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Alright everyone..the time has come! Stop cheaters in their tracks! Below you will see link to a detector program to detect any auto aimer programs. But, remember its not 100% accurate, but it has already busted loads of members from many leagues! Simply type in the name of a logged in yahoo id that are in a pool room playin a pool game (type name as exactly it appears - including rares). This program will also detect hackin/crackin/boostin dont rush to any conclusions when/if it says the person has aimer active. Random test them and watch how they play before comin to any decisions. There are times when the person is innoncent of any wrongdoings and the program says the person has active aimer program...remember its not 100% accurate due to the java situations. If any questions, just ask me anytime (prefer email me [ Register or login to view links on this board. ] )
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Is that the same program as i put up a long time a go.
No one said a word about it. icon_rolleyes.gif icon_twisted.gif [ Register or login to view links on this board. ]

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At the site you posted a long time ago is a little different. The program they made..actually they do custom make program for specific league that want to buy them for their own personal league or they can use the free program that whole public has access to it let me explain:

The person logs onto the program...the program disable any aiming devices on the computer...when the person logs their yahoo/league id into the system...their name is enlisted into the program site and others can view the list and see the name and knows the person is not cheating, cuz with program disables any aiming devices.

A league can have their very own program which only the league members log into it and on the site they can see their league member enlisted or

they can use the public program (free) but you would have to look thru hundreds of name to find the league member id.

The program i posted is actually scans for any auto aiming devices on the yahoo id...

hope this clear enough (5am grrrr) lol

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Originally posted by thunder_vs_lightning @ Sat Oct 02, 2004 7:59 pm:

This program will also detect hackin/crackin/boostin programs..

And I bet the program attempts to get this info by ALSO hacking the "suspected aimer" user's computer. How else will it so-call detect all those programs on any given computer. Myself for one believes in having a right to keep my own computer's content private. Everybody has that same right to privacy. So who gives that program the right to look thru my computer and possibly even see my personal information? Because if it can "see" if anybody has "hackin/crackin/boostin programs", what would stop it to get your bank account or credit card information? NOTHING AT ALL.

This is one of the main reasons I do NOT play in leagues anymore. Seems like all the leagues want to do is see if you have an aimer program mainly because you have toned your own skills well enough to win the majority of the time. That doesn't condone the need to hack my pc. Therefore if leagues cannot try to keep their league based on fun instead of "pssst..I think Billy Jo Bob has an aimer because he ran table on me", then why should decent members even bother joining them. My suggestion is this, return leagues back to having fun and enjoying the game and your members will see an improvement in the quality of your league. No Aimer Detector is 100%, so why infringe on the rights of your league member's privacy and make the ones who actually have the skill feel as if they are being blamed for cheating?

I know you all mean well by posting these programs occasionally, yet wouldnt the best aimer detector be something that respects your member's privacy? here is a thought...why not ask them to turn on a webcam and point it at the screen during a game. It shows you that NO AIMER is being used and also protects their privacy.


P.S. This post is not meant to be bashing thunder_vs_lightning at all. Just me bashing any program used for gaining access to another persons computer WITHOUT their permission. In honesty, isn't that truely what "hacking" is defined as?

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The point being is that if you suspect them of using an aimer simply report it to an admin and they'll follow it up. If you're not the admin it's not your problem to go "semi-hacking" their computer just to check. Anyway, even if they are, you can know for yourself that you're the more mature player that doesn't resort to cheating on an online pool game inorder to win. Fortunatly for me, i don't play yahoo pool so i don't really have this problem. I don't think there's ever been an aimer on Jippii Pool, although with Jippii, you can easily be impostered whereas with Yahoo you'd need their user and password first.


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The only way detecting That *beeeeeeeeep* cheat programs is breaking in someones computer which you suspect cause that programs dont use your internet connection to yahoo game servers they only use the jawa applet which in your hard drive

So you cant know if someone use any *beeeeeeeeep* aimer without break in his/her computer without their permisson .There are laws about this cause its not different breaking in someones computer for steal their credit cards numbers or see if they use aimer chit.So if someone accuse me with this program with proof i can be rich with my lawyer.

Site says program is not % 100 and it cant be . How you selling this program if its not work % 100 ? and wonder how peoples paying for a program which not % 100 .Well think like that for example admin not likes u so what ?if accuse you with cheating ?, you argued with a friend of admin and admin said you cheating ? bla bla bla what if it detect a fair person for some reason ? For me there is no different someone accuse me with that program or without that program cause there is no proof

And never think im at the *beeeeeeeeep* cheaters side im owner of the only site against cheating for 3 years .I would be the first person which put your or someones anti aimer program to my downloads if its % 100.I had 2 meeting with a online gaming design company about this months ago but no way....

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I respect your opinions...the program I posted is entirelly has nothin to do with goin into someone computer and hacks and go into their uhh...only there is listin the person's yahoo id and it sends some kind of information (kinda like when u ping someone in yahoo games to see if they there or booted or lag time) it sends packets information and receives if any flunucations in the java on the game...again..this program doesnt go into the computer cuz...i noticed that some people dont have aimer at all on their comp but program still says the program checks on the java stuff on the game not the person's computer...again there always wierd stuff goin on with java so this program dont depend entirelly but it gives ya a good red flag is when u scan a person and if postive each time..then ya know something...but if it says clean and detected on n off of the person..then u just keep an eye out...i do want to say that the aimer does connect with yahoo games server and go into the java game to know where the balls is and where it will go...this is what the program detect some kind of difference or change...such as the aimer in the way / mix up with the game java....again i want to say this program does not go into someone computer and look for aimer...

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Originally posted by thunder_vs_lightning @ Mon Oct 04, 2004 7:09 am:

i do want to say that the aimer does connect with yahoo games server and go into the java game to know where the balls is and where it will go

At the site of that aimer chit says they have copyright for their software
so what i understand from your quote is Yahoo Inc. allow that cheat software connect to Yahoo Games servers ! this means Yahoo Inc. legally support that chits !!!¿ lol sorry but this is unbelieveble

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Well this is getting to be a strange topic..but have a few more things to mention here. You mention "ping" and the delay time is (i think) how you tell if somebody "cheats". Well thats BS. Anybody that has DSL or higher can run a cracker, Yahoo ID Scanner, AND an Aimer and still have better ping than I would show. Yeah I am on dial up and it also is not a steady connection. I get plenty of lag spots (pauses) in my connection. So that would "prove" to you that I would use an aimer based on a ping test? Now thats funny. So what type of program would you use to stop the people that use a piece of paper to improve their aim? That would still be an aiming device in all honesty and still be classified as cheating. The last league I was in they used those so-called aimer detectors yet would allow people to admit they used a dollar bill or a piece of paper with no recourse against them at all. Isn't that also cheating?

Yeah cheaters blow!!!! Yet how far will you go to try and catch them? Will you accuse members who is a valued member because some program is NOT 100% trustworthy and possibly lose their trust in you and your league? Then if that member leaves because of that FALSE accusation, the word does spread. Because a valued member in the league spends alot of time participating in your league and has earned the trust of other league members. So by accusing one person you have more than likely broken the trust of many of your members. Is that the outcome you desire? I have seen it happen lots of times.

I have even been accused of "cheating" because I can run the table lots of times. The outcome of that situation was as follows. I let them sit and talk behind my back for a bit and think what they wanted. Then when actually confronted I took the Head Admin and played a game WITH a witness and turned my webcam on and gave permission to the HA and the witness for viewing my webcam which was pointed at my monitor. I ran table on that sore loser of a HA and then told him where to stick his league and his accusations. More than 30 long time members left along with me, and not because I asked them to follow. They left because they knew I did not use an aimer and they also did not want to get accused of false things as I was. If you only answer one question from this post, answer this one. Did you create your league to have fun? If so then have fun and stop worrying if people are cheating especially since there is no positive way of proving aimer use. Remember even that dollar bill against the monitor is concidered an aimer. Provide your members with a fun place to play pool and you cant go wrong with an enviroment like that.


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Well this topic seems to have opened a can of worms alright.

My own opinion is that while so-called aimer detectors have been talked about a lot over the months, I think it's highly unlikely that one will actually prove to be legitimate. The main reason being that the aimer program is a client-side application that is going to be hard to detect without actually peeking inside people's machines.

I've been accused of using an aimer on occasion, usually by someone I didn't know who happend to be a sore loser. The people in my league are all long-time friends who come to enjoy not only the games, but the company too. Winning is what we all want to do, but there's no fun in letting the software win for you.

IF there was a legitimate way to detect if someone was using an aimer, then yes, I'd use it, especially in Interleague matches. Do I think one is iminent? No. I think ultimately such a solution would have to come from Yahoo's end, not so much to make a detector, but the make the game immunte to the use of one. Saying that, the only thing that comes from Yahoo's end is ....

Have I ever used a dollar bill to aim with? Nah, can't afford it. eusa_liar.gif

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