Removeing left and right panes

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#1   Removeing left and right panes
CZ Newbie
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Hi All,

I am wanting to remove the blocks from the left and right side when the forum and a few other modules are viewd.

Where and what do I edit to make this happen.


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#2   re: Removeing left and right panes
CZ Addict
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In your theme.php find


Here is an example of my current one. See if you can mod it to fit your needs

    if (($name=='Forums') OR ($name=='Private_Messages') OR ($name=='Your_Account') OR ($name=='Downloads')  OR ($name=='Supporters') OR ($name=='Members_List') OR ($name=='Topics') OR ($name=='gallery2')){
} else {

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#3   re: Removeing left and right panes
CZ Newbie
SNKMST has been a member for over 17 year's 17 Year Member
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Thanks floppydrivez here is my theme.php,

I changed the code as you described but the left and right panes are still there.


$bgcolor1 = "#efefef";
$bgcolor2 = "#cfcfbb";
$bgcolor3 = "#efefef";
$bgcolor4 = "#cfcfbb";
$textcolor1 = "#FFFFFF";
$textcolor2 = "#FFFFFF";


/* Function themeheader()                                   */
/*                                                          */
/* Control the header for your site. You need to define the */
/* BODY tag and in some part of the code call the blocks    */
/* function for left side with: blocks(left);               */

function themeheader() {
    global $user, $banners, $sitename, $slogan, $cookie, $prefix, $dbi;
    $username = $cookie[1];
    if ($username == "") {
        $username = "Anonymous";
    echo "<body bgcolor=\"#505050\" text=\"#000000\" link=\"#363636\" vlink=\"#363636\" alink=\"#d5ae83\">";
    if ($banners == 1) {
    $topics_list = "<select name=\"new_topic\" onChange='submit()'>\n";
    $topics_list .= "<option value=\"\">All Topics</option>\n";
    $toplist = sql_query("select topicid, topictext from ".$prefix."_topics order by topictext", $dbi);
    while(list($topicid, $topics) = sql_fetch_row($toplist, $dbi)) {
    if ($topicid==$topic) { $sel = "selected "; }
   $topics_list .= "<option $sel value=\"$topicid\">$topics</option>\n";
   $sel = "";
    if ($username == "Anonymous") {
   $theuser = "&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href=\"modules.php?name=Your_Account&op=new_user\">Create an account";
    } else {
   $theuser = "&nbsp;&nbsp;Welcome $username!";
    $public_msg = public_message();
    $tmpl_file = "themes/9647/header.html";
    $thefile = implode("", file($tmpl_file));
    $thefile = addslashes($thefile);
    $thefile = "\$r_file=\"".$thefile."\";";
    print $r_file;
        if (($name=='Forums') OR ($name=='Downloads')){
   } else {
    $tmpl_file = "themes/9647/left_center.html";
    $thefile = implode("", file($tmpl_file));
    $thefile = addslashes($thefile);
    $thefile = "\$r_file=\"".$thefile."\";";
    print $r_file;

/* Function themefooter()                                   */
/*                                                          */
/* Control the footer for your site. You don't need to      */
/* close BODY and HTML tags at the end. In some part call   */
/* the function for right blocks with: blocks(right);       */
/* Also, $index variable need to be global and is used to   */
/* determine if the page your're viewing is the Homepage or */
/* and internal one.                                        */

function themefooter() {
    global $index, $foot1, $foot2, $foot3, $copyright, $totaltime;
    //if ($index == 1) {
   $tmpl_file = "themes/9647/center_right.html";
   $thefile = implode("", file($tmpl_file));
   $thefile = addslashes($thefile);
   $thefile = "\$r_file=\"".$thefile."\";";
   print $r_file;
    $footer_message = "$foot1<br>$foot2<br>$foot3<br>$copyright<br>$totaltime";
    $tmpl_file = "themes/9647/footer.html";
    $thefile = implode("", file($tmpl_file));
    $thefile = addslashes($thefile);
    $thefile = "\$r_file=\"".$thefile."\";";
    print $r_file;

/* Function themeindex()                                    */
/*                                                          */
/* This function format the stories on the Homepage         */

function themeindex ($aid, $informant, $time, $title, $counter, $topic, $thetext, $notes, $morelink, $topicname, $topicimage, $topictext) {
    global $anonymous, $tipath;
    $ThemeSel = get_theme();
    if (file_exists("themes/$ThemeSel/images/topics/$topicimage")) {
   $t_image = "themes/$ThemeSel/images/topics/$topicimage";
    } else {
   $t_image = "$tipath$topicimage";
    if ($notes != "") {
   $notes = "<br><br><b>"._NOTE."</b> <i>$notes</i>\n";
    } else {
   $notes = "";
    if ("$aid" == "$informant") {
   $content = "$thetext$notes\n";
    } else {
   if($informant != "") {
       $content = "<a href=\"modules.php?name=Your_Account&amp;op=userinfo&amp;username=$informant\">$informant</a> ";
   } else {
       $content = "$anonymous ";
   $content .= ""._WRITES." <i>\"$thetext\"</i>$notes\n";
    $posted = ""._POSTEDBY." ";
    $posted .= get_author($aid);
    $posted .= " "._ON." $time $timezone ($counter "._READS.")";
    $tmpl_file = "themes/9647/story_home.html";
    $thefile = implode("", file($tmpl_file));
    $thefile = addslashes($thefile);
    $thefile = "\$r_file=\"".$thefile."\";";
    print $r_file;

/* Function themearticle()                                  */
/*                                                          */
/* This function format the stories on the story page, when */
/* you click on that "Read More..." link in the home        */

function themearticle ($aid, $informant, $datetime, $title, $thetext, $topic, $topicname, $topicimage, $topictext) {
    global $admin, $sid, $tipath;
    $ThemeSel = get_theme();
    if (file_exists("themes/$ThemeSel/images/topics/$topicimage")) {
   $t_image = "themes/$ThemeSel/images/topics/$topicimage";
    } else {
   $t_image = "$tipath$topicimage";
    $posted = ""._POSTEDON." $datetime "._BY." ";
    $posted .= get_author($aid);
    if ($notes != "") {
   $notes = "<br><br><b>"._NOTE."</b> <i>$notes</i>\n";
    } else {
   $notes = "";
    if ("$aid" == "$informant") {
   $content = "$thetext$notes\n";
    } else {
   if($informant != "") {
       $content = "<a href=\"modules.php?name=Your_Account&amp;op=userinfo&amp;username=$informant\">$informant</a> ";
   } else {
       $content = "$anonymous ";
   $content .= ""._WRITES." <i>\"$thetext\"</i>$notes\n";
    $tmpl_file = "themes/9647/story_page.html";
    $thefile = implode("", file($tmpl_file));
    $thefile = addslashes($thefile);
    $thefile = "\$r_file=\"".$thefile."\";";
    print $r_file;

/* Function themesidebox()                                  */
/*                                                          */
/* Control look of your blocks. Just simple.                */

function themesidebox($title, $content) {
    $tmpl_file = "themes/9647/blocks.html";
    $thefile = implode("", file($tmpl_file));
    $thefile = addslashes($thefile);
    $thefile = "\$r_file=\"".$thefile."\";";
    print $r_file;


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Change this line:

function themeheader() {
    global $user, $banners, $sitename, $slogan, $cookie, $prefix, $dbi;

To this:

function themeheader() {
    global $user, $banners, $sitename, $slogan, $cookie, $prefix, $dbi, $name;

The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he, who in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee. Ezekiel 25:17
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