2.gif', 'More pinball...', 0, 0, 0, 'Pinball V2',

'pinballv2.swf', 'pinball', 3, 349, 0, 1, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (98, 'plops.gif', '', 0, 0, 0, 'Plops', 'plops.swf', 'plops', 3, 359,

0, 1, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (99, 'radialsnake.gif', '', 0, 0, 0, 'Radial Snake',

'radialsnake.swf', 'radialsnake', 3, 369, 0, 1, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (100, 'snowrider.gif', '', 0, 0, 0, 'Snowrider', 'snowrider.swf',

'snowrider', 3, 379, 0, 1, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (101, 'soap_bubble.gif', '', 0, 0, 0, 'Soap Bubble',

'soap_bubble.swf', 'soap_bubble', 3, 389, 0, 7, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (102, 'spiderjump.gif', '', 0, 0, 0, 'Spider Jump', 'spiderjump.swf',

'spiderjump', 3, 399, 0, 1, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (103, 'superdance.gif', '', 0, 0, 0, 'Superdance', 'superdance.swf',

'superdance', 3, 409, 0, 1, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (104, 'tetrisv2.gif', 'Another Tetris Clone', 0, 0, 0, 'Tetris V2',

'tetrisv2.swf', 'tetris', 3, 419, 0, 8, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (105, 'starrynight.gif', '', 0, 0, 0, 'starrynight',

'starrynight.swf', 'starrynight', 3, 429, 0, 1, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (106, 'cats.gif', '', 87, 1086223066, 5, 'Cats', 'cats.swf', 'cats',

3, 439, 1, 1, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (107, 'mcsnake.gif', '', 0, 0, 0, 'Mc Snake', 'mcsnake.swf',

'mcsnake', 3, 449, 0, 11, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (108, 'rotations.gif', '', 0, 0, 0, 'rotations', 'rotations.swf',

'rotations', 3, 459, 0, 8, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (109, 'pipemania.gif', '', 0, 0, 0, 'Pipemania', 'pipemania.swf',

'pipemania', 3, 469, 0, 2, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (111, 'bloodypingu.gif', 'The bloody version of the classic penguin

web game', 0, 0, 0, 'Bloody Pingu', 'bloodypingu.swf', 'bloodypingu', 3, 489, 0, 3, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (112, '421.gif', '', 50, 1086224025, 5, '421', '421.swf', '421', 3,

499, 2, 9, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (113, 'balloonbomber.gif', 'Fly across in your ballon and drop bombs

on the shapes to remove them and increase your score.', 0, 0, 0, 'Ballon Bomber',

'balloonbomber.swf', 'balloonbomber', 3, 509, 0, 8, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (114, 'simpsonsshooter.gif', 'Shoot the characters as they appear.',

0, 0, 0, 'The Simpsons Shooter', 'simpsonsshooter.swf', 'simpsonsshooter', 3, 519, 0, 4, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (115, 'sonic.gif', 'Do i really need to explain?', 0, 0, 0, 'Sonic

The Hedgehog', 'sonic.swf', 'sonic', 3, 529, 0, 2, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (116, 'spyhunter.gif', 'The classic top down driver cum shooter.', 0,

0, 0, 'Spyhunter', 'spyhunter.swf', 'spyhunter', 3, 539, 0, 2, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (117, 'calcul.gif', '', 0, 0, 0, 'calcul', 'calcul.swf', 'calcul', 3,

549, 0, 1, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (118, 'candy.gif', '', 0, 0, 0, 'candy', 'candy.swf', 'candy', 3,

559, 0, 1, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (119, 'caravane.gif', '', 0, 0, 0, 'caravane', 'caravane.swf',

'caravane', 3, 569, 0, 1, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (120, 'castledefend.gif', '', 0, 0, 0, 'castledefend',

'castledefend.swf', 'castledefend', 3, 579, 0, 1, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (121, 'chicken1.gif', '', 0, 0, 0, 'chicken Basket', 'chicken1.swf',

'chicken', 3, 589, 0, 1, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (122, 'cityjumper.gif', '', 0, 0, 0, 'cityjumper', 'cityjumper.swf',

'cityjumper', 3, 599, 0, 1, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (123, 'crazyshuttle.gif', '', 0, 0, 0, 'crazyshuttle',

'crazyshuttle.swf', 'crazyshuttle', 3, 609, 0, 1, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (124, 'discoracer.gif', '', 0, 0, 0, 'discoracer', 'discoracer.swf',

'discoracer', 3, 619, 0, 1, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (125, 'duckhunt.gif', '', 0, 0, 0, 'duckhunt', 'duckhunt.swf',

'duckhunt', 3, 629, 0, 4, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (126, 'flashbert.gif', '', 0, 0, 0, 'flashbert', 'flashbert.swf',

'flashbert', 3, 639, 0, 1, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (127, 'frogger1.gif', 'Frogger in 3D', 0, 0, 0, 'Frogger 3D',

'frogger1.swf', 'frogger', 3, 649, 0, 2, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (128, 'flashpoker.gif', 'Poker', 0, 0, 0, 'flashpoker',

'flashpoker.swf', 'flashpoker', 3, 659, 0, 9, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (129, 'equilibrium.gif', '', 0, 0, 0, 'equilibrium',

'equilibrium.swf', 'equilibrium', 3, 669, 0, 1, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (130, 'flexicombat.gif', '', 0, 0, 0, 'flexicombat',

'flexicombat.swf', 'flexicombat', 3, 679, 0, 1, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (131, 'j20.bmp', '', 0, 0, 0, 'j20', 'j20.swf', 'j20', 3, 689, 0, 7,

550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (132, 'jailbreak.gif', '', 0, 0, 0, 'jailbreak', 'jailbreak.swf',

'jailbreak', 3, 699, 0, 1, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (133, 'jetpacker.gif', '', 0, 0, 0, 'jetpacker', 'jetpacker.swf',

'jetpacker', 3, 709, 0, 1, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (134, 'leaguebowling.gif', 'Neo Geo Bowling', 0, 0, 0,

'leaguebowling', 'leaguebowling.swf', 'leaguebowling', 3, 719, 0, 7, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (135, 'maeda.gif', '', 0, 0, 0, 'maeda', 'maeda.swf', 'maeda', 3,

729, 0, 1, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (136, 'marspatrol.gif', '', 0, 0, 0, 'marspatrol', 'marspatrol.swf',

'marspatrol', 3, 739, 0, 1, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (137, 'minigolfv2.gif', '', 0, 0, 0, 'minigolfv2', 'minigolfv2.swf',

'minigolfv2', 3, 749, 0, 7, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (138, 'moneymoneymoney.gif', '', 0, 0, 0, 'moneymoneymoney',

'moneymoneymoney.swf', 'moneymoneymoney', 3, 759, 0, 1, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (139, 'neverland.gif', '', 0, 0, 0, 'neverland', 'neverland.swf',

'neverland', 3, 769, 0, 1, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (140, 'pepsipinball.gif', '', 0, 0, 0, 'pepsipinball',

'pepsipinball.swf', 'pepsipinball', 3, 779, 0, 1, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (141, 'qb_challenge.gif', '', 0, 0, 0, 'qb_challenge',

'qb_challenge.swf', 'qb_challenge', 3, 789, 0, 1, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (142, 'runandgun.gif', '', 0, 0, 0, 'runandgun', 'runandgun.swf',

'runandgun', 3, 799, 0, 7, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (143, 'sonicherospuzzle.gif', '', 0, 0, 0, 'sonicherospuzzle',

'sonicherospuzzle.swf', 'sonicherospuzzle', 3, 809, 0, 8, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (144, 'speartoss5shots.gif', '', 0, 0, 0, 'Spear Toss (5 shots)',

'speartoss5shots.swf', 'speartoss5shots', 3, 819, 0, 1, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (145, 'squirrelsoccer.gif', 'Shoot peanuts past the squirrels', 0, 0,

0, 'squirrel soccer', 'squirrelsoccer.swf', 'squirrelsoccer', 3, 829, 0, 7, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (146, 'ssl.gif', '', 0, 0, 0, 'ssl', 'ssl.swf', 'ssl', 3, 839, 0, 1,

550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (147, 'starcastle.gif', 'The classic vector game', 0, 0, 0,

'starcastle', 'starcastle.swf', 'starcastle', 3, 849, 0, 2, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (148, 'stickfighter.gif', '', 0, 0, 0, 'stick fighter',

'stickfighter.swf', 'stickfighter', 3, 859, 0, 1, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (149, 'target.gif', '', 0, 0, 0, 'target', 'target.swf', 'target', 3,

869, 0, 1, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (150, 'witchhunt.gif', '', 0, 0, 0, 'witchhunt', 'witchhunt.swf',

'witchhunt', 3, 879, 0, 1, 550, '380');
INSERT INTO nuke_bbgames VALUES (151, 'zookeeper.gif', '', 0, 0, 0, 'zookeeper', 'zookeeper.swf',

'zookeeper', 3, 889, 0, 1, 550, '380');

# Table structure for table `nuke_bbhackgame`

CREATE TABLE nuke_bbhackgame (
  user_id mediumint(8) NOT NULL default '0',
  game_id mediumint(8) NOT NULL default '0',
  date_hack int(11) NOT NULL default '0'

# Dumping data for table `nuke_bbhackgame`

# --------------------------------------------------------

# Table structure for table `nuke_bbscores`

CREATE TABLE nuke_bbscores (
  game_id mediumint(8) NOT NULL default '0',
  user_id mediumint(8) NOT NULL default '0',
  score_game mediumint(8) NOT NULL default '0',
  score_date int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
  score_time int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
  score_set mediumint(8) NOT NULL default '0'

# Dumping data for table `nuke_bbscores`

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#2   re: Arcade V2 help with fresh install
CZ Super Newbie
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That doesnt work either. Get errors still


SQL-query :

CREATE TABLE `nuke_bbgamehash` (

`gamehash_id` char( 32 ) NOT NULL default '',
`game_id` mediumint( NOT NULL default '0', `user_id` mediumint( NOT NULL default '0', `hash_date` int( 11 ) NOT NULL default '0' ) TYPE = MYISAM

MySQL said:

#1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'NOT NULL default '0',
`user_id` mediumint( NOT NULL default '

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#3   re: Arcade V2 help with fresh install
CZ Super Newbie
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Howdy,i just installed the arcade mod.v2, i originally tried using the sql tables provided with the mod, but they didnt work, i stumbled accross this post, and found the post where Telli provided "arcade_orig" zip, i was able to download it, and that loaded into the DB fine, itried to upgrade the tables with the version2 sql, but that didnt work. so i plowed ahead with the install anyways. Below are the errors i got when i clicked on "config arcade", and "manage arcade" can ya help me out?

Warning: main(./../gf_funcs/gen_funcs.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/gruntzco/public_html/modules/Forums/admin/admin_arcade.php on line 26

this is line 26 of admin_arcade.pgp..............."require( $phpbb_root_path . 'gf_funcs/gen_funcs.' . $phpEx);"

Warning: main(./../gf_funcs/gen_funcs.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/gruntzco/public_html/modules/Forums/admin/admin_arcade_games.php on line 27

these are lines 27,28,29

// Pull all config data

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#4   re: Arcade V2 help with fresh install
CZ Super Newbie
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anybody ?? icon_smile.gif icon_smile.gif

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#5   re: Arcade V2 help with fresh install
CZ Super Newbie
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You can find all instructions and help over [ Register or login to view links on this board.]

The full version of v2 arcade is found on page 4 in the same thread.

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#6   re: Arcade V2 help with fresh install
CZ Super Newbie
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thank you swede, i'll go check it out now.

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#7   re: Arcade V2 help with fresh install
CZ Active Member
planetgamer has been a member for over 20 year's 20 Year Member
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I recently tryed this mod not once but 2 times installed it and it didnt work so i gave up on it icon_sad.gif Didnt work twice !

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#8   re: Arcade V2 help with fresh install
CZ Newbie
skullcramp has been a member for over 20 year's 20 Year Member
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Ditto, I even tried upgrading to 7.3 and starting fresh. I've tried 3 times now, I think I will try once more. I really want this mod.

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#9   re: Arcade V2 help with fresh install
CZ Super Newbie
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ive tried three times myself, and it didnt work, not only did it not work, but now i have errors that were never there before the install.

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#10   re: Arcade V2 help with fresh install
CZ Newbie
skullcramp has been a member for over 20 year's 20 Year Member
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Reddog--> I finally got mine to work. I made a back up of my db. deleted all files exept themes, and downloads. Uploaded a fresh version of 7.1 which is what I was using before, then used the latest download from telli of the arcade, and it worked. Well I haven't been able to figure out how to get the scores to record yet. Any suggestions?

Any chance one of you pros could take a peek and see what's wrong. [ Register or login to view links on this board. ]

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