Shop Mod wlth bult ln Points dlscontlnued support....

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#1   Shop Mod wlth bult ln Points dlscontlnued support....
CZ Super Newbie
Horror-Code has been a member for over 18 year's 18 Year Member
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For the ShopModWithPHPNukePointSystem from [ Register or login to view links on this board. ] He cant help me now so maybe someone here can lead me ln the rlght dlrectlon. l would prefer a mod such as thls thats compatable wlth cash mod. l just want to be able to have a shop that worx wlth the polnts and the arcade v302 from nukearcade but glves polnts for arcade. Any ldeas and my soul ls cant help me no one has any clues...

and yes lve trled every other slte...

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#2   re: Shop Mod wlth bult ln Points dlscontlnued support....
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XERXES has been a member for over 20 year's 20 Year Member
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This may be what you are looking for:

Shop Mod 2.6.0
Description: This mod requires the points mod OR cash mod version 2.x if you dont have this then download it from [ Register or login to view links on this board. ] This will add a full Store (shop) to your Forums with an admin control panel to set the configuration. Everything is configurable just a great addon to have for your Forums. You stock it and users buy items with thier user points. Shows bought items in the users profile and in the veiwtopic profile.
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#3   re: Shop Mod wlth bult ln Points dlscontlnued support....
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Horror-Code has been a member for over 18 year's 18 Year Member
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the lnstall says lts not for cash mod? do they lntegrate?

nVM seems theres 2 verslons. but lt worx wlth cash mod 2.2.1 and bult ln polnts rlght?

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#4   re: Shop Mod wlth bult ln Points dlscontlnued support....
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Yes, this version of the Shop module will work with CashMod 2.2.1 with no problem. With some minor modifications it will work with the built-in Nuke Points system also.

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#5   re: Shop Mod wlth bult ln Points dlscontlnued support....
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Alrlghty lets just say l have no ldea what to modlfy. And lm wantlng somethlng of the sort thats here;eg. l want a cash mod and/or shop mod that not only lntegrates wlth nu-polnts but also the arcade.... l see you have done somethlng of the sort here but ls there any chance lt could ever be released as a very dlfflcult mod... l realze lts alot of edltlng but lf lts a possabllty lm down...

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#6   re: Shop Mod wlth bult ln Points dlscontlnued support....
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I believe the Cash Mod allows you to add giving points to users of the arcade as it is, if I'm not mistaken. If you want to award points to arcade users using the built-in Nuke points system, then you might try this add-on by Telli:

Forum Arcade Points Add-on
Description: This is an add-on for the Forums Arcade. Allows charging of points points for highscore and points for top score (plus some extras). The Arcade Menu V1 is also included with a on/off swith for it. Very easy to install.
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It's real easy to install, plus you get a cool Arcade menu above your forums.

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Perfect. All l wanted ls thls so l can have the shop wlth the bult ln polnts and lt glves polnts for the arcade. Great support; you reply much faster than any slte. Your support ls greatly appreclated;humpppppppppppp

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#8   re: Shop Mod wlth bult ln Points dlscontlnued support....
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Fantastic! Glad I could be of help. icon_biggrin.gif

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whaaaa... lnstalled perfect and everythlng ls great except for one major problem... every page loads except for lndex... l get an Error 500: Script Execution Failure... what could have caused thls lol. l searched and all permlslons seem normal 755...

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#10   re: Shop Mod wlth bult ln Points dlscontlnued support....
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alll l flgured out ls that every page that does NOT have rlght slde blox loads... whats the deal? hmmmm... thanx agaln

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