lagging problem

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#1   lagging problem
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does anyone know how to reduce a page lag... it would really help. we are having problems getting our pages to load quickly, and they seem to lag.


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Take out glow tags? Ive known that to cause problems.

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#3   re: lagging problem
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a lot of times it's caused by a glow code used on your pages...but we cant pin it down until we see the page.

can you plz leave a link

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#4   re: lagging problem
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I know this question has already been answered. But seeing how people seem to like to use the glow code I thought I would rework the code and see what I came up with.

The problem lies in the amount of area the glow effect is applied to. Both visible (or displayable) and hidden area seems to make a difference. The way I understand it is the glow effect is applied to the edges of all objects within its tags but unless the objects have certain properties OR the filter its self doesn't possess certain properties then the glow effect won't be visible.

Now I could be misunderstand how it actually works so I created a test page that only had an iframe on it with the standard dimension that most people seem to use on the league pages. The iframed page its self was blank. So with having a page with only 1 object on it with a total edge length of about 7000px, and the filter not possessing the correct properties to make the glow effect visible, the page still had a drastic lag to it.

OK now the solution....

Wild I used your page code as my test bed.

To create a page that has the glow effect applied to the "top 20" you can do the following.

Step 1. In your announcement put the following codes

This will break out of the announcement table and center everything on page

Under that put your iframe code
<iframe width=700 height=3000 frameborder=0 scrolling="NO" src=""></iframe>

Then put in the font style code
<style> font { color:123FDD; font-size: 14pt; font-weight:bold; } </style>

And lastly put the div glow tag at the bottom of your announcement
  <DIV STYLE="filter: glow(Color=#EE0000,Strength=3); width:500;">

All together it looks like this
<iframe width=700 height=3000 frameborder=0 scrolling="NO" src=""></iframe>
<style> font { color:123FDD; font-size: 14pt; font-weight:bold; } </style>
  <DIV STYLE="filter: glow(Color=#EE0000,Strength=3); width:500;">

Step 2. In right table put the following code...

Start off with a closing div tag ( </DIV> ), doing this stops the glow effect as soon as possible.

Then insert an opening div tag ( <div> ) followed by the styles for the rest of your page then your body handler that loads your left frame

</div><div><STYLE TYPE="text/css">BODY {
background-image: url(;}
div { width:500; color:ff0000; font-size:50pt; }
td, p, i, xmp, u,{COLOR: 123FDD;
b{color: cc0000 ; font-family;verdana; font-size:10pt;
font-weight:bold;} A:LINK{ color: cc0000; FONT-FAMILY:verdana;
font-size:10pt;} A:VISITED{ color: cc0000; FONT-FAMILY:verdana;
font-size:10pt;} A:HOVER{ color: 0000ff; FONT-FAMILY:verdana;
#link { color: CC3300 } #text { color:CC3300 }
SMALL { font-size: smaller }</STYLE>
<body bgcolor="#000000" link="#CC3300" vlink="#CC3300"

In the Css I added a div selector to control the width of the right table (which is now the bottom table) and the size and color of the new turny clock.

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#5   re: lagging problem
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Marduk_2001 has been a member for over 20 year's 20 Year Member
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i used to lag heaps!! but i deleted all the crap from my com and it helped a lil bit

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#6   re: lagging problem
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Rockdrala has been a member for over 19 year's 19 Year Member
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hey I am laggin in im my scrolling forums and other scrolling blocks... will any of these methods fix my issue? im running php nuke 7.7 take a look [ Register or login to view links on this board. ]

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#7   re: lagging problem
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No, the codes given above are for a Cases MyLeague page, not PHP Nuke.

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