Java drop in box help please :)

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#1   Java drop in box help please :)
CZ Super Newbie
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Hi Guys,

I am trying to use a java script for a drop in box on my league page. Only problem is I am not iframing or re-directing my main page and myleague doesn't allow java script in the announcement area.

Any ideas on how I can get the drop in box to fall in the middle of the main page. I have coded it to my left column but as you can guess it falls in the left column at the designated position, which is not viewable unless you scroll over on the left column.

Is there an easy way to maybe direct it to the my league lain page even if it is coded to in my left column?

It won't let me put the code in here I guess java is not allowed her also, so I made a page temporarily so you can view the code.

The script is from synamic drive.

Any help would be appreciated.

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#2   re: Java drop in box help please :)
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icon_biggrin.gif Perhaps it would be better to try a chromeless window that will popup when your left side page is loaded. Same kind of idea except your message will open up in it's own window. It is a jscript and believe you can put it in your left side page (although I have not tested it yet).

It is from Dynamic Drive and can be found [ Register or login to view links on this board.] . icon_wink.gif

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#3   re: Java drop in box help please :)
CZ Super Newbie
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Thanks Tuffy,

But the first thing I read when I got to that page was it will not work with XP with service pack 1 and up, lol. That counts me out.

Is there no way I can target the window within that code I posted to open it in the main page or even in a seperate window? Perhaps with a target tag of some kind, and if there is a way, I need to know where to put the tag within their code.

I have tried a few ways to get around it and so far no luck.

Any ideas anyone??

Thanks for all your help...

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#4   re: Java drop in box help please :)
CZ Addict
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Aw, that's a bummer! It may count you out but what about your members? Just a thought.

In my travels searching your post, you could do the same type of thing but the user would have to click a link in order to activate the message. So, you could always locate a "message page" on your server which would be called into the main myleague page when you clicked the link (which could be in really big letters. How could anyone resist that?! lol

Sorry, wish I could be of more help! icon_cry.gif

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#5   re: Java drop in box help please :)
CZ Super Newbie
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Waaaaaa, lol.

Well I know what you mean, I have attached pages to some of the links on our left column that open in a new page when they click it.

What I wanted was for it to drop automatically when the site loaded so I would not have to rely on them click a certain link.

I was hoping there was a way to alter that code so that I could break out of the frame when it loaded, but if you guys say prolly not, then It prolly can't be done.

I am going to give the chrome box a try maybe a lot of people don't have XP and service pack 1 or 2, lol.

I doubt the number is large but its worth a shot.

Thanks for your help....

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#6   re: Java drop in box help please :)
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Hi Squall,

Srry for not answering you sooner, but i thought the actual problem was being addressed already.


Create a page and set its bg color to transparent and margins to 0px. Place your drop banner box code on this page script and all. The div with the id of "dropin" changing its left cordinates from 300px to 0px.

Save page and upload to your web space.

Now to write the code for league page...

Create a div layer with absolute positioning and set to top to 0px and I would just push it away from the left panels scrollbar alittle but by setting left to 20px.

(You need to remember when creating objects on your page that you want to be fully visible when page loads , that the majority of surfers out there are using a screen res of 800x600. You leagues left panel takes up 180px, your drop banners width is 500px, that leaves you 120 px to play around with horizontally. Now thats ONLY if the surfers window is maximized.)

set its width to 500 and its height to 400 (why 400? the final dimension from top of window to bottom of drop banner will be 400px)

Set its z-index to 99 this will sure that the div is ontop of most other objects. the applet stats scroller, a flash movie, ect will still be over the div so if that is a prob then adjust positioning and sizes to correct. At random myleague pages load a applet thats a AD, this to will be ontop of drop banner but thankfully those applet ads are far and few between so even if you see it causing a problem 1 time out of 20 I wouldn't worry about it.

now that you have the div layer coded place a iframe IN it with same width and height scrolling no, frameborder to 0, margin height and width to 0px the src= value place the address to the window you created above and finally set its allowtransparency to true.

example of the div layer with iframe nested in it....

<div id="dpanounce" style="position:absolute; left:20px; top:0px; width:500px; height:400px; z-index:99">
<iframe id="dbifrmd" allowtransparency="true" frameborder="0" height="400px" marginheight="0px" marginwidth="0px" scrolling="no" width="500px" src="dbif.htm"> </iframe>

place this code at the very top of your anouncement and you will end up with something simular to this...
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I tweeked script alittle used a image for the bg so i preload that with script then a 5 second delay after main loads it drops and is visible for another 10 before it hides its self.

That design on that test league is for Ie but I tested this out using xpsp1 in Ie 6, mozzila 5.0 ff 0.8, NS7.1 and opera, Opera was the only problem due to could make iframe transparent.

With xpsp2 using Ie 6 and mozzila 5.0 ff 0.10 with no problems.


Altho alternatives to a solve a problem is helpful, what do you say we work on the problem first? Blowing a running nose does not cure a head cold and most of the time alls it does is make you hurt more from having a raw tendar nose. Think they call it "treating the symtoms and not the problem.

If you do not know the answer try giving one of us a chance that might know it to post before starting to suggesting other things that could make it confusing and harder to explain the original solution after someones pumped there head full of "well it kinda works" code.

Just a suggestion
Ty Rob

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#7   re: Java drop in box help please :)
CZ Super Newbie
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Thanks for the reply Godds,

Did I mention that I am a self learned coderand really a newbie at all this coding stuff.

Your explaination loses me a little in a few areas.

Like margine sets not sure where i put that or how that even looks , never used a margine set.

Maybe you could show a few more examples of the things you mention?

What I did for now was I altered the position in the code and changed the box dimension. So that it drops down in the left column where it is viewable. I don't like it as much as it falling in the center of the main, It looks nicer the box is bigger and it falls right in their eye sight.

I prefer it on the middle of the main but am prepared to leave it small and dropping in on the left side if I have to, I don't want to icon_sad.gif

It did look super in the middle of the page. I tested it on the left column that i had made and of course it worked fine , because there were no frames.

If you can help me with a little more simplistic explaination or show me more examples of the things you are suggesting to help me understand what i need to do. I would really appreciate it.

You guys have helped me through a lot of hard times, lol.

Thanks again .. Hope to hear form you soon . I would like it working correctly in time for our xmas theme page which i already have finished except for this drop in box :O

Thanks ...

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where is this page that you have it on already?

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#9   re: Java drop in box help please :)
CZ Super Newbie
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Godds you are a genius!!!!


After I posted to your explaination, I stopped and said wait a minute this doesn't sound hard.

I am the type of person that tries to read everything and undertsand it all at once, and more times than not I wind up confused.

Well after I posted, I went back and re-read your post. I followed it step by step and guess what??

It workssssss icon_mrgreen.gif

Thanks so much for your help godds now I got myy lil drop down dingy on my site.

I owe you a drink ... Thanks a gain icon_biggrin.gif

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