Installing 7.8....evidently i cant do it

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#1   Installing 7.8....evidently i cant do it
CZ Newbie
MG-Strate has been a member for over 18 year's 18 Year Member
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I dont understand what I have done wrong. Ive followed the install instructions on the how to adn the one that comes with the nuke package. But it still wont work right. Ive modified the config.php and setup the database but the database remains empty and I dont know how to fix it.

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#2   re: Installing 7.8....evidently i cant do it
CZ Wiz
 Codezwiz Site Donator
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Welcome to CZ MG-Strate, Did you run the nuke.sql through phpMyAdmin and into your nuke database after you created the database? I highly recomend using Nuke 7.6 patched 3.1 instead of Nuke 7.8 for a variety of reasons...mostly concerning security.

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#3   re: Installing 7.8....evidently i cant do it
CZ Newbie
MG-Strate has been a member for over 18 year's 18 Year Member
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I did run the .sql through the phpnyadmin however it had no effect. The site still said there was a problem with the sql database and i was still unable to get anywhere.

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#4   re: Installing 7.8....evidently i cant do it
CZ Wiz
 Codezwiz Site Donator
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So the database is empty after selecting the Nuke db in the dropdown box in phpMyAdmin? There are no tables?

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#5   re: Installing 7.8....evidently i cant do it
CZ Newbie
MG-Strate has been a member for over 18 year's 18 Year Member
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Ok, so i went back and uploaded the SQL into the database and it made 94 thats a first

but the site still doesnt work, it still comes up with an error message about the MySQL database...

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#6   re: Installing 7.8....evidently i cant do it
CZ Wiz
 Codezwiz Site Donator
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Recheck your config.php file and make sure all is correct there...database name, etc.
# Database & System Config
# dbhost:       SQL Database Hostname
# dbuname:      SQL Username
# dbpass:       SQL Password
# dbname:       SQL Database Name
# $prefix:      Your Database table's prefix
# $user_prefix: Your Users' Database table's prefix (To share it)
# $dbtype:      Your Database Server type. Supported servers are:
#               MySQL, mysql4, sqlite, postgres, mssql, oracle,
#               msaccess, db2 and mssql-odbc
#               Be sure to write it exactly as above, case SeNsItIvE!
# $sitekey:   Security Key. CHANGE it to whatever you want, as long
#               as you want. Just don't use quotes.
# $gfx_chk:   Set the graphic security code on every login screen,
#      You need to have GD extension installed:
#      0: No check
#      1: Administrators login only
#      2: Users login only
#      3: New users registration only
#      4: Both, users login and new users registration only
#      5: Administrators and users login only
#      6: Administrators and new users registration only
#      7: Everywhere on all login options (Admins and Users)
#      NOTE: If you aren't sure set this value to 0
# $subscription_url: If you manage subscriptions on your site, you
#                    must write here the url of the subscription
#                    information/renewal page. This will send by
#                    email if set.
# $admin_file: Administration panel filename. "admin" by default for
#            "admin.php". To improve security please rename the file
#              "admin.php" and change the $admin_file value to the
#              new filename (without the extension .php)
# $tipath:          Path to where the topic images are stored.
# $nuke_editor: Turn On/Off the WYSIWYG text editor
#               0: Off, textareas in forms will not show any editor
#               1: On, all textarea in the forms will show the editor
# $display_errors:  Debug control to see PHP generated errors.
#                   false: Don't show errors
#                   true: See all errors ( No notices )

$dbhost = "localhost";
$dbname = "THE DATABASE NAME";
$prefix = "nuke";
$user_prefix = "nuke";
$dbtype = "MySQL";
$sitekey = "SStgF54$3@+%288-982%/(-derThsR-23";
$gfx_chk = 0;
$subscription_url = "";
$admin_file = "admin";
$tipath = "images/topics/";
$nuke_editor = 1;
$display_errors = false;

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#7   re: Installing 7.8....evidently i cant do it
CZ Newbie
MG-Strate has been a member for over 18 year's 18 Year Member
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Ok, i double checked the config.php and everything is correct..yet still nothing =(

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#8   re: Installing 7.8....evidently i cant do it
CZ Wiz
 Codezwiz Site Donator
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Well if your tables are in the database and your config.php file is correct then it must be server side, you may want to contact your webhost.

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#9   re: Installing 7.8....evidently i cant do it
CZ Newbie
MG-Strate has been a member for over 18 year's 18 Year Member
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But this makes no sense, i installed the 7.6 fine a few months back and ive used the same setup structure for the other site, which is running fine. So if it was server side wouldnt the other site not work as well?

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#10   Re: re: Installing 7.8....evidently i cant do it
CZ Wiz
 Codezwiz Site Donator
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Originally posted by MG-Strate @ Sun Dec 25, 2005 9:20 pm:

But this makes no sense, i installed the 7.6 fine a few months back and ive used the same setup structure for the other site, which is running fine. So if it was server side wouldnt the other site not work as well?

How many SQL databases does your webhost offer? And you didn't mention you had another nuke site up running fine.

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