Restrict Signature Size not working

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#1   re: Restrict Signature Size not working
CZ Super Newbie
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My bad.. Didn't see that above..

Nice mods by the way with the birthday things, but I'm also thinking that some of the updates do impact the way it works.

Anyway, what I did notice is that I have part of the code differently for handling signatures on the line where you have the birthday sets in the middle of the code, I did notice that (the line starts with):

SET " . $username_sql . $passwd_sql . "user_email = '" . str_replace("\'", "''", $email) ."', user_icq = '" . str_replace("\'", "''", $icq) . "', user_website = '" . str_replace("\'", "''", $website) . "', user_occ = '" . str_replace("\'", "''", $occupation) .

is missing:

user_sig = '" . str_replace("\'", "''", $signature) . "', user_sig_bbcode_uid = '$signature_bbcode_uid',

Hope that helps!
Steph [ Register or login to view links on this board. ]
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#2   re: Restrict Signature Size not working
CZ Newbie
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Change this

                        $sql = "UPDATE " . USERS_TABLE . "
                                SET " . $username_sql . $passwd_sql . "user_email = '" . str_replace("\'", "''", $email) ."', user_icq = '" . str_replace("\'", "''", $icq) . "', user_website = '" . str_replace("\'", "''", $website) . "', user_occ = '" . str_replace("\'", "''", $occupation) . "', user_from = '" . str_replace("\'", "''", $location) . "', user_interests = '" . str_replace("\'", "''", $interests) . "', user_viewemail = '$viewemail', user_aim = '" . str_replace("\'", "''", str_replace(' ', '+', $aim)) . "', user_yim = '" . str_replace("\'", "''", $yim) . "', user_msnm = '" . str_replace("\'", "''", $msn) . "', user_attachsig = '$attachsig', user_allowsmile = '$allowsmilies', user_allowhtml = '$allowhtml', user_allowbbcode = '$allowbbcode', user_allow_viewonline = '$allowviewonline', user_notify = '$notifyreply', user_notify_pm = '$notifypm', user_popup_pm = '$popup_pm', user_timezone = '$user_timezone', user_dateformat = '" . str_replace("\'", "''", $user_dateformat) . "', user_lang = '" . str_replace("\'", "''", $user_lang) . "', user_style = '$user_style', user_active = '$user_active', user_actkey = '" . str_replace("\'", "''", $user_actkey) . "'" . $avatar_sql . ", user_birthday='$birthday', user_next_birthday_greeting='$next_birthday_greeting'
                                WHERE user_id = '$user_id'";
                        if ( !($result = $db->sql_query($sql)) )

to this

                        $sql = "UPDATE " . USERS_TABLE . "
                                SET " . $username_sql . $passwd_sql . "user_email = '" . str_replace("\'", "''", $email) ."', user_icq = '" . str_replace("\'", "''", $icq) . "', user_website = '" . str_replace("\'", "''", $website) . "', user_occ = '" . str_replace("\'", "''", $occupation) . "', user_sig = '" . str_replace("\'", "''", $signature) . "', user_sig_bbcode_uid = '$signature_bbcode_uid', user_from = '" . str_replace("\'", "''", $location) . "', user_interests = '" . str_replace("\'", "''", $interests) . "', user_viewemail = '$viewemail', user_aim = '" . str_replace("\'", "''", str_replace(' ', '+', $aim)) . "', user_yim = '" . str_replace("\'", "''", $yim) . "', user_msnm = '" . str_replace("\'", "''", $msn) . "', user_attachsig = '$attachsig', user_allowsmile = '$allowsmilies', user_allowhtml = '$allowhtml', user_allowbbcode = '$allowbbcode', user_allow_viewonline = '$allowviewonline', user_notify = '$notifyreply', user_notify_pm = '$notifypm', user_popup_pm = '$popup_pm', user_timezone = '$user_timezone', user_dateformat = '" . str_replace("\'", "''", $user_dateformat) . "', user_lang = '" . str_replace("\'", "''", $user_lang) . "', user_style = '$user_style', user_active = '$user_active', user_actkey = '" . str_replace("\'", "''", $user_actkey) . "'" . $avatar_sql . ", user_birthday='$birthday', user_next_birthday_greeting='$next_birthday_greeting'
                                WHERE user_id = '$user_id'";
                        if ( !($result = $db->sql_query($sql)) )

And it did not fix the problem. Still able to add a 4,000 x 4,000 pixel signature when I've specified 300 x 300.

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Can you check your nuke_bbconfig table and make sure that you have these fields


Also make sure they have the number you added it in the admin panel.

The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he, who in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee. Ezekiel 25:17
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#4   re: Restrict Signature Size not working
CZ Newbie
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Hi Telli.

Yes, both fields are there and match what I have input in the admin panel. This is the export of that table. (I've changed the info where it says "my site")

INSERT INTO nuke_bbconfig (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('config_id', '1'),
('board_disable', '0'),
('sitename', 'My Site'),
('site_desc', 'without pixels, you have nothing.'),
('cookie_name', 'mysite'),
('cookie_path', '/'),
('cookie_domain', ''),
('cookie_secure', '0'),
('session_length', '3600'),
('allow_html', '0'),
('allow_html_tags', 'b,i,u,pre'),
('allow_bbcode', '1'),
('allow_smilies', '1'),
('allow_sig', '1'),
('allow_namechange', '0'),
('allow_theme_create', '0'),
('allow_avatar_local', '1'),
('allow_avatar_remote', '0'),
('allow_avatar_upload', '1'),
('override_user_style', '1'),
('posts_per_page', '15'),
('topics_per_page', '50'),
('hot_threshold', '25'),
('max_poll_options', '10'),
('max_sig_chars', '270'),
('max_inbox_privmsgs', '20'),
('max_sentbox_privmsgs', '20'),
('max_savebox_privmsgs', '20'),
('board_email_sig', 'Thank you,\r\nStacy'),
('board_email', ''),
('smtp_delivery', '0'),
('smtp_host', ''),
('require_activation', '0'),
('flood_interval', '2'),
('board_email_form', '0'),
('avatar_filesize', '15144'),
('avatar_max_width', '80'),
('avatar_max_height', '80'),
('avatar_path', 'modules/Forums/images/avatars'),
('avatar_gallery_path', 'modules/Forums/images/avatars'),
('smilies_path', 'modules/Forums/images/smiles'),
('default_style', '1'),
('default_dateformat', 'D M d, Y g:i a'),
('board_timezone', '-6'),
('prune_enable', '0'),
('privmsg_disable', '0'),
('gzip_compress', '0'),
('coppa_fax', ''),
('coppa_mail', ''),
('board_startdate', '1013908210'),
('default_lang', 'english'),
('smtp_username', ''),
('smtp_password', ''),
('record_online_users', '7'),
('record_online_date', '1088290897'),
('server_name', ''),
('server_port', '80'),
('script_path', '/modules/Forums/'),
('version', '.0.8'),
('enable_confirm', '0'),
('sendmail_fix', '0'),
('sig_images_max_width', '300'),
('sig_images_max_height', '300'),
('sig_images_max_limit', '1'),
('ropm_quick_reply', '1'),
('birthday_greeting', '1'),
('max_user_age', '100'),
('min_user_age', '5'),
('birthday_check_day', '7'),
('active_wpm', '0'),
('wpm_username', 'Somebody'),
('wpm_userid', '3'),
('bankinterest', '2'),
('bankfees', '1'),
('bankpayouttime', '5000'),
('bankname', 'Forums Bank'),
('bankopened', '1087846800'),
('bankholdings', '0'),
('banktotaldeposits', '334355'),
('banktotalwithdrew', '304899'),
('banklastrestocked', '1094441654'),
('lottery_cost', '25'),
('lottery_ticktype', 'single'),
('lottery_length', '604800'),
('lottery_reset', 'on'),
('lottery_status', 'on'),
('lottery_name', 'Lottery'),
('lottery_base', '25'),
('lottery_start', '1094347225'),
('lottery_lastwon', A User'),
('multibuys', 'on'),
('restocks', 'on'),
('sellrate', '80'),
('viewtopic', 'images'),
('viewprofile', 'images'),
('viewinventory', 'grouped'),
('specialshop', 'ßstoreÞenabledßnameÞForum Effects StoreßonÞ100ßonÞ100ßonÞ100ßonÞ100ßonÞ100ßonÞ100ßonÞ100ßonÞ100ßonÞ100ßonÞ100ßonÞ10000ßoffÞ1'),
('viewtopiclimit', '10');

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Ok and they are adding the sigs in the Forums profile correct?

The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he, who in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee. Ezekiel 25:17
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#6   re: Restrict Signature Size not working
CZ Newbie
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Can you pm me your site so I can go and join and try to upload one please.

The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he, who in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee. Ezekiel 25:17
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Ok the reason it isnt working is because you are using the signature previewer deluxe. That uses a separate file to handle your signatures. I also use it but mine is heavily modded. Attach your includes/usercp_signature.php and I will try to place it in there then you can test that.

The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he, who in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee. Ezekiel 25:17
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#9   re: Restrict Signature Size not working
CZ Newbie
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Here is the file.

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#10   re: Restrict Signature Size not working
CZ Newbie
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Hmmmm attachment isn't working...

Duh.. .php isn't accepted.

Attached Files
usercp_signature.txt (6.85 KB, Downloaded: 5246 Time(s))

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