phpnuke 7.5 admin doesnt add new downloads to database

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#1   phpnuke 7.5 admin doesnt add new downloads to database
CZ Active Member
scz74 has been a member for over 20 year's 20 Year Member
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hey guys any help you can give regarding my problem on my download module, my download admin code seem to fail to add new download to my database my members are adding new downloads but whenever admin approves of the download it simply dissapears and doesnt store in mysql. i'll attach my download admin code with this post.


/* PHP-NUKE: Web Portal System */
/* =========================== */
/* */
/* Copyright (c) 2002 by Francisco Burzi */
/* */
/* */
/* This program is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify */
/* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */
/* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License. */
/* */
/* Additional security & Abstraction layer conversion */
/* 2003 chatserv */
/* -- */

if (!eregi("admin.php", $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) { die ("Access Denied"); }
global $prefix, $db;
$aid = substr("$aid", 0,25);
$row = $db->sql_fetchrow($db->sql_query("SELECT title, admins FROM ".$prefix."_modules WHERE title='Downloads'"));
$row2 = $db->sql_fetchrow($db->sql_query("SELECT name, radminsuper FROM ".$prefix."_authors WHERE aid='$aid'"));
$admins = explode(",", $row['admins']);
$auth_user = 0;
for ($i=0; $i < sizeof($admins); $i++) {
if ($row2['name'] == "$admins[$i]" AND $row['admins'] != "") {
$auth_user = 1;

if ($row2['radminsuper'] == 1 || $auth_user == 1) {

/* Downloads Modified Web Downloads */

function getparent($parentid,$title) {
global $prefix, $db;
$parentid = intval(trim($parentid));
$row = $db->sql_fetchrow($db->sql_query("SELECT cid, title, parentid from " . $prefix . "_downloads_categories where cid='$parentid'"));
$cid = intval($row['cid']);
$ptitle = $row['title'];
$pparentid = $row['parentid'];
if ($ptitle=="$title") $title=$title;
elseif ($ptitle!="") $title=$ptitle."/".$title;
if ($pparentid!=0) {
return $title;

function downloads() {
global $prefix, $db;
include ("header.php");
$ThemeSel = get_theme();
if (file_exists("themes/$ThemeSel/images/down-logo.gif")) {
echo "<center><a href=\"downloads.html\"><img src=\"themes/$ThemeSel/images/down-logo.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\"></a><br><br>";
} else {
echo "<center><a href=\"downloads.html\"><img src=\"modules/Downloads/images/down-logo.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\"></a><br><br>";
$result = $db->sql_query("SELECT * from " . $prefix . "_downloads_downloads");
$numrows = $db->sql_numrows($result);
echo "<font class=\"content\">" . _THEREARE . " <b>$numrows</b> " . _DOWNLOADSINDB . "</font></center>";
echo "<br>";

/* Temporarily 'homeless' downloads functions (to be revised in admin.php breakup) */
$result2 = $db->sql_query("SELECT * from " . $prefix . "_downloads_modrequest where brokendownload='1'");
$totalbrokendownloads = $db->sql_numrows($result2);
$result3 = $db->sql_query("SELECT * from " . $prefix . "_downloads_modrequest where brokendownload='0'");
$totalmodrequests = $db->sql_numrows($result3);

/* List Downloads waiting for validation */
$result4 = $db->sql_query("SELECT lid, cid, sid, title, url, description, name, email, submitter, filesize, version, homepage from " . $prefix . "_downloads_newdownload order by lid");
$numrows = $db->sql_numrows($result4);
if ($numrows>0) {
echo "<center><font class=\"content\"><b>" . _DOWNLOADSWAITINGVAL . "</b></font></center><br><br>";
while($row4 = $db->sql_fetchrow($result4)) {
$lid = intval($row4['lid']);
$cid = intval($row4['cid']);
$sid = intval($row4['sid']);
$title = $row4['title'];
$url = $row4['url'];
$description = stripslashes($row4['description']);
$name = trim($row4['name']);
$email = $row4['email'];
$submitter = $row4['submitter'];
$filesize = $row4['filesize'];
$version = $row4['version'];
$homepage = $row4['homepage'];
if ($submitter == "") {
$submitter = _NONE;
$homepage = ereg_replace("http://","",$homepage);
echo "<form action=\"admin.php\" method=\"post\">"
."<b>" . _DOWNLOADID . ": $lid</b><br><br>"
."" . _SUBMITTER . ": <b>$submitter</b><br>"
."" . _DOWNLOADNAME . ": <input type=\"text\" name=\"title\" value=\"$title\" size=\"50\" maxlength=\"100\"><br>"
."" . _FILEURL . ": <input type=\"text\" name=\"url\" value=\"$url\" size=\"50\" maxlength=\"100\"> ;;[ <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"$url\">" . _CHECK . "</a> ]<br>"
."" . _DESCRIPTION . ": <br><textarea name=\"description\" cols=\"60\" rows=\"10\">$description</textarea><br>"
."" . _AUTHORNAME . ": <input type=\"text\" name=\"name\" size=\"20\" maxlength=\"100\" value=\"$name\"> ;; ;;"
."" . _AUTHOREMAIL . ": <input type=\"text\" name=\"email\" size=\"20\" maxlength=\"100\" value=\"$email\"><br>"
."" . _FILESIZE . ": <input type=\"text\" name=\"filesize\" size=\"12\" maxlength=\"11\" value=\"$filesize\"><br>"
."" . _VERSION . ": <input type=\"text\" name=\"version\" size=\"11\" maxlength=\"10\" value=\"$version\"><br>"
."" . _HOMEPAGE . ": <input type=\"text\" name=\"homepage\" size=\"30\" maxlength=\"200\" value=\"http://$homepage\"> [ <a href=\"http://$homepage\">" . _VISIT . "</a> ]<br>";
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"new\" value=\"1\">";
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"hits\" value=\"0\">";
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"lid\" value=\"$lid\">";
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"submitter\" value=\"$submitter\">";
echo "" . _CATEGORY . ": <select name=\"cat\">";
$result5 = $db->sql_query("SELECT cid, title, parentid from " . $prefix . "_downloads_categories order by title");
while ($row5 = $db->sql_fetchrow($result5)) {
$cid2 = intval($row5['cid']);
$ctitle2 = $row5['title'];
$parentid2 = $row5['parentid'];
if ($cid2==$cid) {
$sel = "selected";
} else {
$sel = "";
if ($parentid2!=0) $ctitle2=getparent($parentid2,$ctitle2);
echo "<option value=\"$cid2\" $sel>$ctitle2</option>";

echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"submitter\" value=\"$submitter\">";
echo "</select><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"op\" value=\"DownloadsAddDownload\"><input type=\"submit\" value=" . _ADD . "> [ <a href=\"admin.php?op=DownloadsDelNew&amp;lid=$lid\">" . _DELETE . "</a> ]</form><br><hr noshade><br>";
echo "<br>";
} else {

/* Add a New Main Category */

echo "<center><font class=\"content\">[ <a href=\"admin.php?op=DownloadsCleanVotes\">" . _CLEANDOWNLOADSDB . "</a> | "
."<a href=\"admin.php?op=DownloadsListBrokenDownloads\">" . _BROKENDOWNLOADSREP . " ($totalbrokendownloads)</a> | "
."<a href=\"admin.php?op=DownloadsListModRequests\">" . _DOWNLOADMODREQUEST . " ($totalmodrequests)</a> | "
."<a href=\"admin.php?op=DownloadsDownloadCheck\">" . _VALIDATEDOWNLOADS . "</a> ]</font></center>";
echo "<br>";
echo "<form method=\"post\" action=\"admin.php\">"
."<font class=\"content\"><b>" . _ADDMAINCATEGORY . "</b><br><br>"
."" . _NAME . ": <input type=\"text\" name=\"title\" size=\"30\" maxlength=\"100\"><br>"
."" . _DESCRIPTION . ":<br><textarea name=\"cdescription\" cols=\"60\" rows=\"10\"></textarea><br>"
."<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"op\" value=\"DownloadsAddCat\">"
."<input type=\"submit\" value=\"" . _ADD . "\"><br>"
echo "<br>";

// Add a New Sub-Category
$result6 = $db->sql_query("SELECT * from " . $prefix . "_downloads_categories");
$numrows = $db->sql_numrows($result6);
if ($numrows>0) {
echo "<form method=\"post\" action=\"admin.php\">"
."<font class=\"content\"><b>" . _ADDSUBCATEGORY . "</b></font><br><br>"
."" . _NAME . ": <input type=\"text\" name=\"title\" size=\"30\" maxlength=\"100\"> ;;" . _IN . " ;;";
$result7 = $db->sql_query("SELECT cid, title, parentid from " . $prefix . "_downloads_categories order by parentid,title");
echo "<select name=\"cid\">";
while($row7 = $db->sql_fetchrow($result7)) {
$cid2 = intval($row7['cid']);
$ctitle2 = $row7['title'];
$parentid2 = intval($row7['parentid']);
if ($parentid2!=0) $ctitle2=getparent($parentid2,$ctitle2);
echo "<option value=\"$cid2\">$ctitle2</option>";
echo "</select><br>"
."" . _DESCRIPTION . ":<br><textarea name=\"cdescription\" cols=\"60\" rows=\"10\"></textarea><br>"
."<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"op\" value=\"DownloadsAddSubCat\">"
."<input type=\"submit\" value=\"" . _ADD . "\"><br>"
echo "<br>";
} else {

// Add a New Download to Database
$result8 = $db->sql_query("SELECT cid, title from " . $prefix . "_downloads_categories");
$numrows = $db->sql_numrows($result8);
if ($numrows>0) {
echo "<form method=\"post\" action=\"admin.php\">"
."<font class=\"content\"><b>" . _ADDNEWDOWNLOAD . "</b><br><br>"
."" . _DOWNLOADNAME . ": <input type=\"text\" name=\"title\" size=\"50\" maxlength=\"100\"><br>"
."" . _FILEURL . ": <input type=\"text\" name=\"url\" size=\"50\" maxlength=\"100\" value=\"http://\"><br>";
$result9 = $db->sql_query("SELECT cid, title, parentid from " . $prefix . "_downloads_categories order by title");
echo "" . _CATEGORY . ": <select name=\"cat\">";
while($row9 = $db->sql_fetchrow($result9)) {
$cid2 = intval($row9['cid']);
$ctitle2 = $row9['title'];
$parentid2 = intval($row9['parentid']);
if ($parentid2!=0) $ctitle2=getparent($parentid2,$ctitle2);
echo "<option value=\"$cid2\">$ctitle2</option>";
echo "</select><br><br><br>"
."" . _DESCRIPTION255 . "<br><textarea name=\"description\" cols=\"60\" rows=\"5\"></textarea><br><br><br>"
."" . _AUTHORNAME . ": <input type=\"text\" name=\"name\" size=\"30\" maxlength=\"60\"><br><br>"
."" . _AUTHOREMAIL . ": <input type=\"text\" name=\"email\" size=\"30\" maxlength=\"60\"><br><br>"
."" . _FILESIZE . ": <input type=\"text\" name=\"filesize\" size=\"12\" maxlength=\"11\"> (" . _INBYTES . ")<br><br>"
."" . _VERSION . ": <input type=\"text\" name=\"version\" size=\"11\" maxlength=\"10\"><br><br>"
."" . _HOMEPAGE . ": <input type=\"text\" name=\"homepage\" size=\"30\" maxlength=\"200\" value=\"http://\"><br><br>"
."" . _HITS . ": <input type=\"text\" name=\"hits\" size=\"12\" maxlength=\"11\"><br><br>"
."<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"op\" value=\"DownloadsAddDownload\">"
."<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"new\" value=\"0\">"
."<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"lid\" value=\"0\">"
."<center><input type=\"submit\" value=\"" . _ADDURL . "\"><br>"
echo "<br>";
} else {

// Modify Category
$result10 = $db->sql_query("SELECT * from " . $prefix . "_downloads_categories");
$numrows = $db->sql_numrows($result10);
if ($numrows>0) {
echo "<form method=\"post\" action=\"admin.php\">"
."<font class=\"content\"><b>" . _MODCATEGORY . "</b></font><br><br>";
$result11 = $db->sql_query("SELECT cid, title, parentid from " . $prefix . "_downloads_categories order by title");
echo "" . _CATEGORY . ": <select name=\"cat\">";
while($row11 = $db->sql_fetchrow($result11)) {
$cid2 = intval($row11['cid']);
$ctitle2 = $row11['title'];
$parentid2 = intval($row11['parentid']);
if ($parentid2!=0) $ctitle2=getparent($parentid2,$ctitle2);
echo "<option value=\"$cid2\">$ctitle2</option>";
echo "</select>"
."<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"op\" value=\"DownloadsModCat\">"
."<input type=\"submit\" value=\"" . _MODIFY . "\">"
echo "<br>";
} else {

// Modify Downloads
$result12 = $db->sql_query("SELECT * from " . $prefix . "_downloads_downloads");
$numrows = $db->sql_numrows($result12);
if ($numrows>0) {
echo "<form method=\"post\" action=\"admin.php\">"
."<font class=\"content\"><b>" . _MODDOWNLOAD . "</b><br><br>"
."" . _DOWNLOADID . ": <input type=\"text\" name=\"lid\" size=\"12\" maxlength=\"11\"> ;; ;;"
."<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"op\" value=\"DownloadsModDownload\">"
."<input type=\"submit\" value=\"" . _MODIFY . "\">"
echo "<br>";
} else {

// Transfer Categories
$result13 = $db->sql_query("SELECT * from " . $prefix . "_downloads_downloads");
$numrows = $db->sql_numrows($result13);
if ($numrows>0) {
echo "<form method=\"post\" action=\"admin.php\">"
."<font class=\"option\"><b>" . _EZTRANSFERDOWNLOADS . "</b></font><br><br>"
."" . _CATEGORY . ": "
."<select name=\"cidfrom\">";
$result14 = $db->sql_query("SELECT cid, title, parentid from " . $prefix . "_downloads_categories order by parentid,title");
while($row14 = $db->sql_fetchrow($result14)) {
$cid2 = intval($row14['cid']);
$ctitle2 = $row14['title'];
$parentid2 = intval($row14['parentid']);
if ($parentid2!=0) $ctitle2=getparent($parentid2,$ctitle2);
echo "<option value=\"$cid2\">$ctitle2</option>";
echo "</select><br>"
."" . _IN . " ;;" . _CATEGORY . ": ";
$result15 = $db->sql_query("SELECT cid, title, parentid from " . $prefix . "_downloads_categories order by parentid,title");
echo "<select name=\"cidto\">";
while($row15 = $db->sql_fetchrow($result15)) {
$cid2 = intval($row15['cid']);
$ctitle2 = $row15['title'];
$parentid2 = intval($row15['parentid']);
if ($parentid2!=0) $ctitle2=getparent($parentid2,$ctitle2);
echo "<option value=\"$cid2\">$ctitle2</option>";
echo "</select><br>"
."<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"op\" value=\"DownloadsTransfer\">"
."<input type=\"submit\" value=\"" . _EZTRANSFER . "\"><br>"
echo "<br>";
} else {

include ("footer.php");

function DownloadsTransfer($cidfrom,$cidto) {
global $prefix, $db;
$cidfrom = intval($cidfrom);
$db->sql_query("update " . $prefix . "_downloads_downloads set cid='$cidto' where cid='$cidfrom'");
Header("Location: admin.php?op=downloads");

function DownloadsModDownload($lid) {
global $prefix, $db, $sitename;
include ("header.php");
global $anonymous;
$lid = intval($lid);
$result = $db->sql_query("SELECT cid, sid, title, url, description, name, email, hits, filesize, version, homepage from " . $prefix . "_downloads_downloads where lid='$lid'");
echo "<center><font class=\"title\"><b>" . _WEBDOWNLOADSADMIN . "</b></font></center>";
echo "<br>";
echo "<center><font class=\"content\"><b>" . _MODDOWNLOAD . "</b></font></center><br><br>";
while($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) {
$cid = intval($row['cid']);
$sid = intval($row['sid']);
$title = $row['title'];
$url = $row['url'];
$description = stripslashes($row['description']);
$name = $row['name'];
$email = $row['email'];
$hits = intval($row['hits']);
$filesize = $row['filesize'];
$version = $row['version'];
$homepage = $row['homepage'];
echo "<form action=admin.php method=post>"
."" . _DOWNLOADID . ": <b>$lid</b><br>"
."" . _PAGETITLE . ": <input type=\"text\" name=\"title\" value=\"$title\" size=\"50\" maxlength=\"100\"><br>"
."" . _PAGEURL . ": <input type=\"text\" name=\"url\" value=\"$url\" size=\"50\" maxlength=\"100\"> ;;[ <a href=\"$url\">" . _CHECK . "</a> ]<br>"
."" . _DESCRIPTION . ":<br><textarea name=\"description\" cols=\"60\" rows=\"10\">$description</textarea><br>"
."" . _AUTHORNAME . ": <input type=\"text\" name=\"name\" size=\"50\" maxlength=\"100\" value=\"$name\"><br>"
."" . _AUTHOREMAIL . ": <input type=\"text\" name=\"email\" size=\"50\" maxlength=\"100\" value=\"$email\"><br>"
."" . _FILESIZE . ": <input type=\"text\" name=\"filesize\" size=\"12\" maxlength=\"11\" value=\"$filesize\"><br>"
."" . _VERSION . ": <input type=\"text\" name=\"version\" size=\"11\" maxlength=\"10\" value=\"$version\"><br>"
."" . _HOMEPAGE . ": <input type=\"text\" name=\"homepage\" size=\"50\" maxlength=\"200\" value=\"$homepage\"> ;;[ <a href=\"$homepage\">" . _VISIT . "</a> ]<br>"
."" . _HITS . ": <input type=\"text\" name=\"hits\" value=\"$hits\" size=\"12\" maxlength=\"11\"><br>";
$result2 = $db->sql_query("SELECT cid, title, parentid from " . $prefix . "_downloads_categories order by title");
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"lid\" value=\"$lid\">"
."" . _CATEGORY . ": <select name=\"cat\">";
while($row2 = $db->sql_fetchrow($result2)) {
$cid2 = intval($row2['cid']);
$ctitle2 = $row2['title'];
$parentid2 = intval($row2['parentid']);
if ($cid2==$cid) {
$sel = "selected";
} else {
$sel = "";
if ($parentid2!=0) $ctitle2=getparent($parentid2,$ctitle2);
echo "<option value=\"$cid2\" $sel>$ctitle2</option>";

echo "</select>"
."<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"op\" value=\"DownloadsModDownloadS\">"
."<input type=\"submit\" value=\"" . _MODIFY . "\"> [ <a href=\"admin.php?op=DownloadsDelDownload&amp;lid=$lid\">" . _DELETE . "</a> ]</form><br>";
echo "<br>";
/* Modify or Add Editorial */
$lid = intval($lid);
$resulted2 = $db->sql_query("SELECT adminid, editorialtimestamp, editorialtext, editorialtitle from " . $prefix . "_downloads_editorials where downloadid='$lid'");
$recordexist = $db->sql_numrows($resulted2);
/* if returns 'bad query' status 0 (add editorial) */
if ($recordexist == 0) {
echo "<center><font class=\"content\"><b>" . _ADDEDITORIAL . "</b></font></center><br><br>"
."<form action=\"admin.php\" method=\"post\">"
."<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"downloadid\" value=\"$lid\">"
."" . _EDITORIALTITLE . ":<br><input type=\"text\" name=\"editorialtitle\" value=\"$editorialtitle\" size=\"50\" maxlength=\"100\"><br>"
."" . _EDITORIALTEXT . ":<br><textarea name=\"editorialtext\" cols=\"60\" rows=\"10\">$editorialtext</textarea><br>"
."</select><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"op\" value=\"DownloadsAddEditorial\"><input type=\"submit\" value=\"Add\">";
} else {
/* if returns 'cool' then status 1 (modify editorial) */
while($row3 = $db->sql_fetchrow($resulted2)) {
$adminid = intval($row3['adminid']);
$editorialtimestamp = $row3['editorialtimestamp'];
$editorialtext = stripslashes($row3['editorialtext']);
$editorialtitle = stripslashes($row3['editorialtitle']);
ereg ("([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{1,2})-([0-9]{1,2}) ([0-9]{1,2}):([0-9]{1,2}):([0-9]{1,2})", $editorialtimestamp, $editorialtime);
$editorialtime = strftime("%F",mktime($editorialtime[4],$editorialtime[5],$editorialtime[6],$editorialtime[2],$editorialtime[3],$editorialtime[1]));
$date_array = explode("-", $editorialtime);
$timestamp = mktime(0, 0, 0, $date_array["1"], $date_array["2"], $date_array["0"]);
$formatted_date = date("F j, Y", $timestamp);
echo "<center><font class=\"content\"><b>Modify Editorial</b></font></center><br><br>"
."<form action=\"admin.php\" method=\"post\">"
."" . _AUTHOR . ": $adminid<br>"
."" . _DATEWRITTEN . ": $formatted_date<br><br>"
."<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"downloadid\" value=\"$lid\">"
."" . _EDITORIALTITLE . ":<br><input type=\"text\" name=\"editorialtitle\" value=\"$editorialtitle\" size=\"50\" maxlength=\"100\"><br>"
."" . _EDITORIALTEXT . ":<br><textarea name=\"editorialtext\" cols=\"60\" rows=\"10\">$editorialtext</textarea><br>"
."</select><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"op\" value=\"DownloadsModEditorial\"><input type=\"submit\" value=\"" . _MODIFY . "\"> [ <a href=\"admin.php?op=DownloadsDelEditorial&amp;downloadid=$lid\">" . _DELETE . "</a> ]";
echo "<br>";
/* Show Comments */
$result4 = $db->sql_query("SELECT ratingdbid, ratinguser, ratingcomments, ratingtimestamp FROM " . $prefix . "_downloads_votedata WHERE ratinglid='$lid' AND ratingcomments != '' ORDER BY ratingtimestamp DESC");
$totalcomments = $db->sql_numrows($result4);
echo "<table valign=top width=100%>";
echo "<tr><td colspan=7><b>Download Comments (total comments: $totalcomments)</b><br><br></td></tr>";
echo "<tr><td width=20 colspan=1><b>User </b></td><td colspan=5><b>Comment </b></td><td><b><center>Delete</center></b></td><br></tr>";
if ($totalcomments == 0) echo "<tr><td colspan=7><center><font color=cccccc>No Comments<br></font></center></td></tr>";
while($row4 = $db->sql_fetchrow($result4)) {
$ratingdbid = intval($row4['ratingdbid']);
$ratinguser = $row4['ratinguser'];
$ratingcomments = stripslashes($row4['ratingcomments']);
$ratingtimestamp = $row4['ratingtimestamp'];
ereg ("([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{1,2})-([0-9]{1,2}) ([0-9]{1,2}):([0-9]{1,2}):([0-9]{1,2})", $ratingtimestamp, $ratingtime);
$ratingtime = strftime("%F",mktime($ratingtime[4],$ratingtime[5],$ratingtime[6],$ratingtime[2],$ratingtime[3],$ratingtime[1]));
$date_array = explode("-", $ratingtime);
$timestamp = mktime(0, 0, 0, $date_array["1"], $date_array["2"], $date_array["0"]);
$formatted_date = date("F j, Y", $timestamp);
echo "<tr><td valign=top bgcolor=$colorswitch>$ratinguser</td><td valign=top colspan=5 bgcolor=$colorswitch>$ratingcomments</td><td bgcolor=$colorswitch><center><b><a href=admin.php?op=DownloadsDelComment&lid=$lid&rid=$ratingdbid>X</a></b></center></td><br></tr>";
if ($colorswitch=="dddddd") $colorswitch="ffffff";
else $colorswitch="dddddd";

// Show Registered Users Votes
$result5 = $db->sql_query("SELECT ratingdbid, ratinguser, rating, ratinghostname, ratingtimestamp FROM " . $prefix . "_downloads_votedata WHERE ratinglid='$lid' AND ratinguser != 'outside' AND ratinguser != '$anonymous' ORDER BY ratingtimestamp DESC");
$totalvotes = $db->sql_numrows($result5);
echo "<tr><td colspan=7><br><br><b>Registered User Votes (total votes: $totalvotes)</b><br><br></td></tr>";
echo "<tr><td><b>User </b></td><td><b>IP Address </b></td><td><b>Rating </b></td><td><b>User AVG Rating </b></td><td><b>Total Ratings </b></td><td><b>Date </b></td></font></b><td><b><center>Delete</center></b></td><br></tr>";
if ($totalvotes == 0) echo "<tr><td colspan=7><center><font color=cccccc>No Registered User Votes<br></font></center></td></tr>";
while($row5 = $db->sql_fetchrow($result5)) {
$ratingdbid = intval($row5['ratingdbid']);
$ratinguser = $row5['ratinguser'];
$rating = intval($row5['rating']);
$ratinghostname = $row5['ratinghostname'];
$ratingtimestamp = $row5['ratingtimestamp'];
ereg ("([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{1,2})-([0-9]{1,2}) ([0-9]{1,2}):([0-9]{1,2}):([0-9]{1,2})", $ratingtimestamp, $ratingtime);
$ratingtime = strftime("%F",mktime($ratingtime[4],$ratingtime[5],$ratingtime[6],$ratingtime[2],$ratingtime[3],$ratingtime[1]));
$date_array = explode("-", $ratingtime);
$timestamp = mktime(0, 0, 0, $date_array["1"], $date_array["2"], $date_array["0"]);
$formatted_date = date("F j, Y", $timestamp);

//Individual user information
$result6 = $db->sql_query("SELECT rating FROM " . $prefix . "_downloads_votedata WHERE ratinguser = '$ratinguser'");
$usertotalcomments = $db->sql_numrows($result6);
$useravgrating = 0;
while($row6 = $db->sql_fetchrow($result6)) $useravgrating = $useravgrating + $rating2;
$rating2 = intval($row6['rating']);
$useravgrating = $useravgrating / $usertotalcomments;
$useravgrating = number_format($useravgrating, 1);
echo "<tr><td bgcolor=$colorswitch>$ratinguser</td><td bgcolor=$colorswitch>$ratinghostname</td><td bgcolor=$colorswitch>$rating</td><td bgcolor=$colorswitch>$useravgrating</td><td bgcolor=$colorswitch>$usertotalcomments</td><td bgcolor=$colorswitch>$formatted_date </font></b></td><td bgcolor=$colorswitch><center><b><a href=admin.php?op=DownloadsDelVote&lid=$lid&rid=$ratingdbid>X</a></b></center></td></tr><br>";
if ($colorswitch=="dddddd") $colorswitch="ffffff";
else $colorswitch="dddddd";

// Show Unregistered Users Votes
$lid = intval($lid);
$result7 = $db->sql_query("SELECT ratingdbid, rating, ratinghostname, ratingtimestamp FROM " . $prefix . "_downloads_votedata WHERE ratinglid='$lid' AND ratinguser = '$anonymous' ORDER BY ratingtimestamp DESC");
$totalvotes = $db->sql_numrows($result7);
echo "<tr><td colspan=7><b><br><br>Unregistered User Votes (total votes: $totalvotes)</b><br><br></td></tr>";
echo "<tr><td colspan=2><b>IP Address </b></td><td colspan=3><b>Rating </b></td><td><b>Date </b></font></td><td><b><center>Delete</center></b></td><br></tr>";
if ($totalvotes == 0) echo "<tr><td colspan=7><center><font color=cccccc>No Unregistered User Votes<br></font></center></td></tr>";
while($row7 = $db->sql_fetchrow($result7)) {
$ratingdbid = intval($row7['ratingdbid']);
$rating = intval($row7['rating']);
$ratinghostname = $row7['ratinghostname'];
$ratingtimestamp = $row7['ratingtimestamp'];
ereg ("([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{1,2})-([0-9]{1,2}) ([0-9]{1,2}):([0-9]{1,2}):([0-9]{1,2})", $ratingtimestamp, $ratingtime);
$ratingtime = strftime("%F",mktime($ratingtime[4],$ratingtime[5],$ratingtime[6],$ratingtime[2],$ratingtime[3],$ratingtime[1]));
$date_array = explode("-", $ratingtime);
$timestamp = mktime(0, 0, 0, $date_array["1"], $date_array["2"], $date_array["0"]);
$formatted_date = date("F j, Y", $timestamp);
echo "<td colspan=2 bgcolor=$colorswitch>$ratinghostname</td><td colspan=3 bgcolor=$colorswitch>$rating</td><td bgcolor=$colorswitch>$formatted_date </font></b></td><td bgcolor=$colorswitch><center><b><a href=admin.php?op=DownloadsDelVote&lid=$lid&rid=$ratingdbid>X</a></b></center></td></tr><br>";
if ($colorswitch=="dddddd") $colorswitch="ffffff";
else $colorswitch="dddddd";

// Show Outside Users Votes
$result8 = $db->sql_query("SELECT ratingdbid, rating, ratinghostname, ratingtimestamp FROM " . $prefix . "_downloads_votedata WHERE ratinglid='$lid' AND ratinguser = 'outside' ORDER BY ratingtimestamp DESC");
$totalvotes = $db->sql_numrows($result8);
echo "<tr><td colspan=7><b><br><br>Outside User Votes (total votes: $totalvotes)</b><br><br></td></tr>";
echo "<tr><td colspan=2><b>IP Address </b></td><td colspan=3><b>Rating </b></td><td><b>Date </b></td></font></b><td><b><center>Delete</center></b></td><br></tr>";
if ($totalvotes == 0) echo "<tr><td colspan=7><center><font color=cccccc>No Votes from Outside $sitename<br></font></center></td></tr>";
while($row8 = $db->sql_fetchrow($result8)) {
$ratingdbid = intval($row8['ratingdbid']);
$rating = intval($row8['rating']);
$ratinghostname = $row8['ratinghostname'];
$ratingtimestamp = $row8['ratingtimestamp'];
ereg ("([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{1,2})-([0-9]{1,2}) ([0-9]{1,2}):([0-9]{1,2}):([0-9]{1,2})", $ratingtimestamp, $ratingtime);
$ratingtime = strftime("%F",mktime($ratingtime[4],$ratingtime[5],$ratingtime[6],$ratingtime[2],$ratingtime[3],$ratingtime[1]));
$date_array = explode("-", $ratingtime);
$timestamp = mktime(0, 0, 0, $date_array["1"], $date_array["2"], $date_array["0"]);
$formatted_date = date("F j, Y", $timestamp);
echo "<tr><td colspan=2 bgcolor=$colorswitch>$ratinghostname</td><td colspan=3 bgcolor=$colorswitch>$rating</td><td bgcolor=$colorswitch>$formatted_date </font></b></td><td bgcolor=$colorswitch><center><b><a href=admin.php?op=DownloadsDelVote&lid=$lid&rid=$ratingdbid>X</a></b></center></td></tr><br>";
if ($colorswitch=="dddddd") $colorswitch="ffffff";
else $colorswitch="dddddd";

echo "<tr><td colspan=6><br></td></tr>";
echo "</table>";
echo "</form>";
echo "<br>";
include ("footer.php");

function DownloadsDelComment($lid, $rid) {
global $prefix, $db;
$lid = intval($lid);
$rid = intval($rid);
$db->sql_query("UPDATE " . $prefix . "_downloads_votedata SET ratingcomments='' WHERE ratingdbid='$rid'");
$db->sql_query("UPDATE " . $prefix . "_downloads_downloads SET totalcomments = (totalcomments - 1) WHERE lid='$lid'");
Header("Location: admin.php?op=DownloadsModDownload&lid=$lid");


function DownloadsDelVote($lid, $rid) {
global $prefix, $db;
$lid = intval($lid);
$rid = intval($rid);
$db->sql_query("delete from " . $prefix . "_downloads_votedata where ratingdbid='$rid'");
$voteresult = $db->sql_query("SELECT rating, ratinguser, ratingcomments FROM " . $prefix . "_downloads_votedata WHERE ratinglid='$lid'");
$totalvotesDB = $db->sql_numrows($voteresult);
include ("voteinclude.php");
$db->sql_query("UPDATE " . $prefix . "_downloads_downloads SET downloadratingsummary='$finalrating',totalvotes='$totalvotesDB',totalcomments='$truecomments' WHERE lid='$lid'");
Header("Location: admin.php?op=DownloadsModDownload&lid=$lid");

function DownloadsListBrokenDownloads() {
global $bgcolor1, $bgcolor2, $prefix, $db, $user_prefix;
include ("header.php");
echo "<center><font class=\"title\"><b>" . _WEBDOWNLOADSADMIN . "</b></font></center>";
echo "<br>";
$result = $db->sql_query("SELECT requestid, lid, modifysubmitter from " . $prefix . "_downloads_modrequest where brokendownload='1' order by requestid");
$totalbrokendownloads = $db->sql_numrows($result);
echo "<center><font class=\"content\"><b>" . _DUSERREPBROKEN . " ($totalbrokendownloads)</b></font></center><br><br><center>"
."" . _DIGNOREINFO . "<br>"
."" . _DDELETEINFO . "</center><br><br><br>"
."<table align=\"center\" width=\"450\">";
if ($totalbrokendownloads==0) {
echo "<center><font class=\"content\">" . _DNOREPORTEDBROKEN . "</font></center><br><br><br>";
} else {
$colorswitch = $bgcolor2;
echo "<tr>"
."<td><b>" . _DOWNLOAD . "</b></td>"
."<td><b>" . _SUBMITTER . "</b></td>"
."<td><b>" . _DOWNLOADOWNER . "</b></td>"
."<td><b>" . _IGNORE . "</b></td>"
."<td><b>" . _DELETE . "</b></td>"
."<td><b>" . _EDIT . "</b></td>"
while($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) {
$requestid = intval($row['requestid']);
$lid = intval($row['lid']);
$modifysubmitter = $row['modifysubmitter'];
$result2 = $db->sql_query("SELECT title, url, submitter from " . $prefix . "_downloads_downloads where lid='$lid'");
if ($modifysubmitter != '$anonymous') {
$row3 = $db->sql_fetchrow($db->sql_query("SELECT user_email from " . $user_prefix . "_users where username='$modifysubmitter'"));
$email = stripslashes($row3['user_email']);
$row2 = $db->sql_fetchrow($result2);
$title = stripslashes($row2['title']);
$url = $row2['url'];
$owner = $row2['submitter'];
$row4 = $db->sql_fetchrow($db->sql_query("SELECT user_email from " . $user_prefix . "_users where username='$owner'"));
$owneremail = stripslashes($row4['user_email']);
echo "<tr>"
."<td bgcolor=\"$colorswitch\"><a href=\"$url\">$title</a>"
if ($email=='') {
echo "<td bgcolor=\"$colorswitch\">$modifysubmitter";
} else {
echo "<td bgcolor=\"$colorswitch\"><a href=\"mailto:$email\">$modifysubmitter</a>";
echo "</td>";
if ($owneremail=='') {
echo "<td bgcolor=\"$colorswitch\">$owner";
} else {
echo "<td bgcolor=\"$colorswitch\"><a href=\"mailto:$owneremail\">$owner</a>";
echo "</td>"
."<td bgcolor=\"$colorswitch\"><center><a href=\"admin.php?op=DownloadsIgnoreBrokenDownloads&amp;lid=$lid\">X</a></center>"
."<td bgcolor=\"$colorswitch\"><center><a href=\"admin.php?op=DownloadsDelBrokenDownloads&amp;lid=$lid\">X</a></center>"
."<td bgcolor=\"$colorswitch\"><center><a href=\"admin.php?op=DownloadsModDownload&amp;lid=$lid\">X</a></center>"
if ($colorswitch == $bgcolor2) {
$colorswitch = $bgcolor1;
} else {
$colorswitch = $bgcolor2;
echo "</table>";
include ("footer.php");

function DownloadsDelBrokenDownloads($lid) {
global $prefix, $db;
$lid = intval($lid);
$db->sql_query("delete from " . $prefix . "_downloads_modrequest where lid='$lid'");
$db->sql_query("delete from " . $prefix . "_downloads_downloads where lid='$lid'");
Header("Location: admin.php?op=DownloadsListBrokenDownloads");

function DownloadsIgnoreBrokenDownloads($lid) {
global $prefix, $db;
$lid = intval($lid);
$db->sql_query("delete from " . $prefix . "_downloads_modrequest where lid='$lid' and brokendownload='1'");
Header("Location: admin.php?op=DownloadsListBrokenDownloads");

function DownloadsListModRequests() {
global $bgcolor2, $prefix, $db, $user_prefix;
$lid = intval($lid);
include ("header.php");
echo "<center><font class=\"title\"><b>" . _WEBDOWNLOADSADMIN . "</b></font></center>";
echo "<br>";
$result = $db->sql_query("SELECT requestid, lid, cid, sid, title, url, description, modifysubmitter, name, email, filesize, version, homepage from " . $prefix . "_downloads_modrequest where brokendownload='0' order by requestid");
$totalmodrequests = $db->sql_numrows($result);
echo "<center><font class=\"content\"><b>" . _DUSERMODREQUEST . " ($totalmodrequests)</b></font></center><br><br><br>";
echo "<table width=\"95%\"><tr><td>";
while($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) {
$requestid = intval($row['requestid']);
$lid = intval($row['lid']);
$cid = intval($row['cid']);
$sid = intval($row['sid']);
$title = stripslashes($row['title']);
$url = $row['url'];
$description = stripslashes($row['description']);
$modifysubmitter = $row['modifysubmitter'];
$name = $row['name'];
$email = stripslashes($row['email']);
$filesize = $row['filesize'];
$version = $row['version'];
$homepage = $row['homepage'];
$row2 = $db->sql_fetchrow($db->sql_query("SELECT cid, sid, title, url, description, name, email, submitter, filesize, version, homepage from " . $prefix . "_downloads_downloads where lid='$lid'"));
$origcid = intval($row2['cid']);
$origsid = intval($row2['sid']);
$origtitle = stripslashes($row2['title']);
$origurl = $row2['url'];
$origdescription = stripslashes($row2['description']);
$origname = $row2['name'];
$origemail = stripslashes($row2['email']);
$owner = $row2['submitter'];
$origfilesize = $row2['filesize'];
$origversion = $row2['version'];
$orighomepage = $row2['homepage'];
$result3 = $db->sql_query("SELECT title from " . $prefix . "_downloads_categories where cid='$cid'");
$result5 = $db->sql_query("SELECT title from " . $prefix . "_downloads_categories where cid='$origcid'");
$result7 = $db->sql_query("SELECT user_email from " . $user_prefix . "_users where username='$modifysubmitter'");
$result8 = $db->sql_query("SELECT user_email from " . $user_prefix . "_users where username='$owner'");
$row3 = $db->sql_fetchrow($result3);
$cidtitle = stripslashes($row3['title']);
$row5 = $db->sql_fetchrow($result5);
$origcidtitle = stripslashes($row5['title']);
$row7 = $db->sql_fetchrow($result7);
$modifysubmitteremail = stripslashes($row7['user_email']);
$row8 = $db->sql_fetchrow($result8);
$owneremail = stripslashes($row8['user_email']);
if ($owner=="") {
if ($origsidtitle=="") {
$origsidtitle= "-----";
if ($sidtitle=="") {
$sidtitle= "-----";
echo "<table border=\"1\" bordercolor=\"black\" cellpadding=\"5\" cellspacing=\"0\" align=\"center\" width=\"450\">"
."<table width=\"100%\" bgcolor=\"$bgcolor2\">"
."<td valign=\"top\" width=\"45%\"><b>" . _ORIGINAL . "</b></td>"
."<td rowspan=\"10\" valign=\"top\" align=\"left\"><font class=\"tiny\"><br>" . _DESCRIPTION . ":<br>$origdescription</font></td>"
."<tr><td valign=\"top\" width=\"45%\"><font class=\"tiny\">" . _TITLE . ": $origtitle</td></tr>"
."<tr><td valign=\"top\" width=\"45%\"><font class=\"tiny\">" . _URL . ": <a href=\"$origurl\">$origurl</a></td></tr>"
."<tr><td valign=\"top\" width=\"45%\"><font class=\"tiny\">" . _CATEGORY . ": $origcidtitle</td></tr>"
."<tr><td valign=\"top\" width=\"45%\"><font class=\"tiny\">" . _SUBCATEGORY . ": $origsidtitle</td></tr>"
."<tr><td valign=\"top\" width=\"45%\"><font class=\"tiny\">" . _AUTHORNAME . ": $origname</td></tr>"
."<tr><td valign=\"top\" width=\"45%\"><font class=\"tiny\">" . _AUTHOREMAIL . ": $origemail</td></tr>"
."<tr><td valign=\"top\" width=\"45%\"><font class=\"tiny\">" . _FILESIZE . ": $origfilesize</td></tr>"
."<tr><td valign=\"top\" width=\"45%\"><font class=\"tiny\">" . _VERSION . ": $origversion</td></tr>"
."<tr><td valign=\"top\" width=\"45%\"><font class=\"tiny\">" . _HOMEPAGE . ": <a href=\"$orighomepage\" target=\"new\">$orighomepage</a></td></tr>"
."<table width=\"100%\">"
."<td valign=\"top\" width=\"45%\"><b>" . _PROPOSED . "</b></td>"
."<td rowspan=\"10\" valign=\"top\" align=\"left\"><font class=\"tiny\"><br>" . _DESCRIPTION . ":<br>$description</font></td>"
."<tr><td valign=\"top\" width=\"45%\"><font class=\"tiny\">" . _TITLE . ": $title</td></tr>"
."<tr><td valign=\"top\" width=\"45%\"><font class=\"tiny\">" . _URL . ": <a href=\"$url\">$url</a></td></tr>"
."<tr><td valign=\"top\" width=\"45%\"><font class=\"tiny\">" . _CATEGORY . ": $cidtitle</td></tr>"
."<tr><td valign=\"top\" width=\"45%\"><font class=\"tiny\">" . _SUBCATEGORY . ": $sidtitle</td></tr>"
."<tr><td valign=\"top\" width=\"45%\"><font class=\"tiny\">" . _AUTHORNAME . ": $name</td></tr>"
."<tr><td valign=\"top\" width=\"45%\"><font class=\"tiny\">" . _AUTHOREMAIL . ": $email</td></tr>"
."<tr><td valign=\"top\" width=\"45%\"><font class=\"tiny\">" . _FILESIZE . ": $filesize</td></tr>"
."<tr><td valign=\"top\" width=\"45%\"><font class=\"tiny\">" . _VERSION . ": $version</td></tr>"
."<tr><td valign=\"top\" width=\"45%\"><font class=\"tiny\">" . _HOMEPAGE . ": <a href=\"$homepage\" target=\"new\">$homepage</a></td></tr>"
."<table align=\"center\" width=\"450\">"
if ($modifysubmitteremail=="") {
echo "<td align=\"left\"><font class=\"tiny\">" . _SUBMITTER . ": $modifysubmitter</font></td>";
} else {
echo "<td align=\"left\"><font class=\"tiny\">" . _SUBMITTER . ": <a href=\"mailto:$modifysubmitteremail\">$modifysubmitter</a></font></td>";
if ($owneremail=="") {
echo "<td align=\"center\"><font class=\"tiny\">" . _OWNER . ": $owner</font></td>";
} else {
echo "<td align=\"center\"><font class=\"tiny\">" . _OWNER . ": <a href=\"mailto:$owneremail\">$owner</a></font></td>";
echo "<td align=\"right\"><font class=\"tiny\">( <a href=\"admin.php?op=DownloadsChangeModRequests&amp;requestid=$requestid\">" . _ACCEPT . "</a> / <a href=\"admin.php?op=DownloadsChangeIgnoreRequests&amp;requestid=$requestid\">" . _IGNORE . "</a> )</font></td></tr></table><br><br>";
if ($totalmodrequests == 0) {
echo "<center>" . _NOMODREQUESTS . "<br><br>"
."" . _GOBACK . "<br><br></center>";
echo "</td></tr></table>";
include ("footer.php");

function DownloadsChangeModRequests($requestid) {
global $prefix, $db;
$requestid = intval($requestid);
$result = $db->sql_query("SELECT requestid, lid, cid, sid, title, url, description, name, email, filesize, version, homepage from " . $prefix . "_downloads_modrequest where requestid='$requestid'");
while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) {
$requestid = intval($row['requestid']);
$lid = intval($row['lid']);
$cid = intval($row['cid']);
$sid = intval($row['sid']);
$title = stripslashes($row['title']);
$url = $row['url'];
$description = stripslashes($row['description']);
$name = $row['name'];
$email = stripslashes($row['email']);
$filesize = $row['filesize'];
$version = $row['version'];
$homepage = $row['homepage'];
$db->sql_query("UPDATE " . $prefix . "_downloads_downloads SET cid='$cid', sid='$sid', title='$title', url='$url', description='$description', name='$name', email='$email', filesize='$filesize', version='$version', homepage='$homepage' WHERE lid='$lid'");
$db->sql_query("delete from " . $prefix . "_downloads_modrequest where requestid='$requestid'");
Header("Location: admin.php?op=DownloadsListModRequests");

function DownloadsChangeIgnoreRequests($requestid) {
global $prefix, $db;
$requestid = intval($requestid);
$db->sql_query("delete from " . $prefix . "_downloads_modrequest where requestid='$requestid'");
Header("Location: admin.php?op=DownloadsListModRequests");

function DownloadsCleanVotes() {
global $prefix, $db;
$lid = intval($lid);
$result = $db->sql_query("SELECT distinct ratin


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