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#1   Looking
CZ Super Newbie
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Im looking for a side bar scroller for php nuke have a block would like to be able to arrow through any suggestions? Scroller plus a side arrow or is that possible?

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#2   re: Looking
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are you talking about a pausing scroll box that has arrows or a scrollbar?

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#3   re: Looking
CZ Super Newbie
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Yes, Scroll arrows to move down or up through the block.. plus scroll if thats possble.. Here is what Im using now.. on very bottom right hand side.. [ Register or login to view links on this board. ] Thanks for any help

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#4   re: Looking
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nice variation of a theme ya got there

I havent seen a scroller block for Nuke but you can make one of your own. here's a couple of scroller possibilities for ya:
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then use the block creator once you've made your choice

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#5   re: Looking
CZ Super Newbie
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Guess, What I want is a scroll Bar not a Scroller and I see none on that site... And yes I get all my themes here, They Rock! You guys are awsome! We do our Web Hosting through you guys also for all the help you give us

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#6   re: Looking
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ok, if you want a scrollbar, then your defeating the purpose of making it scroll up on it's in adding a marquee.

if you just want a simple box with a scrollbar, then you can just use the textbox code and add some scrollbar on it. The code would look something like this:

<textarea cols="50" rows="5" style="background-color: #003333; color: #cecece; font-weight: bold; font-size: 12pt; font-family:papyrus; scrollbar-face-color:#000000; scrollbar-arrow-color:#0000ff; scrollbar-track-color:#000000; scrollbar-shadow-color:'#0000ff'; scrollbar-highlight-color:'#0000ff'; scrollbar-3dlight-color:'#000000'; scrollbar-darkshadow-Color:'#0000ff';">All your text go in here</textarea> </form>

P.S. thank you for hosting with us too

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#7   re: Looking
CZ Super Newbie
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So where does this fit into this Block at LOL


$usemarquee = 1;
$scrolldirection = "up";

if (eregi("block-SitesOnline.php", $PHP_SELF)) {Header("Location: index.php");die();}

$content .= "<Marquee Behavior=\"Scroll\" Direction=\"$scrolldirection\" Height=\"350\" ScrollAmount=\"4\" ScrollDelay=\"5\" onMouseOver=\"this.stop()\" onMouseOut=\"this.start()\"><br>";

$content  .= "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<center><img src=\"webpics/tracklogo/Atlanta.jpg\"></center>";

$content .= "<center><font color=red>&nbsp;<br>

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<font size=\"1\" face=\"Arial\">



$content  .= "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<center><img src=\"webpics/tracklogo/Bristol.jpg\"></center>";

$content .= "<center><font color=red>&nbsp;<br>

<font size=\"2\" face=\"Arial\">

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$content  .= "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<center><img src=\"webpics/tracklogo/California.jpg\"></center>";

$content .= "<center><font color=red>&nbsp;<br>

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$content .= "<center><font color=red>&nbsp;<br>

<font size=\"2\" face=\"Arial\">

<font color=red>
<font color=white>
<font size=\"1\" face=\"Arial\">
Pat_Ben (181.117mph)
tmiles (180.421mph)
<font color=red>
<font size=\"2\" face=\"Arial\">
<font color=white>
<font size=\"1\" face=\"Arial\">

sandy14 (183.649mph)


$content  .= "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<center><img src=\"webpics/tracklogo/Darlington.jpg\"></center>";

$content .= "<center><font color=red>&nbsp;<br>

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<font size=\"2\" face=\"Arial\">
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<font size=\"1\" face=\"Arial\">



$content  .= "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<center><img src=\"webpics/tracklogo/Daytona.jpg\"></center>";

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sandy14 (178.014mph)
<font color=red>
<font size=\"2\" face=\"Arial\">
<font color=white>
<font size=\"1\" face=\"Arial\">

Mike_D (182.801mph)


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$content .= "<center><font color=red>&nbsp;<br>

<font size=\"2\" face=\"Arial\">

<font color=red>
<font color=white>
<font size=\"1\" face=\"Arial\">
sammonator (123.630mph)
J_Kokes (123.928mph)
<font color=red>
<font size=\"2\" face=\"Arial\">
<font color=white>
<font size=\"1\" face=\"Arial\">



$content  .= "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<center><img src=\"webpics/tracklogo/North Carolina.jpg\"></center>";

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<font size=\"2\" face=\"Arial\">
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<font size=\"1\" face=\"Arial\">



$content  .= "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<center><img src=\"webpics/tracklogo/Phoenix.jpg\"></center>";

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<font size=\"2\" face=\"Arial\">

<font color=red>
<font color=white>
<font size=\"1\" face=\"Arial\">
sandy14 (165.481mph)
BenSides (165.326mph)
<font color=red>
<font size=\"2\" face=\"Arial\">
<font color=white>
<font size=\"1\" face=\"Arial\">
JayFleming (127.787mph)
JayFleming (127.011mph)


$content  .= "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<center><img src=\"webpics/tracklogo/Richmond.jpg\"></center>";

$content .= "<center><font color=red>&nbsp;<br>

<font size=\"2\" face=\"Arial\">

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<font color=white>
<font size=\"1\" face=\"Arial\">


<font color=red>
<font size=\"2\" face=\"Arial\">
<font color=white>
<font size=\"1\" face=\"Arial\">



$content  .= "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<center><img src=\"webpics/tracklogo/Talladega.jpg\"></center>";

$content .= "<center><font color=red>&nbsp;<br>

<font size=\"2\" face=\"Arial\">

<font color=red>
<font color=white>
<font size=\"1\" face=\"Arial\">


<font color=red>
<font size=\"2\" face=\"Arial\">
<font color=white>
<font size=\"1\" face=\"Arial\">



$content  .= "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<center><img src=\"webpics/tracklogo/Texas.jpg\"></center>";

$content .= "<center><font color=red>&nbsp;<br>

<font size=\"2\" face=\"Arial\">

<font color=red>
<font color=white>
<font size=\"1\" face=\"Arial\">


<font color=red>
<font size=\"2\" face=\"Arial\">
<font color=white>
<font size=\"1\" face=\"Arial\">



$content  .= "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<center><img src=\"webpics/tracklogo/Watkins Glen.jpg\"></center>";

$content .= "<center><font color=red>&nbsp;<br>

<font size=\"2\" face=\"Arial\">

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<font size=\"1\" face=\"Arial\">


<font color=red>
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<font color=white>
<font size=\"1\" face=\"Arial\">



$content .= "</left></Marquee>";

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#8   re: Looking
PayPal Donation
CZ Revered Member
 Codezwiz Site Donator
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it doesn't

The code you have is that of a scrolling block....which is defined with a marquee command. A marquee moves information on it's own without the aide of the user having to use a scrollbar. It actually eliminates the need for a scrollbar since the information is already "scrolling".

You need to decide what effect it is you want for that block. Tell me what's wrong with that block? Does it scroll up too fast? Do you want each message to pause after a certain block of text is shown? Do you want it to stop if a user hovers his mouse over it?
What is the purpose of that block? Why do you feel the need for scrollbars on that block?

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#9   re: Looking
CZ Super Newbie
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Well there is so much info on this block it will take around 4 mintues to cycle through it, So I figured if I put a scroll bar on it they could go to the info they wanted.. and not have to wait for 4 minutes.. lol

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#10   re: Looking
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If that's the case, I'd skip the scrolling and go with the scroll bar.

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