medals mod error

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#1   medals mod error
CZ Newbie
Aucturus has been a member for over 20 year's 20 Year Member
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srry i posted this in two places but that was a very old post so posting fresh one......

this is regarding cz noobies post ion medals mod....

i have the same error... infact i was just gonan post on it...

first of lemem say thnx and good job to u all.. ive been addicted to this site for the past couple of days..... it looks gr8, is evry informative and very very helpful....

thnx to telli and all the other admins..... also for the mods...

now the errors i get in medals mod... herer the story....

I have nuke 7.1... site: [ Register or login to view links on this board. ]

I installed the Medals Mod ver 2.0.1
and everything worked fine but when i go to the medals page and click Medal Control Panel for any medal at all, I get the page:

Not Authorized
Click to return to index

I made sure I am the Mod for all medals! (aint dumb, lol)

also I tried going back and thenretrying to click the link... and TO MY SURPRISE, sumtimes it works and sumtimes it dun..... in fact when inside the control panel and i add ppl to the award... that too does the same.... :S any clue why this is happening... ? :S

Secondly I then thought maybe its a bug and looked for newer versions....

i found 2.1.0 and downloaded it and did the updates where needed....

but then when i upload the medals.php, medals_cp.php and medals_edit.php or whatever those three main fiels in the forums root directory are called... i get the following errors.....

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: session_pagestart() in /data/members/free/tripod/uk/h/u/r/hurrianalliance/htdocs/modules/Forums/medals.php on line 28

so i tried to edit the file and just to check tried adding // to that line to make it a comment and see what happens
and then i got

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: message_die() in /data/members/free/tripod/uk/h/u/r/hurrianalliance/htdocs/modules/Forums/medals.php on line 61

so i tried the same with this line too
and then i got

Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /data/members/free/tripod/uk/h/u/r/hurrianalliance/htdocs/modules/Forums/medals.php on line 136

now i guess i just took out one part too many lol....

but the line 61 and line 28 i guess r errors that need fixing and there r some errors in the medalcp_edit.php and medalcp.php also....

pls help me solve this.. i luv this mod only hate these bugs... i need it badly for my clan....

pls tell me either how to correct the NOT AUTHORIZED error in the old version OR how to make the new version work....

thnx a lot again....

here is sum onfo on my settings...

php nuke ver 7.1
phpbb ver 2.0.8 (i think)
i also did the 7.1 update so it should ahve put 2.0.8 automatically but i did that seperately too......

another error is: when i try updating the INDIVIDUAL USER Permissions it was goving me an error....
now afgter the upgrade i can chaneg the user permissions and all and it shows me the next screen to return to the control panel but then ITS BNOT REALLY UPDATING THE DB ..... cause NUTHIN HAPPENS
tehy still cant moderate...

i o nly kinda copied half the files of 2.0.8 lol... cause if i copied all it wont let me into forum admin :S says not authorized :S

lol so i haev half the files of 2.0.8 anmd half of the 7.1 update :S

half kknowledge is always harmful lol

pls if sumone can help me on this it'd be gr8


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#2   re: medals mod error
CZ Newbie
Aucturus has been a member for over 20 year's 20 Year Member
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i solved it
heres the solution...

open medalcop.php


if ($sid == '' || $sid != $userdata['session_id'])
    $message = $lang['Not_Authorised'] . '<br /><br />' . sprintf($lang['Click_return_index'], '<a href="' . append_sid("index.$phpEx") . '">', '</a>');

    message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, $message);

either delete this or add // to each line....


if (!isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['sid']) || $HTTP_POST_VARS['sid'] != $userdata['session_id'])
            message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, 'Invalid_session');

either delete this or add // to each line....

i got tired of the errors and went through the medalcp.php...
i aint that gr8 in php but i kinda understand it so i spotted the Invalid Session thingy.... the reason i hadnt dun all this before was cause i tried searching for Invalid and it said no results :S.... guess i need a new editor :S
i would have dun this long ago then lol...
but neways
thnx a lot all u guys for the help and info
keep up the good work m8
hope i was of help to anyone who has or will have this same prob as me
good luck

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