Need an image and button for my myleague template.

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#1   Need an image and button for my myleague template.
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Ruby2sdae2 has been a member for over 19 year's 19 Year Member
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I purchased the template called coming home for my myleague page. I was wondering why it doesnt include the main picture that is shown on the sample template and am I able to get that cause I really like it! Also Can you make it say Turbo inSanity also why does the button at the bottom say sample button? Please contact me at [ Register or login to view links on this board. ]

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#2   re: Need an image and button for my myleague template.
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Thanks for purchasing the template. icon_mrgreen.gif

The image you see in the picture sample is called mainimg and is included in the zip files. The logo (which is different than the mainimg) will be customized to have your league's name, "Turbo Insanity", on it and that is the one you upload to the logo editor in your admin menu.

The sample button is there merely to show how it is going to "look" like. You have a choice of 8 customized button images. I will also include a blank just in case you don't like the font I used, and if you have a graphics editor, you can just add your text on to it. icon_mrgreen.gif What text would you like to be placed on them?

I will email you the images today after I get your reply and if you have any other questions, just post them here.

Thanks again and welcome to Codezwiz.


P.S. I sent an email to you as well as posting here.

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#3   re: Need an image and button for my myleague template.
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Ruby2sdae2 has been a member for over 19 year's 19 Year Member
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Thank for your reply. That is odd because I thought since it said mainimg.jpg on the page it would be in the package I downloaded but its not. I have downloaded the link 3 times and mainimg isnt included in the zip package anywhere. Also I am having other problems that I didn't list in the first post. I uploaded the main.txt to my file manager in my website and before I even edit it I am trying to save it in my file manager and it won't allow me to saying it has errors. I was able to upload the left one and its already edited and saved on actually on my league page. I am not familiar enough with html to be able to detect what the error is and fix it myself so I would appreciate it if you could help this dummy icon_biggrin.gif

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#4   re: Need an image and button for my myleague template.
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May I get a URL to your league page please and the url to where you are uploading the main text to.

also, I dl'd the same zip file and the mainimg.jpg is there, nonetheless, I will include it when I email you the button images. Have you thought of what the text would be for the buttons?


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#5   re: Need an image and button for my myleague template.
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Ruby2sdae2 has been a member for over 19 year's 19 Year Member
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hmmm what should the buttons say? lol..I am a Gump at its finest. I will redownload the link I got when I bought the template and try to find the mainimg again. Thanks so much

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#6   re: Need an image and button for my myleague template.
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Buttons can say, TOC winners then below it you can have your list of people who have won that, BOTS winners...same as above or anything else your league is having like Tour Specials or maybe a link to a picture gallery, etc.

We're all here to help if you need it, whether it's for this template or not. But for the forums you have posted, this is mainly for images. You can also email me directly for help in uploading the template to your league site. icon_biggrin.gif


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#7   re: Need an image and button for my myleague template.
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Ruby2sdae2 has been a member for over 19 year's 19 Year Member
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Thanks so much I redownloaded the zip file and found the main image. It was 4 am when I was working on this lol. Ok the button at the bottom maybe have it say TOC winners. Also I am wanting to put jump boxes and loss box and HTD/TD log in boxes and pretty much figured it out but wanted to make sure it was okay to add it into that code that I purchased from you? Thanks so much.

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#8   re: Need an image and button for my myleague template.
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wow! people sleep where you are from? lol j/k

Sure, that can be worked in there. Virtually anything can! So, let me get this straight, you want:

TOC Winners
Report Loss
Jump Box
HTD Login
TD Login

that's 5...anything else you can think of? I'll send those 5 buttons off to you along with your logo. Just repost the other 3 button texts back here once you have decided on what they will be icon_wink.gif

Btw, what's your league URL? And thanks again....


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#9   re: Need an image and button for my myleague template.
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Ruby2sdae2 has been a member for over 19 year's 19 Year Member
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[ Register or login to view links on this board. ] is the league page. I found the jump boxes and report loss boxes and the td/htd login boxes on admin101 but i would really like them to match the background color cause they are bright blue and look pretty bad compared to the background. Thank you.

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#10   re: Need an image and button for my myleague template.
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I'll include the steps to fix the colors of the login boxes and the jump boxes in the email icon_wink.gif


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