Images not showing keeps removing image code

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#1   Images not showing keeps removing image code
CZ Newbie
Travisty has been a member for over 15 year's 15 Year Member
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ok ive just installed php-nuke 7.9 and put on xduty theme, it allowed me to add my header banner but in every module,news post,block, or even advertisment banners will not show.

example: i go to admin menu, blocks admin, new block, title it, skip rss feeds rss url since i dont have one and it would cut out anything els i added to the block, go in to html editor and put in: <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" width="560" height="95" /></a> click ok/save it shows the image in the box editor then i click ok/activate block it removes the image and only leaves regular text, so i go and redit the block go to html editor and find it has completely removed the image code and left coding: <div><a href=""></a></div><br />
any suggestions on how to fix?

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#2   Re: Images not showing keeps removing image code
CZ Newbie
Travisty has been a member for over 15 year's 15 Year Member
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Originally posted by Travisty @ Sun Jul 26, 2009 9:17 pm:

ok ive just installed php-nuke 7.9 and put on xduty theme, it allowed me to add my header banner but in every module,news post,block, or even advertisment banners will not show.

example: i go to admin menu, blocks admin, new block, title it, skip rss feeds rss url since i dont have one and it would cut out anything els i added to the block, go in to html editor and put in: click ok/save it shows the image in the box editor then i click ok/activate block it removes the image and only leaves regular text, so i go and redit the block go to html editor and find it has completely removed the image code and left coding:

any suggestions on how to fix?
Fixed the issue! huzza for messing aroung

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