Please Help ME !

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#1   Please Help ME !
CZ Active Member
planetgamer has been a member for over 20 year's 20 Year Member
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Ok when i go to your account in my website i click the theme button it just brings me to the plane your account page along with your info your home and comments i tryed to get the thing this site has NSN Your Account to see if it fixes it but when i download off that site it doesnt have what i need it has one file for NSN Your Account and its like chinese.php what the bathtub ? I downloaded all the NSN Your Account all they have is like turkey and other stupid languages where is the english. Thanks

EDIT ANOTHER THING ! : I cannot change the password for my admin account its like pruned up or something i can do it in the tables but i really dont wont to it wont let me create another one it just redirects me to a white page ! Is there a program i can type in my password and it gives me the code like this c647eb65e6711e155375218212b3964 ?

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#2   re: Please Help ME !
CZ Wiz
 Codezwiz Site Donator
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Hello, as I recall you installed Sentinel, correct? did you perform step 4? From the readme:

Step 4. Your Account Bug.

In Your Account's index.php file you will find 4 placements of:

if (($userinfo[username] != $cookie[1]) AND ($userinfo[user_password] != $cookie[2])) {

You should replace it with:

if ((is_user($user)) AND ($userinfo[username] == $cookie[1]) AND ($userinfo[user_password] == $cookie[2])) {

Hope this helps.

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#3   re: Please Help ME !
CZ Active Member
planetgamer has been a member for over 20 year's 20 Year Member
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i just did that that wasent it it still doesnt work why me dangit i am going to have to re do my hole site i should have done it a whille ago now it seems i might have to. Stupid admin pass is pruned. And this and points mod screwd. icon_sad.gif looking at about 3 hours if i keep my theme file and other stuff. icon_sad.gif

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