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#1   Teamspeak
CZ Newbie
FNR_BulletFindr has been a member for over 20 year's 20 Year Member
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IS there any way to make the teamspeak block from youe site scroll.If not do you know where i can get one for a center block? thnks in advance.

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CZ Revered Member
 Codezwiz Site Donator
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can yu post the teamseak block here so i can take a look??

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#3   re: Teamspeak
CZ Newbie
FNR_BulletFindr has been a member for over 20 year's 20 Year Member
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this is the block i have.

/* TeamSpeak Block For PHP-NUKE: Web Portal System */
/* =============================================== */
/* */
/* Copyright (c) 2004 by **CloseUp**|Ds| */
/* [ Register or login to view links on this board. ] */
/* I have only made this script with Cut & Paste from many other scripts*/

if (eregi("block-TeamSpeak_nuke.php",$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) {
Header("Location: index.php");

// retrieve server info
$serverAddress = ""; // TeamSpeak IP, don't use localhost here
$serverUDPPort = "8767"; // default 8767

// Don't edit below unless you know what you are messing with
$serverAddress2 = "$serverAddress:$serverUDPPort";

// Get Nuke UserName
global $user, $cookie, $user_prefix;
$username = $cookie[1];
$sql = "SELECT user_id FROM $user_prefix"._users." WHERE username='$username'";
// display channel list
$content .= "<table aalign=\"center\" width=\"100%\">\n";
$counter = 0;
foreach($tss2info->channelList as $channelInfo) {
$channelname = $channelInfo[channelname];

// determine codec (verbose)
$codec = $tss2info->getVerboseCodec($channelInfo[codec]);

// default?
if($channelInfo[isdefault] == "1") $isDefault = "yes"; else $isDefault = "no";

if ($channelInfo[channelid] != "id") {
$content .= ("<tr><td><img src=\"images/bullet_channel.gif\" align=absmiddle alt=MAX&nbsp;".$channelInfo[maxplayers]."&nbsp;Players><a href=\"teamspeak://".$serverAddress.":".$serverUDPPort."/nickname=".$username."?loginname=?password=?channel=".$channelname."?channelpassword=\">".$channelname."</a></td></tr>\n");
$counter_player = 0;
foreach($tss2info->playerList as $playerInfo) {
if ($playerInfo[channelid] == $channelInfo[channelid]) {
$content .=("<tr><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src=\"images/bullet_ts.gif\" alt=$playerInfo[playername] align=absmiddle>&nbsp;".$playerInfo[playername]."</td></tr>\n");
if($counter_player == 0) $content .= ("<tr><td></td></tr>\n");
}// end foreach

if ($counter == 0) $content .= ("<tr><td colspan=\"7\" align=\"CENTER\">Offline</td></tr>\n");
$content .= ("</table>\n</div>\n");
//Copyright Please don't remove with out my approval
$content .= ("<center><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">&copy; DarkKnights</a></center>");


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