CZM Block Options page problems

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#1   CZM Block Options page problems
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HauntedWebby has been a member for over 20 year's 20 Year Member
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Can someone point me to the fix as to why my system is not saving changes in the Block Options in the admin. I bet it has been covered and I can't find it icon_smile.gif

I have CZModules 4-71 (new install) on phpnuke 7.3 (hope this isn't the problem)

Almost everything works. I can add categories. Edit mod's into the catagories. Everything is showing up right, and works.

I can't change any of the block options from NO to YES ... so I can't display my EZLinks and Quick Links

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Goto phpmyadmin and make sure you have a nuke_modules_config table (if you do take a dump of it and attach it here). Also reupload the admin/modules/modules.php to make sure it wasnt corrupted in the upload.

The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he, who in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee. Ezekiel 25:17
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Originally posted by Telli @ Wed Nov 17, 2004 3:59 pm:

Goto phpmyadmin and make sure you have a nuke_modules_config table (if you do take a dump of it and attach it here). Also reupload the admin/modules/modules.php to make sure it wasnt corrupted in the upload.

Ok here it is

CREATE TABLE `nuke_modules_config` (
  `name` varchar(40) NOT NULL default '0',
  `value` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
  `type` varchar(10) NOT NULL default '',
  `module` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
  `explaintext` text NOT NULL,
  `domain` text NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY  (`name`,`module`)

-- Dumping data for table `nuke_modules_config`

INSERT INTO `nuke_modules_config` VALUES ('maxsizeforphotos', '25000', 'CHAR', 'Recipes', 'The maximun size of a picture stored. Size given in bytes', '');
INSERT INTO `nuke_modules_config` VALUES ('autoresize', 'true', 'BOOL', 'Recipes', 'If set, the module will attempt to resize the picture. Also see the variable fittype', '');
INSERT INTO `nuke_modules_config` VALUES ('recipe_version', '1.5.5', 'CHAR', 'Recipes', 'Do not update. This is used to check for updates', '');
INSERT INTO `nuke_modules_config` VALUES ('fittype', 'file_size', 'CHAR', 'Recipes', 'either choose pic_size or file_size.<BR>If pic_size is choosen the fit will be using the variable pic_size, otherwise the maxsizeforphotos is used. In both cases the largest possible picture is stored', 'pic_size,file_size');
INSERT INTO `nuke_modules_config` VALUES ('pic_size', '200', 'INT', 'Recipes', 'Sets the maximum width of a picture in pixels', '');
INSERT INTO `nuke_modules_config` VALUES ('method', 'gd2', 'CHAR', 'Recipes', 'The 3 methods ''gd1'' ''gd2'' and imagemagic (im) is supported. Check your set-up for the appropiate setting.<br>\r\nIf using ''im'' also fill in the impath and im_options ', 'gd1,gd2,im');
INSERT INTO `nuke_modules_config` VALUES ('impath', '', 'CHAR', 'Recipes', 'Path to where ImageMagic is installed', '');
INSERT INTO `nuke_modules_config` VALUES ('im_options', '', 'CHAR', 'Recipes', 'Imagemagic options. See documentation about ImageMagic', '');
INSERT INTO `nuke_modules_config` VALUES ('jpeg_qual', '80', 'INT', 'Recipes', 'Quality of resized picture. range 1-100', '');
INSERT INTO `nuke_modules_config` VALUES ('default_file_mode', '0644', 'CHAR', 'Recipes', 'New pictures are stored with this chmod value', '');
INSERT INTO `nuke_modules_config` VALUES ('recipnum', '30', 'INT', 'Recipes', 'Number of recipes in the list on one page', '');
INSERT INTO `nuke_modules_config` VALUES ('limitpn', '500', 'CHAR', 'Recipes', 'Highest number of recipes that can be listed in the ''All'' situation', '');
INSERT INTO `nuke_modules_config` VALUES ('allowcomment', 'true', 'BOOL', 'Recipes', 'If set comments will be included', '');
INSERT INTO `nuke_modules_config` VALUES ('ratewait', '30', 'INT', 'Recipes', 'The number of days a rater have to wait before he can rate the same recipe again', '');
INSERT INTO `nuke_modules_config` VALUES ('max_file_size', '1000000', 'CHAR', 'Recipes', 'The largest possible picture that the browser will accept to upload.', '');
INSERT INTO `nuke_modules_config` VALUES ('quick_search_name', 'true', 'BOOL', 'Recipes', 'If set there will be a namefield and search button in the header', '');
INSERT INTO `nuke_modules_config` VALUES ('quick_search_cat', 'true', 'BOOL', 'Recipes', 'If set the header will contain a quicksearch for categories', '');
INSERT INTO `nuke_modules_config` VALUES ('icon_file', 'modules/Recipes/icons', 'CHAR', 'Recipes', 'path to the folder containing icon used for categories', '');
INSERT INTO `nuke_modules_config` VALUES ('startpage', 'latest', 'CHAR', 'Recipes', 'This will be shown below the header when opening the module', 'nothing,all,introduction,latest,searchstart,submit,request');
INSERT INTO `nuke_modules_config` VALUES ('quick_search_cat_icon', 'false', 'BOOL', 'Recipes', 'If set there will be thombnail to the categories', '');
INSERT INTO `nuke_modules_config` VALUES ('module_developer', 'false', 'BOOL', 'Recipes', 'If set the administrator get access to update and create new settings that can only be used if programs are changed at the same time', '');
INSERT INTO `nuke_modules_config` VALUES ('alphabrowse', 'true', 'BOOL', 'Recipes', 'if set the header will include shortcuts to list of recipes starting with a given letter', '');
INSERT INTO `nuke_modules_config` VALUES ('recipeprefix', 'recipes', 'CHAR', 'Recipes', 'This is used to make it possible having more than one recipe module running in the same database without using the same tables', '');
INSERT INTO `nuke_modules_config` VALUES ('quick_search_icon_width', '40', 'INT', 'Recipes', 'This is the size of the icons in the category quicksearch block', '');
INSERT INTO `nuke_modules_config` VALUES ('quick_search_cat_numbercol', '7', 'INT', 'Recipes', 'This is the number of columns in the quicksearch block within the recipe module. Make smaller if you use big icons', '');
INSERT INTO `nuke_modules_config` VALUES ('header_request_list', 'true', 'BOOL', 'Recipes', 'If set all open requests will be listed below the recipe header - if any ', '');
INSERT INTO `nuke_modules_config` VALUES ('requeststatus', '2', 'INT', 'Recipes', '0: submitted', '');
INSERT INTO `nuke_modules_config` VALUES ('photoicon', 'false', 'BOOL', 'Recipes', 'set true if you want an icon on the recipelist of those recipes having a photo', '');
INSERT INTO `nuke_modules_config` VALUES ('option_icon', 'true', 'BOOL', 'Recipes', 'set true if the options: edit, delete, printer friendly, mail recipe will have icons', '');
INSERT INTO `nuke_modules_config` VALUES ('option_text', 'true', 'BOOL', 'Recipes', 'set true if options edit, delete printer friendly and email recipe should have a text. If Icons is false this option will be regarded true ', '');
INSERT INTO `nuke_modules_config` VALUES ('multi_category', 'true', 'BOOL', 'Recipes', 'if true its allowed for a recipe to have more than one category ', '');
INSERT INTO `nuke_modules_config` VALUES ('recipelogopath', 'modules/Recipes/images', 'CHAR', 'Recipes', 'If the title need to be exchanged with a gif, just give the path here ', '');
INSERT INTO `nuke_modules_config` VALUES ('request_number_in_list', '10', 'INT', 'Recipes', 'this limits the number of request shown in the header ', '');
INSERT INTO `nuke_modules_config` VALUES ('index', '1', 'INT', 'Recipes', 'index controles wether ther is a block column on the right side, 0: no block, 1: rigth hand blocks ', '');
INSERT INTO `nuke_modules_config` VALUES ('startpage_request_header', 'true', 'BOOL', 'Recipes', 'this will show requests in the header of the modules front page', '');
INSERT INTO `nuke_modules_config` VALUES ('jump_to', 'start', 'CHAR', 'Recipes', 'When clicking on a link, the user automaticly brought longer down on the page shown', ',top,search,request,start');
INSERT INTO `nuke_modules_config` VALUES ('ingredient_module_name', 'Ingredients', 'CHAR', 'Recipes', 'the module that explains the used ingredients', '');
INSERT INTO `nuke_modules_config` VALUES ('update_check_time', '1101399195', 'INT', 'Recipes', 'next time module is checked for updates', '');
INSERT INTO `nuke_modules_config` VALUES ('update_check_wait', '14', 'INT', 'Recipes', 'Only check for module updates after this number of days', '');
INSERT INTO `nuke_modules_config` VALUES ('update_check_time', '1100882753', 'INT', 'Ingredients', 'next time module is checked for updates', '');
INSERT INTO `nuke_modules_config` VALUES ('maxsizeforphotos', '25000', 'CHAR', 'Ingredients', 'The maximun size of a picture stored. Size given in bytes', '');
INSERT INTO `nuke_modules_config` VALUES ('autoresize', 'true', 'BOOL', 'Ingredients', 'If set, the module will attempt to resize the picture. Also see the variable fittype', '');
INSERT INTO `nuke_modules_config` VALUES ('ingredient_version', '1.0.0', 'CHAR', 'Ingredients', 'Do not update. This is used to check for updates', '');
INSERT INTO `nuke_modules_config` VALUES ('fittype', 'file_size', 'CHAR', 'Ingredients', 'either choose pic_size or file_size.<BR>If pic_size is choosen the fit will be using the variable pic_size, otherwise the maxsizeforphotos is used. In both cases the largest possible picture is stored', 'pic_size,file_size');
INSERT INTO `nuke_modules_config` VALUES ('pic_size', '200', 'INT', 'Ingredients', 'Sets the maximum width of a picture in pixels', '');
INSERT INTO `nuke_modules_config` VALUES ('method', 'gd2', 'CHAR', 'Ingredients', 'The 3 methods ''gd1'' ''gd2'' and imagemagic (im) is supported. Check your set-up for the appropiate setting.<br>\r\nIf using ''im'' also fill in the impath and im_options ', 'gd1,gd2,im');
INSERT INTO `nuke_modules_config` VALUES ('impath', '', 'CHAR', 'Ingredients', 'Path to where ImageMagic is installed', '');
INSERT INTO `nuke_modules_config` VALUES ('im_options', '', 'CHAR', 'Ingredients', 'Imagemagic options. See documentation about ImageMagic', '');
INSERT INTO `nuke_modules_config` VALUES ('jpeg_qual', '80', 'INT', 'Ingredients', 'Quality of resized picture. range 1-100', '');
INSERT INTO `nuke_modules_config` VALUES ('default_file_mode', '0644', 'CHAR', 'Ingredients', 'New pictures are stored with this chmod value', '');
INSERT INTO `nuke_modules_config` VALUES ('lines_per_page', '30', 'INT', 'Ingredients', 'Number of ingredients in the list on one page', '');
INSERT INTO `nuke_modules_config` VALUES ('limitpn', '500', 'CHAR', 'Ingredients', 'Highest number of ingredients that can be listed in the ''All'' situation', '');
INSERT INTO `nuke_modules_config` VALUES ('max_file_size', '1000000', 'CHAR', 'Ingredients', 'The largest possible picture that the browser will accept to upload.', '');
INSERT INTO `nuke_modules_config` VALUES ('quick_search_name', 'true', 'BOOL', 'Ingredients', 'If set there will be a namefield and search button in the header', '');
INSERT INTO `nuke_modules_config` VALUES ('quick_search_cat', 'true', 'BOOL', 'Ingredients', 'If set the header will contain a quicksearch for categories', '');
INSERT INTO `nuke_modules_config` VALUES ('icon_file', 'modules/Ingredients/icons', 'CHAR', 'Ingredients', 'path to the folder containing icon used for categories', '');
INSERT INTO `nuke_modules_config` VALUES ('quick_search_cat_icon', 'false', 'BOOL', 'Ingredients', 'If set there will be thombnail to the categories', '');
INSERT INTO `nuke_modules_config` VALUES ('module_developer', 'false', 'BOOL', 'Ingredients', 'If set the administrator get access to update and create new settings that can only be used if programs are changed at the same time', '');
INSERT INTO `nuke_modules_config` VALUES ('alphabrowse', 'true', 'BOOL', 'Ingredients', 'if set the header will include shortcuts to list of ingredients starting with a given letter', '');
INSERT INTO `nuke_modules_config` VALUES ('moduleprefix', 'ing', 'CHAR', 'Ingredients', 'This is used to make it possible having more than one ingredient module running in the same database without using the same tables', '');
INSERT INTO `nuke_modules_config` VALUES ('quick_search_icon_width', '40', 'INT', 'Ingredients', 'This is the size of the icons in the category quicksearch block', '');
INSERT INTO `nuke_modules_config` VALUES ('quick_search_cat_numbercol', '7', 'INT', 'Ingredients', 'This is the number of columns in the quicksearch block within the ingredient module. Make smaller if you use big icons', '');
INSERT INTO `nuke_modules_config` VALUES ('photoicon', 'true', 'BOOL', 'Ingredients', 'set true if you want an icon on the ingredientlist of those ingredients having a photo', '');
INSERT INTO `nuke_modules_config` VALUES ('multi_category', 'true', 'BOOL', 'Ingredients', 'if true its allowed for a ingredient to have more than one category ', '');
INSERT INTO `nuke_modules_config` VALUES ('maxpriority', '10', 'INT', 'Ingredients', 'highest number for priority of names ', '');
INSERT INTO `nuke_modules_config` VALUES ('ingredientlogopath', 'modules/Ingredient/images', 'CHAR', 'Ingredients', 'If the title need to be exchanged with a gif, just give the path here', '');
INSERT INTO `nuke_modules_config` VALUES ('index', '1', 'INT', 'Ingredients', 'block column on the right side, 0: no block, 1: rigth hand blocks', '');
INSERT INTO `nuke_modules_config` VALUES ('startpage', 'latest', 'CHAR', 'Ingredients', 'When opening the ingredients module this is what will be shown below the header', 'nothing,searchstart,all,introduction,latest,submit');
INSERT INTO `nuke_modules_config` VALUES ('option_icon', 'true', 'BOOL', 'Ingredients', 'set true if the options: edit, delete ingredient will have icons', '');
INSERT INTO `nuke_modules_config` VALUES ('option_text', 'true', 'BOOL', 'Ingredients', 'set true if options edut, delete ingredient should have a text. If Icons is false this option will be regarded true ', '');

And I re-uploaded the admin file you suggested.

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That looks like something for the sommaire or something not the CZM. If your not using it then drop it and run the CZM destall then reinstall it.

The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he, who in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee. Ezekiel 25:17
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#5   re: CZM Block Options page problems
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HauntedWebby has been a member for over 20 year's 20 Year Member
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Yep I was using that. I didn't know there was a conflict between the two scripts icon_smile.gif

Thanks for your quick help!!! icon_cool.gif

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#6   re: CZM Block Options page problems
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Telli - found this thread - I have the exact same problem. Everything works great except for the "Configure Block Options" section. Nothing "sticks" on yes after I click submit.

I checked my nuke_modules_config and dumped/truncated my data in that table. I reuploaded everything and called the czm file again. Still the same problem with the "Configure Block Options".

Is there anything else that could be causing this?

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#7   re: CZM Block Options page problems
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Update: Fixed

I cleared my cache and did everything again and it's working. False Alarm! icon_biggrin.gif

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